后视性 的GDP、贸易流动等数据并不可靠也不稳定,能对 问题提供预警的实时信息几乎也不存在。 crisisgroup.org | Backward [...] lookin g dataforGDP,trade flows and [...]so on are unreliable and inconsistent, and there is almost no real-time information [...]to provide early warning of problems. crisisgroup.org |
经社会指出,亚太区域目前在世界国内生产总 值(GDP)中所占份额已超 过 30%,而且到 2050 年时将可超过 50%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission noted that the region’s share of wo rld GDP currently exceeded 30 per cent and that it could exceed 50 per cent by 2050. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前爆发的危机显然已经进一步提高了该国的政治风险,也使得对 其GDP增长的预期路径进行修正 的机会增加。 bbvaresearch.com | The current crisis has obviously raised political risk even further, as well as the chances for a correction [...] on the expected GDPgrowth path. bbvaresearch.com |
要提高发电 [...] 能力,满足目前尚未满足的需求以 及GDP增长催生的需 求,需要大量投资。 crisisgroup.org | Major investments will be needed to increase capacity for the current unmet demand, as [...] well a s for the GDP-driven growth in demand. crisisgroup.org |
这要归功于多种原因,最 [...] 重要的是在2009年,波兰仍致力 于GDP的增 长,预期在未来几年还会有一个乐观的前 景。 paiz.gov.pl | There are multiple reasons for this, the [...] most important of which is that Poland is [...] still tar geting a GDP growthfor 2009 [...]with a positive outlook for the upcoming years. paiz.gov.pl |
文件传输通过对任何计算机上欲获取文件的文件夹拖 放GDP上文件的 方法实现。 zonge.com | File transfer is now facilitated by dragging and [...] dropping fil eson the GDPtoany desired [...]folder on any other computer. zonge.com |
由 于经济稳步增长、对外贷款条件合理,公共收入不断增加、公共债务减少;公共 [...] 保证债务在国内生产总 值(GDP)中所占的比重已从 2000 年的 [...]79%降至 2006 年的 26%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Robust economic growth and prudential external crediting limits have provided with constant increase of public [...] incomes and reduction of the public debt and the public guaranteed [...] debt compar edto GDP from 79% in 2000 [...]to 26% in 2006. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009年2月,欧盟理事会通过了相当 [...] 于欧盟1.5%国内生产总值 (GDP)(相当于 2000亿欧元)的欧洲经济复苏计划。 regionalcommissions.org | In February 2009, the Council of the European Union agreed on a European Economic Recovery Plan, [...] equivalent to about 1.5 per cent of the Gross [...] Domestic Pro duct (GDP) ofthe EU (a [...]figure amounting to around € 200 billion). regionalcommissions.org |
展望将來,菲律宾 的GDP增长动力将十分视乎当地政府能 否有效地从各种途径刺激经济,包括增加交通方面的基建投资、电力及水的计划及提高援助 [...]支出以应付持续的的贫穷问题。 mastercard.com | Looking ahead, the growth momentum of the [...] market’ s realGDP willdepend critically [...]on the ability of the government to stimulate [...]the economy through increased infrastructure investment in transportation, power and water projects, as well as higher social spending to address the country’s persistent poverty problem. mastercard.com |
政府近期宣布了今年7. 5%的GDP增长目标,这应该被认为对中国的市长是相对利好消息。 mckinseychina.com | The government’s recently announced [...] targ etof 7.5%GDP growth forthis [...]year should be considered relatively good news for China’s mayors. mckinseychina.com |
附图说明了各省的人 均GDP情况(按波兰兹罗提和百分比)。 paiz.gov.pl | The attached map [...] presents the per capitaGDP of the various voivodships [...](in Polish Zloty and %). paiz.gov.pl |
虽然马來西來今年的实 际GDP增长放缓到 4.8%,但是政府对基建和发展改革的高度关注将 [...]有助支持当地的经济活动。 mastercard.com | While Malaysia [...] records a so fter real GDPgrowth at4.8% [...]this year, an increased attention by government on infrastructure [...]and development reforms will aid in supporting economic activity. mastercard.com |
新兴市场经济 体GDP总量约为发达经济 体2GDP总量的 94%,这个比率在未来十年预计还将增加 43 个百分点。 bbvaresearch.com | The EMs as a [...] whole are by now 94% of the t otal GDP ofthe industrialized economies2 [...]and its ratio is expected to increase by 43pp in the next decade. bbvaresearch.com |
农业也是一项在摩尔多瓦经济中占主要份额的基础产业: 占GDP的15%,如果将初级农产品加工行业的产值计算在内,农业产业 对GDP的贡献率 高达 30%以上,而且约占出口总额的 50%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agriculture is a basic sector with a major share in the [...] economy of Moldova: [...] 15% of the GDP, whilst if taken with the raw agricultural products processing industry contributes with over 30% of t heGDP and is around [...]50% of the total amount of exports. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我们最近写到的报告中已经提到,印度尼西亚 [...] 和韩国在未来 10 年各自 的GDP增量 预计都将大于俄罗斯,尽管这两个国家都不在金砖四国之列。 bbvaresearch.com | As we have written in recent reports, [...] the increm ental GDPof Indonesia [...]and Korea is expected to be larger than for Russia, [...]despite the fact that neither of these two countries enjoys BRICs status. bbvaresearch.com |
基于该行业对国内生产总 值(GDP)的贡献,医疗技术行业的 增加值很轻易地就可以使瑞士的经济平均值翻倍。 gza.ch | Based on its contribution t o GDP, the added value of the medtech industry is easily double the average for the Swiss economy. gza.ch |
