单词 | led技术 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | LED技术 noun —LED technology nSee also:技术 adj—technical adj 技术 n—skill n • art n
供应商AQUA [...] Signal GmbH非常乐意发给您发光二极管(LED )- 技术 的 产 品组合,价格和其他数据。 industrystock.cn | The supplier AQUA Signal GmbH would be happy to send you product portfolios, prices [...] and further information about Led technics. industrystock.com |
Luminus Devices 是致力于为全球数十亿美元的照明市场开发、制造 LED 技术与解决方案的领先厂商。 digikey.cn | Luminus Devices is a leading developer and manufacturer of LED technologies and solutions [...] for the multi-billion dollar global illumination market. digikey.ca |
您是发光二极管(LED)-技术或其它产品的制造商、贸易商、供货商? industrystock.cn | Are you a manufacturer, dealer, service provider [...] or supplier of Led technics or other product areas? industrystock.com |
关于更多发光二极管(LED)-技术的服务或附件信息,请直接从imt GmbH获取。 industrystock.cn | For more product information [...] about the topic Led technics, please contact [...]imt GmbH. industrystock.com |
虽然到目前为止乌克兰没有任何一家其他的公司使用LED作为展示柜照明灯,但是昆士兰LLC正在进行着另外三项类似的LED照明工程,同时不断的扩展他们 在 LED技术 领 域的视野,这可以在不远的未来 将 LED技术 引 入 乌克兰的其他珠宝公司。 tridonic.cn | To date, no other company has used LEDs for showcase lighting in Ukraine, although Queensland LLC is [...] currently running three [...] other similar LED projects and is constantly expanding their knowledge in the exciting area of LED technology. tridonic.com |
首页酒店能量 [...] ,在它的搜索最好的LED解决方案,为他们的客户,刚刚参加 的 LED技术 在 世 界上最大的博览会之一。 blogenergy.hyhclub.com | Home Hotel Energy , in its search for the best LED solutions for their customers, just attend one of the largest [...] fairs in the world of LED technology. blogenergy.hyhclub.com |
如今这家公司是整个Zumtobel集团的 LED技术 神 经 中枢,开发和生产LED模块组件和模块,具备市场领先专长在高品质白光模块,适用于普通照明应用和光学系统。 tridonic.cn | Today this company is the nerve [...] centre of LED technology for the entire Zumtobel Group, developing and producing LED components [...]and modules, with [...]market-leading expertise in high-quality white light modules for general lighting applications and in optical systems. tridonic.com |
2013年款路虎神行者2代大灯,均采用最先进 的 LED技术 , 使 整车设计更具现代感和科技感,带来至为清晰的开阔视野。 landrover.com | Tyres have an ‘all season capability’, whilst specific tyres have a balance of attributes that may affect their performance in certain circumstances. landrover.com |
生产白光LED技术目前 有三种:一种,利用三基色原理和目前已能生产的红、绿、蓝三种超高亮度LED按光强1:2:0.38比例混合而成白色,二种,利用超高度InGan蓝色LED,其管总上加少许的钇钻石榴为主体的荧光粉、它能在蓝光激发下产生黄绿光、而此黄绿光又可与透出的蓝光合成白光,三种是不可制紫外光LED,采用紫外光激三基色荧光粉或其他荧光粉,产生多色混合而成的白光。 wz-e.com | Production white LED technology, there are three: [...] one, using a three-color theory and has been able to produce red, green, [...]and blue super bright LED light 1:2:0.38 ratio by a mixture of white, two kinds, the use of ultra- highly InGan blue LED, the tube always add a little of the pomegranate as the main drill yttrium phosphor, it can produce yellow green under blue light excitation, and this revealed a yellow green and blue can be synthesized white, three is not the system UV LED, ultraviolet-excited phosphor powder or other phosphors, resulting in a mixture of multi-color white. wz-e.com |
华擎 Good Night LED 技术能为您关闭不需要的 LED 指示灯,为您营造一个更舒适的环境。 asrock.cn | ASRock Good Night LED technology can offer [...] you a better environment by extinguishing the unessential LED. asrock.com |
