单词 | Luigi | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
最后任命了下列人士为该工程的指挥:美国建筑师 Marcel [...] Breuer、意大利工程师 PierLuigiNervi 和法国建筑师 Bernard [...]Zehrfuss。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project management team ultimately selected for the mission consisted [...] of the American architect Marcel Breuer, the [...] Italian engineer Pier Luigi Nervi andthe French [...]architect Bernard Zehrfuss. unesdoc.unesco.org |
图书管理员路易吉·德·安吉利斯(LuigiDeAngelis) 负责于 1823 年在锡耶纳出版此手稿的文本。 wdl.org | The same emblems are found in a group of codices in the Medicea Laurenziana Library in [...] Florence that probably were commissioned by [...] Leo X. Thelibrarian LuigiDeAngeliswas responsible [...]for publishing the text of the manuscript in Siena in 1823. wdl.org |
主席 Kingston Papie Rhodes 先生(塞拉利昂)、* 副主席 Wolfgang Stöckl 先生(德国)、*** Daasebre Oti Boateng 先生(加纳)、* Fatih Bouayad-Agha 先 生(阿尔及利亚)、** Shamsher M. Chowdhury 先生(孟加拉国)、** Minoru Endo 先生(日本)、*** Guillermo Enrique González 先生(阿根廷)、* Vladimir Morozov 先生(俄罗斯联邦)、** Lucretia Myers 女士(美利坚合众国)、*** [...] Gilberto Paranhos Velloso 先生(巴西)、*** Anita [...] Szlazak 女士(加拿大)、* GianLuigiValenza 先生(意大利)、*** [...]王晓初先生(中国)、** Eugeniusz Wyzner 先生(波兰)* [...]和 El Hassane Zahid 先生(摩洛哥)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Kingston Papie Rhodes (Sierra Leone),* Chair; Mr. Wolfgang Stöckl (Germany),*** Vice-Chair; Mr. Daasebre Oti Boateng (Ghana),* Mr. Fatih Bouayad-Agha (Algeria),** Mr. Shamsher M. Chowdhury (Bangladesh),** Mr. Minoru Endo (Japan),*** Mr. Guillermo Enrique González (Argentina),* Mr. Vladimir Morozov (Russian Federation),** Ms. Lucretia Myers (United States of America),*** Mr. Gilberto Paranhos [...] Velloso (Brazil),*** Ms. Anita Szlazak [...] (Canada),* Mr. GianLuigi Valenza (Italy),*** [...]Mr. Wang Xiaochu (China),** Mr. Eugeniusz [...]Wyzner (Poland)* and Mr. El Hassane Zahid (Morocco). daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织巴黎总部于 1958 年 11 月 3 日落成,1955 年开始在三位设计师的指导 下修建:美国设计师 Marcel [...] Breuer、意大利设计师 PierLuigiNervi 和法国设计师 Bernard [...]Zehrfuss。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Inaugurated on 3 November 1958, the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris had been under construction since 1955 under the direction of [...] three architects: the United States citizen Marcel Breuer, [...] the Italian PierLuigi Nervi and the Frenchman [...]Bernard Zehrfuss. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在1987年,LuigiGreco获得了Fordham大学的物理学学士学位;1990年,获得了科罗拉多矿物学校物理学硕士学位;1994年,获得科罗拉多矿物学校材料学博士学位。 lpkf.cn | Luigi Greco received a BS in Physics [...] from Fordham University in 1987, an MS in Physics from the Colorado School of Mines in 1990 and a Ph. lpkf.com |