南非统计局是南非政府的一个拥有 4,500 [...] 名员工的官方部门,除了每五年开展一次的人口普查工作外,还负责搜集和提供各种全国性的统计信息,例如包括通胀率 、GDP、生产和消费价格指数在内的经济统计数据,以及各种人口和社会统计数据,如失业率和贫困调查。 graphics.kodak.com | An official government department of the South African government employing 4,500 staff, in addition to the census carried out every five years, Stats SA is responsible for compiling and providing a range of national statistical [...] information such as economic statistics including [...] infla tion rates, GDP, Producerand Consumer [...]Price Index data, along with population [...]and social statistics, for example unemployment and poverty surveys. graphics.kodak.com |
与韩国一样,中国也是仅有的制造 业GDP比重持续增加的国家。 australiachina.com.au | Along with Korea, China is the only country increasing [...] manufacturing as a perc entage of GDP. australiachina.com.au |
我们回想一下,伊朗在去年就符合 EAGLE 标准,但预测 [...] 已下调,IMF 也预计未来几年的实 际GDP增长率将更低(我们估计 2012-2022 [...]年平均为 1.8%,相比之下,去年为 4.4%)。 bbvaresearch.com | We would like to recall that Iran fulfilled last year the EAGLE criteria, but forecasts have been [...] revised downwards and the IMF now also expects a [...] much lower real GDP growth for the following [...]years (we estimate a 2012-2022 average [...]of 1.8% in contrast with last year’s 4.4%). bbvaresearch.com |
2010年,印度私人本土消费 占GDP达57%,占比在亚太区主要经济体中最高。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | In 2010, private domestic consumption accounted for [...] 57% o f India's GDP, the highest ratio [...]among other major economies in Asia Pacific region. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
在 2006 年,香港全年 的GDP为14,723 亿元,而根据政府的中期财政 预测,是年度 的GDP约为 14,941 亿元,2008-2009 年度则增至一万六千多 亿元,至 2011-2012 年度更大幅增加至一万九千多亿元水平。 legco.gov.hk | I n2006, the GDPofHong Kongin a full year was $1,472.3 billion and according to the medium range forecast of the Governme nt, theGDP for that year [...]is about $1,494.1 billion [...]and that for 2008-2009 will rise to some $1,600 billion and that for 2011-2012 will increase drastically to some $1,900 billion. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,欧元区国家必须遵守《 稳定与增长公约》,要求政府债务低 于GDP的60%,政府赤字不超 过GDP的3%。 setupineurope.com | In this respect, countries from the euro area must comply with the Stability and Growth Pact, requiring [...] a general government debt of less [...] than 6 0%of GDP andageneral government balance sheet that does not excee d 3% ofGDP. setupineurope.com |
这一模拟结果表明,若能采用贸易便利化措施,则东亚 [...] 全面经济伙伴关系所带来的收益将几乎占到本区 域GDP的0.8%(图 示 3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The simulation results found substantial [...] welfare gains for CEPEA that could be nearly 0.8 [...] per cent of theGDP of the region [...]when trade facilitation was covered (figure 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
该委员会又提出家庭收入及消费 较GDP更能反映生活水平。 legco.gov.hk | The committee has also mentioned that household income and spending can better reflect [...] the living qualit y than theGDPs. legco.gov.hk |
图表1.2-2显示,第二、三产业成为南京市推动整 体GDP上升的主要因素。 unitrueconsulting.com | Chart 1.2-2 shows that the development of the secondary and the tertiary industries [...] has bo osted the GDPgrowth inrecent years. unitrueconsulting.com |
制造业在全 球GDP中的比重为17%,而中国制造业 的GDP比重却高达32%。 australiachina.com.au | While manufacturing constitutes 17 [...] per cent ofglobal GDP, in China’s case, it accounts for 32 per cent of GDP. australiachina.com.au |
每一种装置的计算如下。操作者输入的参数以 及GDP-32II所测量的相位,在参数描述 中是用[]括上的。 zonge.com | The parameters that are manually [...] entered by the operator, and the values that [...] are meas ured bythe GDP-32IIare bracketed [...][] in the description of parameters. zonge.com |
高专办继续与狱政总 署(GDP)、内政部及其政府中其他的伙伴、发展机构及 [...] 非政府组织合作,支持柬埔寨的监狱改革。 daccess-ods.un.org | OHCHR has continued working collaboratively with the General [...] Department of Prison(GDP),theMinistry [...]of Interior and its other partners in the Government, [...]development agencies and NGOs, to support prison reform in Cambodia. daccess-ods.un.org |
工业在国内生产 总 值(GDP)中的 占比为28%,也是经济的一个重要支柱,其中化 [...]学、资本物品和银行业为重点行业。 gza.ch | Comprising 28 %of GDP, the industry [...]sector is also an important mainstay of the economy, with the key sectors being chemicals, capital goods and banking. gza.ch |
至於香港对日本出口的货品,主要是电讯、影音及电动机械等制 [...] 成品,短期内可能会因为日本人在消费方面转趋审慎而出现下跌,但 香港对日本的出口只占香港出口总额4.2%,而且是次地震和海啸对日 [...] 本带来的经济损失仅为未来一个财政年度 的GDP的0.5%,对香港出口 需求的减幅不会太大,我认为日本经济下滑对香港出口的影响也不会 [...]太严重。 legco.gov.hk | Since exports to Japan only accounts for 4.2% of the total exports of Hong Kong, and that the economic loss [...] brought by the earthquake and tsunami is [...] only 0.5% of the GDP ofthe next financial [...]year in Japan, there will not be substantial [...]decrease in demand for Hong Kong's exports. legco.gov.hk |