

单词 210-ps-elfer



OC spray


diethyl ether C2H5OC2H5
它将巴教研网与尼泊尔等外国研究 和教育网络连接起来。
It connects PERN with foreign research and education networks such as the one in Nepal.
A USD755 Million 1 & 3-year syndicated revolving credit facility for Mercuria Energy Trading Pte Ltd was signed yesterday with overwhelming support from 29 international banks.
(j) 草案第 28 条修订条例附表 7,规定建筑物经理人开立和维持 一个或多於一个以法团为客户的独立户口,以持有就建筑物管 理而收到的款项;规定建筑物经理人不得订立某些合约,除非 该等合约符合经修订的条例第 20A 条;并使该附表只适用於终 止在建筑物公契指明管理该建筑物的经理人的委任。
(j) Clause 28 amends Schedule 7 to the BMO to require the manager of a building to open and maintain one or more segregated accounts for money received in respect of the management of the building with the OC as the client, require that the manager of a building must not enter into a contract unless it complies with the amended section 20A of the BMO, and make the Schedule applicable only in relation to the termination of the appointment of the manager who is specified in a DMC of a building to manage the building.
2002 年建立的巴基斯坦教育和研究网络( 巴教研网) 通过光纤宽带网络与60 所公立大学联网。
Implemented in 2002, the Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) is connected with 60 public sector universities via a fibre-optic broadband network.
助理署长(4)负责检讨和制定私人大厦管理方面的政 策;与有关的专业团体联络,以便就大厦管理和业主立案法 团 (下称“法团”)事宜,为业主和住户提供专业意见和服务; 监察和统筹有关施行《建筑物管理条例》(下称“《条例》”) 的事宜;检讨和制定有关旅馆、会社和床位寓所发牌事宜的 政策;监督牌照事务处执行有关旅馆、会社和床位寓所的发 牌制度;统筹有关市区重建及市区重建局的工作;以及制定 有关互助委员会的政策。
ADHA(4) is responsible for reviewing and formulating policy on private building management (BM), liaising with relevant professional bodies on the provision of professional advice and services to building owners and residents on BM and Owners’ Corporation (OC) matters, monitoring and co-ordinating the implementation of the Building Management Ordinance (BMO), reviewing and formulating policy on the licensing of hotels, guesthouses, clubs and bedspaces, supervising the Office of the Licensing Authority in enforcing the licensing regimes for hotels, guesthouses, clubs and bedspace apartments, coordinating the work relating to urban renewal and the Urban Renewal Authority, as well as formulating policy on Mutual Aid Committees (MACs).
When you finish your English course you can choose to sit for one of the major internationally recognised tests, including the Cambridge Test (CAE), the Pearson test (PTE) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
版权所有© 2012 TÜV南德意志集团亚太有限公司。
All rights reserved © 2012 TÜV SÜD Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
乙) 郑维志、郑维新、郑文彪及郑维强诸位先生均为一家族信托基金之受益人,该信托基金之资产包括间 接拥有由 Brave Dragon Limited 及 Wing Tai Garment Manufactory (Singapore) Pte Limited 实益拥有之 110,595,862股本公司股份,详情已在下列「主要股东」内载述。
CHENG Wai Chee, Christopher, CHENG Wai Sun, Edward, CHENG Man Piu, Francis and CHENG Wai Keung were beneficiaries of a trust which assets include indirect interests in 110,595,862 shares of the Company beneficially owned by Brave Dragon Limited and Wing Tai Garment Manufactory (Singapore) Pte Limited as set out under “Substantial Shareholders” below.
