单词 | Lisa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
激光干涉仪空间天线(LISA)飞行任务是欧空局科学方案的一部分,旨在直 接探测广义相对论所预测频率在陆地干涉仪覆盖范围以外的引力波。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Laser Interferometer Space [...] AntennaPathfinder(LISA) mission is part of [...]the ESA science programme and is aimed at directly [...]detecting the gravitational waves predicted by the theory of general relativity at frequencies not covered by terrestrial interferometers. oosa.unvienna.org |
如需订购LISA样品或LISA评估套件 EVK-U12/13, 请访问我们的在线商店或联系您最近的 [...] u-blox 销售代表。 fastrax.fi | To order samples ofLISA or theLISA eval kit EVK-U12/13, [...] please visit our Online Shop or contact the u-blox sales representative nearest you. fastrax.fi |
此外,Shigeki Sumi(日本)、 [...] Hae yun Park(大韩民国)和LisaP.Spratt(美利坚合众国)辞职后,大会任命了 [...]三名成员,以填补 Sumi 先生、Park 先生和 Spratt 女士余下的任期,从大会通 过决定当日开始任职(第 66/406 A 至 C 号决定)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, as a result of the resignations of [...] Shigeki Sumi (Japan), Hae-yun Park [...] (Republic of Korea) andLisa P.Spratt (United [...]States of America), the Assembly appointed [...]three members to fill the remainder of the terms of office of Mr. Sumi, Mr. Park and Ms. Spratt, beginning on the date of adoption of the decision by the Assembly (decisions 66/406 A to C). daccess-ods.un.org |
最後由监督员 [...] Marilyn Hollriegel和LisaPerenchio 表演另一个令人捧腹 [...]的趣剧﹐他们扮演 Abbott 和 Costello 购买一台私人电脑。 napca.org | The finale was another hilarious skit by Monitors [...] Marilyn Hollriegel andLisa Perenchio,playing [...]Abbott and Costello, depicting the purchase of a personal computer. napca.org |
另外,Mike Anobitle在LISA.org(本地化行业标准协会)的行业专长和将企业标准与本地化运用于中国市场方面的交流,对本书和I.T. [...] UNITED都非常有价值。 sourcecodechina.com | Mike Anobile at LISA.org's (Localization [...] Industry Standards Organization) industry expertise and frank exchange of comments [...]about international enterprises' views on moving their standards and localization work to the China market and related experiences have been exceptionally valuable both to this book and to I.T. UNITED. sourcecodechina.com |
康宁显示科技部总经理LisaFerrero说,新开业的工厂将生产世界上最先进的EAGLEXG玻璃基板,其采用环保成份,不含有任何重金属或卤化物,生产出的大尺寸超薄玻璃基板可用于生产更光滑、更大尺寸的电子设备和LCD电视等。 jxlcd.com | Says Lisa Ferrero, general manager [...] of corning display of science and technology, the new opening of the factory will produce [...]the world's most advanced EAGLEXG glass substrates, it USES the environmental protection ingredients, does not contain any heavy metals or halide, produce the large size of ultra-thin glass substrates can be used in the production of more smooth, more large size of the electronic equipment and LCD TV, etc. For known suitable for smart phones and tablets of corning gorilla glass, Lisa said Ferrero, corning in the future they would not rule out the gorilla glass factories to China. jxlcd.com |
快速便捷的安装、高封装密度和对玻璃纤维的优化整合,是全新设计的LISA墙式接线盒系列产品的主要特点。 hubersuhner.com | Fast and convenient installation, high packing density [...] and optimized integration of glass fibres are the primary characteristics [...] of the newly designedLISA –wall box series. hubersuhner.com |
届时将在澳门将呈现最棒的法 国演出:由LisaSouissa Danse Company 带来的舞蹈、LisaAngell 带来的法国香颂、Cedric Uhling [...] 的魔术表演 和 DJ Devlar 呈现的电子音乐。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | On Friday 14th of December, the Alliance Française de Macao is pleased to be part of the FMBA Gala Dinner with a cultural/entertainment programmation that [...] ambraces the best of the [...] French talent based in Macau:dance with Lisa Souissa DanseCompany, Chanson Française [...]with Lisa Angell, [...]Juggler with Cedric Uhling and electronic music with a French touch with DJ Devlar. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
配合特瑞德的Shell开关,金属铠装式开关设备LISA就形成带有断路器的完整方案,而令人瞩目。 tavrida.cn | Together with completeness of certification of Shell [...] type circuit breakers we have prepared amazing present to our OEM customers - metal clad [...] semi manufacturedswitchgear LISA. tavrida.cn |
MSLO 总裁兼首席营运官LisaGersh 说:“我们今天宣布与 [...] J. C. Penney 结成的战略联盟,可以改善我们的资产负债表,提升我们的品牌影响力,扩大我们充满活力的商品推广并提升我们的媒体形象,进而使我们所有的合作伙伴受益。 china.blackstone.com | Lisa Gersh, president and chief [...] operating officer of MSLO, said, "The strategic alliance we've announced today with J. C. [...]Penney strengthens our balance sheet, will enhance the reach of our brands and expand our vibrant merchandising and media presence for the benefit of all of our partners. blackstone.com |