Luminus 在全球拥有超过 144 [...] 项已获得的和正在申请中的专利,其革新性 Big Chip LED™ 技术开辟了新的固态照明市场。 digikey.cn | Luminus has more than 144 patents/patents pending worldwide, and its [...] revolutionary Big Chip LED™ technology enables new markets [...]for solid-state lighting. digikey.ca |
作为领先的创新节能解决方案关键技术供应商,爱思强一直致力于为全球各地的制造商提供顶尖的 技 术 , 包 括 LED 技术与有机及硅基半导体等众多领域。 aixtron.com | As a leading supplier of key technologies for innovative, energy-saving [...] solutions, AIXTRON provides [...] cutting-edge technology to manufacturers worldwide – even beyond LED, for example [...]for organic and silicon-based semiconductors. aixtron.com |
洛高达LED照明产品提供了很大的优势:国家的最先进 的 LED 技术,能 耗低,产量和高光,坚固,高耐用性和极低的维护。 cn.roccoda.com | ROCCODA LED lighting products offer a lot of advantages: [...] State-of-the-art LED technology, low energy consumption [...]and high light yield, sturdiness, [...]high durability and extremely low maintenance. roccoda.com |
一是加强LED技术开发 和引进中的知识产权风险防范,自主或委托进行研发前的专利专项检索分析,预估侵权风险。 jxlcd.com | One is to strengthen the [...] development of LED technology and the introduction [...]of the intellectual property risk prevention, [...]special independent or commissioned research and development of patent retrieval analysis, estimate risk of infringement. jxlcd.com |
连接礼堂和穹顶的天桥的支柱从两 侧采用 Linealuce 光源照明,而地板上的LED 技 术嵌入 式散射灯则为观景塔下侧部分带来柔和 的照明效果。 iguzzini.com | The columns supporting the walkway which connects the Auditorium and the Dome are laterally highlighted by Linealuce lamps, while floorrecessed LED spotlights wrap soft light around the base of the belvedere. iguzzini.com |
欧司朗光电半导体公司:光学系统的 LED技术 Torra:合金车轮,安全带。 maserati.com.cn | OSRAM Opto [...] Semiconductors: LED Technology for Optical Systems [...]Torra: Alloy Wheels, Belts web.maserati.com |
关于更多主题发光二极管(LED)-技术 的 产品信息,请联系Acrysign Kunststofftechnik GmbH。 industrystock.cn | The supplier Acrysign Kunststofftechnik GmbH would be happy to send you product portfolios, prices [...] and further information about Led technics. industrystock.com |
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主题发光二极管 ( LED )- 技术 , 可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。 industrystock.cn | Please use the following link to research other relevant [...] companies relating to Led technics in IndustryStock's [...]database. industrystock.com |
半导体照明是上世纪90年代发展起来的新一代冷光源,具有传统光源无可比拟的优势:节约能源、保护环境(不含汞等有害物质)、寿命长(5万小时)、减少维护费用、提供更好的灯光品质、改进灯光视觉效果和安全性,这些都 使 LED技术 在 众 多基础设施建设中得到越来越多的应用。 gzbaiguan.com | Semiconductor lighting is developed in the 1990s a new generation of cold light source, with an unparalleled advantage in the traditional light source: energy conservation, environmental protection (no mercury and other harmful substances), long life (50,000 hours), reducing maintenance costs, provide better lighting quality, visual [...] effects and lighting to improve safety, [...] these are the LED technology in a number of [...]infrastructure to get more and more applications. gzbaiguan.com |
MIRO CUBE [...] 光源的所有三种型号配备相同的散热器、电源和电子组件,在设计上可满足未来的需求,工程师们不需要对基本单元进行重要改装,就能快速地对 LED 技术的发展做出反应。 rosco.com | With heat sinks, power supplies and electronics assemblies common to all three models, the MIRO CUBE luminaires have been designed to be future proof, [...] allowing our engineers to quickly respond to [...] improvements in LED technologies without significant [...]alterations to the base unit. rosco.com |