如欲享有建议之末期股息及出席於二零零八年五月二十二日(星期四)举行之股东周 年大会者,所有过户文件连同有关股票必须於二零零八年五月二日(星期五)下午四时 前交回本公司之香港股份过户登记分处,即香港中央证券登记有限公司(地址为香港 湾仔皇后大道东183号合和中心46楼)或於二零零八年五月二日(星期五)下午五时前 交回本公司之新加坡股份过户处,即Lim Associates (Pte) Limited(地址为3 Church Street, #08-01 Samsung Hub, Singapore 049483)(视属何情况而定)。
In order to qualify for the proposed final dividend and to attend the annual general meeting to be held on Thursday, 22nd May 2008, all transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged for registration with the Company’s branch share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Hopewell Centre, 46th Floor, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 2nd May 2008 or the Company’s share transfer office in Singapore, Lim Associates (Pte) Limited, at 3 Church Street, #08-01 Samsung Hub, Singapore 049483, not later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 2nd May 2008 (as the case may be).
温度升高超过 2˚C将使当代社会难于应付,并很可能在本世纪余下时间 及以后造成重大社会及环境破坏。
Temperature rises above 2oC will be difficult for contemporary societies to cope with, and are likely to cause major societal and environmental disruptions through the rest of the century and beyond.
鉴於 永泰控股有限公司向银行提供上述担保及承诺,本集团承诺 向永泰控股有限公司作出弥偿,并限为其向 Winhome Investment Pte Ltd 提供现金责任总额之 20﹪。
In consideration of Wing Tai Holdings Limited so doing, the Group has undertaken to indemnify Wing Tai Holdings Limited to the extent of 20% of its obligations to provide cash to Winhome Investment Pte Ltd thereunder.
注意到美洲人权法院 1999 年 10 月 1 日关于在正当法律程序保障框架内获得 领事协助信息的权利问题的 OC-16/99 号咨询意见和 2003 年 9 月 17 日关于无证 移徙者的法律处境和权利问题的 OC-18/03 号咨询意见
Taking note of advisory opinion OC-16/99 of 1 October 1999 on the Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law and advisory opinion OC-18/03 of 17 September 2003 on the Juridical Condition and Rights of Undocumented Migrants, issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Mercuria能源集团首席财务官Guillaume Vermersch表示:“我们在新加坡的区域枢纽Mercuria能源贸易有限公司成功地完成了在亚洲的第三次融资,最终筹得资金7.55亿美元。
Mercuria Energy Group Chief Financial Officer Guillaume Vermersch said: "Our Singapore regional hub Mercuria Energy Trading Pte Ltd has successfully closed its third fund raising exercise in Asia for a final amount of USD 755 Million.
在朗格多克地区的申请下,这个为法定酒产区朗格多克和Pays d’Oc 地区餐酒举办的媒体午餐会是香港法国五月美食节的活动之一。
This lunch, upon the request of the region, was a part of the French GourMay 2010, conducted for AOC Languedoc wines and for Pays d’Oc PGI during the month of May in Hong Kong.
杨先生现任Kerry Group (HK) Pte Ltd副董事长及嘉里物流联网有限公司董事长。
Mr. Yeo is currently the Vice-chairman of Kerry Group (HK) Pte Ltd and the Chairman of Kerry Logistics Network Limited.
为进一步协助法团订立拣选顾问公司的准则,「樓宇更新大行动维修工程指引」 已被修订,以要求投标的顾问公司须向法团提供足够资料,包括该顾问公司正在 处理的维修工程數量、顾问公司将会投放在法团的工程合约的资源,以及於不同 阶段中參与工程的各职级人员及所涉费用的资料,以便法团更全面考虑顾问公司 的整体投标是否合理。
To further assist OCs to establish the criteria for selection of consultant companies, the “Operation Building Bright Maintenance Guidelines” have been refined to require that consultant companies submitting a tender should provide adequate information to the OCs, including the number of repair projects being undertaken by the consultant, the resources to be allocated to the OC’s works contract by the consultant, as well as the particulars of different ranks of personnel who will participate in the works at different stages and the costs involved, so that the OC can consider in a more comprehensive manner whether the overall tender submitted by the consultant is reasonable.
这些产品上有 MS Lync 或 MS OC 专用按钮。
These variants have dedicated buttons for MS Lync or MS OC.