LisaPidun 负责为优赛思集中管理、经营并推进项目办公室 [...] (PMO) 工作,以使其达到公司在质量、预算范围内按时交付和客户满意度方面的目标。 urbanscience.cn | Lisa Pidun isresponsible [...] for centralising, operating and advancing the Project Management Office (PMO) for Urban Science [...]in order to achieve corporate objectives for quality, on-time and on-budget delivery, and customer satisfaction. urbanscience.com.au |
巨大面积店面共划分四个区域,分别是家俬家品区、儿童用品区、文具书籍区及时装饰品区,所有货品都是二人从世界各地引入的,其中以天然材质制成之大型木造家俬,便有最多顾客问合,而精选服饰方面她们则推介法国的BENSIMON布鞋及英国LISASTICKLEY系列包包。 think-silly.com | MIRTH is divided into four departments: home, children’s, stationery and books, and fashion accessories where all the items are imported from different corners of the world. think-silly.com |
在此特别感谢两位女排教练--Lisa老师和Jose老师--以及多才多艺、友爱互助的队友,谢谢他们创造了这个无比精彩、令人难忘的赛季。 ycis-bj.com | A big thank-you [...] to ourcoaches Ms. LisaPaterand Ms. José [...]Nanninga, and my talented, supportive teammates for a wonderful and truly memorable season! ycis-bj.com |
一元小巴其实并不神秘,马可尼莉(LisaMargonelli)去年即曾在《大西洋月刊》部落格介绍此事,《纽约邮报》、《纽约时报》等媒体亦曾转载小巴系统网站连结,何况无数民众因为住家附近大众运输工具不足,每天都搭乘一元小巴(其实票价为两美元)。 thisbigcity.net | There’s not really any mystery behind this shadow [...] transit service: Lisa Margonelli covered [...]it on the Atlantic’s blog late last year, [...]and outlets from the Post to the Times have given the service ink, not to mention the thousands of people who take dollar vans (alright so they’re actually $2 vans) everyday because of a lack of efficient transit in their neighborhoods. thisbigcity.net |
专家小组由以下 12 位成员组成:Faith Bouayad-Agha 先生(阿尔及利亚)、Carlos Eduardo Meza Guarnizo 先生(哥伦比亚)、Bhaswati Mukherjee 女士(印度)、Ryuhei hosoya 先生(日本)、Abdellatif Bennani 先生(摩洛哥)、Trudie Amulungu 女士(纳米比 亚)、Sergey Khalizov 先生(俄罗斯联邦)、Mutryce A. William [...] 女士(圣基茨和尼维 斯 )、Marjutka Hafner 女士(斯洛文尼亚)、Phillip Benade 女士(南非)、Victoria Harris [...] 女士(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)和LisaSpratt 女士(美利坚合众国)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Group of Experts was composed of the following 12 members: Mr Fatih Bouayad-Agha (Algeria), Mr Carlos Eduardo Meza Guarnizo (Colombia), Ms Bhaswati Mukherjee (India), Mr Ryuhei Hosoya (Japan), Mr Abdellatif Bennani (Morocco), Ms Trudie Amulungu (Namibia), Mr Sergey Khalizov (Russian Federation), Ms Mutryce A. Williams (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Ms Marjutka Hafner (Slovenia), Mr Phillip Benade (South Africa), [...] Ms Victoria Harris (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern [...] Ireland) and MsLisa Spratt (United States [...]of America). unesdoc.unesco.org |
孩子们的成长, 是一批甘 心摆上的弟兄姊妹所结的果子, 青少年事工主任谷文玲的尽 [...] 心竭力, 求神真是记念她的劳苦, 也感谢陈美兰(Lisa,前届的青少年事工主任)的努力。 mccc.org | The maturing of our children is the result of a group of willing brothers and sisters, including [...] the tireless effort of Youth Director Wendy, may God remember her [...] labor, andIalsothankLisa (former YouthDirector). mccc.org |
包括客户对本地化作为提升服务供应商间一致性的方式而逐渐增长的兴趣,GALA [...] 为整个本地化行业提供工作平台的更大能力,以及填补LISA停止相关活动的空白的需求。 logrus.ru | They include the growing interest of clients in standardization as a way to enhance consistency among service providers, the greater capabilities of GALA to provide a [...] working platform for the entire localization industry, and the need to [...] fill thevoid leftas LISA hasfolded its activities. logrus.ru |
该公司设於美国加州柏克莱,创始於2010年,至今已提供太阳能板给加州与亚历桑纳州共五栋建筑物,生产共73000瓦电力,为用户省下60万美元,目前该公司着重於协助具公益色彩的组织,不过Solar Mosaic社区建筑师寇蒂斯(LisaCurtis)表示,也希望「拓展至其他类型的计画,如学校、商用建筑、住宅区等」,并在美国各州开枝散叶。 thisbigcity.net | While the company has focused on helping mission-driven organisations, Lisa Curtis, Solar Mosaic’s Community Builder, says that it hopes to “expand into financing other types of projects, such as schools, commercial buildings, and residential sites”, as well as developing projects in other states. thisbigcity.net |
2010年10月12日,美国环境保护署(USEPA)署长LisaJackson在给中山大学三百名学子的演讲中盛赞环境健康安全(EHS)研究与发展中心(下简称EHS中心),高度肯定其作为中美合作的成功典范所发挥的作用。 iscchina.org | On October 12, 2010, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [...] (USEPA)Administrator Lisa Jacksonopeneda speech [...]to 300 students at Sun Yat-sen University [...]in Guangzhou, China, by praising the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Academy as a model for achieving positive change through collaboration. iscchina.org |