所有非英语发展课程的学科会以学生的母语或英语授课,配 合特别设计的英语教学法以帮助英语学习生明白教学内容。 sfusd.edu | All non-ELD academic classes are taught either through the primary language or in English with strategies designed to help English Learners understand the content. sfusd.edu |
来自公共机构的区域代表可安全可靠地移动访问应用程序 igel.com | Secure, reliable mobile access to applications by fi eld representatives from public agencies igel.com |
若英语学习生的残疾对其在这方面的参与和进度没有影响,而其个别教育计划又 没有包括英语发展目标,学校仍然必须确保学生参与至少连续 30 分钟的英语发 展课程(专门针对其英语程度教授的课程),直至学生获编为英语流利生止。 sfusd.edu | If ELD goals are not included in an EL student’s IEP because the student’s disability does not affect the student’s involvement and progress in this area, then the school still must ensure that the student participates in at least 30 consecutive minutes of ELD targeted specifically to their English proficiency level until reclassified. sfusd.edu |
委员会还注意到,在委员会第五十五届会议的间隙,举行了各空间机构代 表第二次会议,讨论一个独立的飞行任务规划和运作小组的职权范围草案,建 立该小组是近地天体行动小组提出的建议草案的一部分内容(A/AC.105/C.1/ L.317)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also noted that, on the margins of its fifty-fifth session, the second meeting of the representatives of space agencies had been h eld to discuss draft terms of reference for a mission planning and operations group, the establishment of which had been part of the draft recommendations made by the Action Team (A/AC.105/C.1/L.317). daccess-ods.un.org |