这包括司法部和检察总长、国家司法公务 员局、监察专署、国政委、警察、惩教局、地方治安事务局、公诉人署和公设律 师事务署,以及国家规划和乡村发展部。
This includes the DJAG, the National Judicial Staff Services, the OC, the CLRC, the Police, CS, Magisterial Services, Office of Public Prosecutor and Public Solicitor, and the Department of National Planning and Rural Development.
(注意:购买乾热灭菌爐时请注意BS 3421所示的要求: 乾热灭菌爐应设有辅助风扇、热电偶插口,以及确保乾 热灭菌爐紧闭直至温度降至摄氏60度以下的安全装置。
(N.B. When purchasing hot air oven, please note the requirements of BS 3421: hot air oven should be fan-assisted; it should have a thermocouple entry port and safety device which will keep the door locked until chamber temperature is below 60oC.
还回顾人口与发展委员会 2006 年 5 月 10 日第 2006/2 号12 和 2009 年 4 月 3 日第 2009/1 号决议,13 表示赞赏地注意到联合国开发计划署《2009 年人类发展报告:跨越障碍—人 员流动与发展》,14 表示注意到美洲人权法院 1999 年 10 月 1 日关于在正当法律程序保障框架内 获得领事协助信息的权利的 OC-16/99 号咨询意见以及 2003 年 9 月 17 日关于无 证移徙者法律处境和权利的 OC-18/03 号咨询意见
Recalling further Commission on Population and Development resolutions 2006/2 of 10 May 200612 and 2009/1 of 3 April 2009,13 Taking note with appreciation of the United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers — Human Mobility and Development,14 Taking note of advisory opinion OC-16/99 of 1 October 1999 on the Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law and advisory opinion OC-18/03 of 17 September 2003 on the Juridical Condition and Rights of Undocumented Migrants, issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
政府在现 行各部门或诸如公设律师事务署、监察专署和社发部、劳资关系机构和警察等机 构内建立起了各个人权事务处。
The Government established human rights offices, within various existing Departments or Agencies such as the, Office of the Public Solicitors, OC and the DCD, Labor and Industrial Relations and the Police.
二零一零年中期股息为每股普通股 6.61 便士,将於二零一零年九月二十三日以英镑支付予於二零一零年八月 二十日(星期五)(记錄日期)英国夏令时间下午六时正名列主册及爱尔蘭海外分册的股东,於二零一零年九 月二十四日以港元支付予於记錄日期香港时间下午四时三十分名列香港分册的股东(「香港股东」),并於二 零一零年九月三十日或前後以新加坡元支付予於记錄日期新加坡时间下午五时正於 Central Depository (Pte.) Limited(「CDP」)持有其证券账户内股份的股东(「新加坡股东」)。
The 2010 interim dividend of 6.61 pence per ordinary share will be paid on 23 September 2010 in sterling to shareholders on the principal and Irish branch registers at 6.00 p.m. BST on Friday, 20 August 2010 (the “Record Date”), on 24 September 2010 in Hong Kong dollars to shareholders on the Hong Kong branch register at 4.30 p.m. Hong Kong time on the Record Date (“HK Shareholders”), and on or about 30 September 2010 in Singapore dollars to shareholders with shares standing to the credit of their securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte.) Limited (“CDP”) at 5.00 p.m. Singapore time on the Record Date (“SG Shareholders”).
在此之前, Widzyk先生在华沙的波兰PKO私人银行的行业研究部门和保险集团PTE PZU的投资部门实习。
Prior to that Mr. Widzyk interned in Warsaw in the equity research department of PKO Bank Polski and the investment office of insurance group PTE PZU.
在安装了 Windows 7 的电脑上,当与 Microsoft OC/Lync 一起使用时,我的 Jabra LINK 280 看起来不稳定。
My Jabra LINK 280 seems to be unstable on Windows 7 PC when used with Microsoft OC/Lync.