第二, [...] 数字光处理芯片上的镜面反光特性及 LED 技术可使 更多年光线到达屏幕,明显增大色域。 sim2usa.com | Second, the reflective nature of the mirrors on the DLP chip [...] combine with the LED technology to allow more [...]light to reach the screen and deliver a [...]remarkable increase in color gamut. sim2usa.com |
创新是推动未来LED技术应用 与解决方案的关键,我们骄傲地推出了个人无线LED照明系统:飞利浦hue智能照明系统。 annualreport2012.philips.com.cn | Innovation is a key [...] driver of future LED-based applications [...]and solutions, and we were proud to launch our personal wireless [...]LED lighting system Philips hue. annualreport2012.philips.com |
您需要更多发光二极管(LED)-技术的 供 应商,零件,配件信息吗? industrystock.cn | Do you need more information about suppliers, replacement [...] parts and accessories from Led technics? industrystock.com |
全健表示,这也是部分专家和学者的意见,LED是未来发展的方向,政府应扶持,而且这几年政府的支持也有了明显效果 , LED技术 得 到 长足进步,与2008年相比,LED灯的照明效果已从60瓦上升到100瓦,芯片价格也从10元降低到了一两元。 orient-opto.com | All Health said that this is also the opinion of experts and scholars, LED is the future direction of development, the Government should support, and support of the Government in recent [...] years has also been [...] apparent effect, LED technology has made great progress, compared with 2008, LED lights 60 [...]watts of lighting effects [...]from up to 100 watts, the chip reduces the price from 10 yuan to a dollar or two. orient-opto.com |
Wennerström [...] Ljuskontroll是锐高的销售合作伙伴,其在斯德哥尔摩新开设的一家分公司使用了最先进的基于最先 进 LED技术 的 动 态照明解决方案,包含锐高的照明控制元器件和灯具镇流器。 tridonic.cn | Tridonic’s sales partner Wennerström Ljuskontroll has fitted its new branch in Stockholm with a [...] dynamic lighting solution based on [...] state-of-the-art LED technology, involving lighting [...]control components and lamp control gear by Tridonic. tridonic.com |
三是构建LED技术及产品专利池,引导我国LED企业相互授权,联合应对涉及知识产权的侵权行为和法律诉讼,使企业在求同存异的原则下实现利益分享与合作共赢。 jxlcd.com | Three is to build a LED technology and patent pool [...] products, guiding China's LED enterprise mutual authorization, joint [...]response to the infringement of intellectual property rights and legal proceedings, make the enterprise the benefit sharing under the principle of seeking common ground while putting aside differences and win-win cooperation. jxlcd.com |
近两年LED技术发展突飞猛进,LED的发光效率也屡创新高,LED已经可以在很多场所代替传统光源使用,特别是大功率LED的出现,加速了LED取代传统照明光源的速度,也使得LED在室内照明的大面积应用变得更加现实。 bydit.com | In the past two years, with the rapid [...] development of LED technology, light-emitting [...]efficiency of LED is also increasing, [...]LED can replace the traditional light sources in many places, in particular, the emergence of high-power LED, which has accelerated the speed of LED light sources replace traditional lighting, but also makes the large area applications of LED in the Indoor lighting become more realistic. bydit.com |
虽然不少灯光师认为LED光源 [...] 照在人体皮肤上效果较冷,但近期的新 型 LED技术 融 合 了白光与琥珀色光,能够制造出足够温暖的光 [...]源,其效果与白炽灯相当。 on-the-move.org | Most designers feel LED light quality [...] has remained too cold to light skin, [...] however, several recent LED solutions such as [...]quads offer a white and amber mix to give [...]a warm enough light, while also offering RGB for flexibility. on-the-move.org |