访问团於巴塞隆拿首日,分别与地中海港口协会(Medcruise)总干事 Jose Campos;巴塞隆拿港总裁 Jordi [...] Valls、总经理 Carlos Domingo、邮轮经理 Carla Salvado 及驻中国代表 Joan [...] Dedeu;以及歌诗达邮轮公司主席兼行政总裁 PierLuigiFoschi、总经理 Luis Grau [...]及经理 Sandra Yunta 会晤,了解当地邮轮码头的 运作。 legco.gov.hk | On its first day visit to Barcelona, the delegation met with Mr Jose Campos, Secretary General of The Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports (Medcruise); Mr Jordi Valls, President, Mr Carlos Domingo, Managing Director, Mrs Carla Salvado, [...] Cruise Manager, and Mr Joan Dedeu, Representation in China of the Port of Barcelona as [...] well as Mr Pier LuigiFoschi,Chairman [...]and CEO, Mr Luis Grau, [...]General Manager, and Mrs Sandra Yunta, Manager of Costa Crociere. legco.gov.hk |
根据LuigiCattaneo进行的研究, 只有到了1837年之后, 随着意大利的统一,第一批奶酪工厂看到了曙光; [...] 牛乳生产得到改进,草地进行播种,第一个科学研究院得以建立。 knowfood.cn | It was only after 1837, according to [...] studies carried out byLuigi Cattaneo, that the [...]first cheese factories saw the light while, [...]following the unity of Italy, milk production improved, meadows began to be sown and the first scientific institutes were established. knowfood.cn |
贺宝芙医疗事务部门副总裁LuigiGratton医师表示:「这些食物不但能够帮助您补充因为流汗而失去的水分及矿物质,同时水果和蔬菜中也含有丰富的抗氧化剂来帮助身体对抗阳光所造成的伤害。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Not only do these foods help to replace fluids and minerals that are lost through perspiration”, Gratton notes, “but fruits and veggies also contain antioxidants that can help protect your body against sun damage, too. health.herbalife.com |
於二零零三年十月,LuigiFarenga 教授、Mario Resca [...] 先生及 Attilio Zimatore 教授获意大利工业部委任为 Cirio Finanziaria 的特殊监管专员,透过出售资产管理集团之整体重组方案。 firstpacific.com | In October 2003,Prof.Luigi Farenga, Mr. [...] Mario Resca and Prof. Attilio Zimatore were appointed by the Italian Ministry [...]of Industry as Extraordinary Commissioners of Cirio Finanziaria, with the task of managing the restructuring plan of the whole Group by means of an asset disposal procedure. firstpacific.com |
正如负责加工作业的制造工程专家LuigiGalimberti所说:“我们在Mazak机床上使用刀具破损检测很长时间了,由于加工循环是完全自动的,因此操作人员就不会察觉攻牙头或钻头是否破损。 renishaw.com.cn | AsLuigi Galimberti, Manufacturing [...] Engineering specialist for machining operations, explains, “We have used tool breakage [...]detection for a long time on the Mazak machines, as machining cycles are fully automated and operators would have no idea if a tap or drill broke. renishaw.com.br |
Kingston Papie Rhodes(塞拉利昂),*** 主席;Wolfgang Stöckl(德国),**副 主席;Marie-Françoise Bechtel(法国)、*** Daasebre Oti Boateng(加纳)、***Fatih Bouayad-Agha(阿尔及利亚)、* Shamsher M.Chowdhury(孟加拉国)、* Minoru Endo (日本)、** Carleen Gardner(牙买加)、*** Sergei [...] V.Garmonin(俄罗斯联邦)、*Luis Mariano Hermosillo(墨西哥)、** Lucretia [...] Myers(美利坚合众国)、** GianLuigiValenza(意大利)、** 王晓初(中国)、* [...]Eugeniusz Wyzner(波兰)*** 和 El Hassane Zahid(摩洛哥)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kingston Papie Rhodes (Sierra Leone),*** Chair; Wolfgang Stöckl (Germany),** Vice-Chair; Marie-Françoise Bechtel (France),*** Daasebre Oti Boateng (Ghana),*** Fatih Bouayad-Agha (Algeria),* Shamsher M. Chowdhury (Bangladesh),* Minoru Endo (Japan),** Carleen Gardner (Jamaica),*** Sergei V. Garmonin (Russian Federation),* Luis Mariano Hermosillo [...] (Mexico),** Lucretia Myers (United States [...] of America),** Gian Luigi Valenza(Italy),** Wang [...]Xiaochu (China),* Eugeniusz Wyzner [...](Poland)*** and El Hassane Zahid (Morocco). daccess-ods.un.org |