另见美洲人权法院,咨询意见 OC-2/82,1982 年 9 月 24 日,A 辑,第 2 号,第 38 段 (“缔约国有合法权益禁止与公约目的和宗旨相抵触的保留,并可以通过公约所设审判和咨询 机制实现这一权益”)。
See also the advisory opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the effect of reservations on the entry into force of the American Convention on Human Rights, OC-2/82, 24 September 1982, Series A, No. 2, para. 38 (“The States Parties have a legitimate interest, of course, in barring reservations incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
在 Pays d’Oc 主席 Jacques GRAVEGAL 先生以及总经理 Florence BARTHES 女士的出席下, 此次午餐会为逾十五位香港记者提供了最佳契机去体验朗格多克美酒与香港本地美食相搭配的奇妙享受。
In presence of the president of Pays d’Oc, Mr. Jacques GRAVEGEAL as well as the general manager of the Pays d’Oc, Ms Florence BARTHES, this lunch provided a great opportunity to over 15 journalists from Hong Kong to discover several selected, excellent wines from the Languedoc provice, paired with local Hongkongese dishes.
冰岛常驻联合国代表团向安全理事会关于不扩散大规模毁灭性武器的第 1540(2004)号决议所设委员会主席致意,并谨提及 2007 年 10 月 26 日的信(编号: S/AC.44/2007/ODA/OC.109)要求提供最新资料,说明冰岛政府为执行安全理事会 上述决议已经采取或打算采取的措施,以便于编写一份关于该决议执行情况的报 告。
The Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) concerning the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and has the honour to refer to a letter dated 26 October 2007 (Ref.: S/AC.44/2007/ODA/OC.109), containing a request for up-to-date information on the measures taken, or intended to be taken, by the Government of Iceland to implement the above-mentioned Security Council resolution, in order to facilitate the preparation of a report regarding the implementation of that resolution.
太古地产及其全资附属公司FWHL (BVI) Holdings Limited於二零一一年七月二十八日与由丰树产业私人有限公司拥有的CM Assets Limited订立一份买卖协议,出售公司位於香港九龙塘的购物及商用综合物业又一城百分百全数应占权益,总现金作价为港币一百八十八亿元,惟须参考交易完成时的流动资产净值及流动负债净额後予以调整。
On 28th July 2011, Swire Properties and its wholly-owned subsidiary, FWHL (BVI) Holdings Limited entered into a sale and purchase agreement with CM Assets Limited, a company owned by Mapletree Investments Pte. Limited, for the sale of the Company's entire attributable 100% interests in the shopping and commercial complex known as "Festival Walk" located at Kowloon Tong in Hong Kong for a total cash consideration of HK$18,800,000,000, subject to adjustment by reference to net current assets and liabilities at completion.
墨西哥常驻联合国代表团向安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所设委员会致 意,谨提及其 2007 年 10 月 17 日关于委员会正在编写的报告的说明 S/AC.44/ 2007/ODA/OC.84。
The Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) and has the honour to refer to its note S/AC.44/2007/ODA/OC.84 of 17 October 2007 concerning the report being prepared by the Committee.
此外,许先生於2001年至2005年间担任新加坡航空公 司主席,2003年至2005年间兼任新航工程有限公司主席,1986年至2001年间任Singapore Telecom Group及 其 前 身 机 构 主 席,1996年 至2001年 间 兼 任Omni Industries Ltd主 席 及1991年 至2000年 间 出 任Wuthelam Holdings Pte Limited执 行 主 席,而 在 此 之 前,於1977年 加 入 新 加 坡Hewlett Packard展 开 事 业,其 後 於1985年 至1990年 出 任 董 事 总 经 理。
Mr. Koh was previously Chairman of Singapore Airlines Ltd (2001-2005), SIA Engineering Company Ltd (2003-2005), Singapore Telecom Group and its predecessor organizations (1986-2001), Omni Industries Ltd (1996-2001), Executive Chairman of Wuthelam Holdings Pte Limited (1991-2000) and, before that, Managing Director of Hewlett Packard Singapore (1985-1990), where he started his career in 1977.




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