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(u) 关於条例草案附表2第 3 条所载《高等 法 院 规 则 》 ( 第 4A章 ) 第 47号 命令的拟议修正案 拟稿( 立法会CB(1)2109/03-04(02) 号文件 第 4 页 ) ,政府当局同意从 第
47号 命令第 7(4)(b) 条规则 中 删 除 “shall be
[...] taken and deemedtobeavalid transfer [...]
of such right, title and interest and”(“须 视 为 及当作为上述权利、业
权及权益 的有效转让 , 并 ”)一 语 。
(u) On the draft proposed CSA to Order 47 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap. 4A) set out in section 3 of Schedule 2 to the Bill (page 4 of LC Paper No. CB(1)2109/03-04(02)), the Administration agreed to delete from rule
7(4)(b) of Order 47 the expression “shall be
[...] taken and deemed to be a valid transfer [...]
of such right, title and interest and”.
政府当局回应助理法律顾问2 时解释为何第 125(1)(a)125(1)(b)条中"subjectto"语的 中文译法有所不同。
In response to ALA2, the Administration explained why the phrase "subject to" in clauses 125(1)(a) and 125(1)(b) had been translated into Chinese differently.
Luminus’high efficacy and high brightness LEDs are usedby many [...]
of the world’s biggest companies for general lighting,
projection display, entertainment, ultraviolet curing, medical, portable, transportation and digital signage lighting applications.
如果结果是 ”Your
[...] IP correspondsto aknown rogue DNS [...]
server”, 表示你的电脑或宽频路由器的域名伺服器设定指向了已知有问题的伺服器。
If the result is "Your
[...] IP corresponds toa known rogue [...]
DNS server", your computer or broadband router's DNS server setting
was pointed to the known rouge server.
(h) 关於条例草案附表2 第 111条所载《区域法 院规则》( 第 336H章 ) 第 47号命令的拟议修 正案拟稿( 立法会CB(1)2109/03-04(02) 号 文件第168页 ) ,政府当局证实,一如《高 等法院规则》(第 4A章 )第 47号命令(2004年 6 月 11日法案委员会第三十五次会议後政 府当局须采取的跟进行动一览第21项 ) , “shall be taken and deemedtobeavalid transfer of such right, title and interest and”(“须视为及当作 为上述权利、业权及权益的有效转让,并”) 一语会从第47号命令第7(4)(b)条规则中删 除。
(h) On the draft proposed CSA to Order 47 of the Rules of the District Court (Cap. 336H) set out in section 111 of Schedule 2 to the Bill (page 168 of LC Paper No. CB(1)2109/03-04(02)), the Administration confirmed that as in the case of Order 47 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap. 4A) (item 21 of the list of follow-up actions to be taken by the Administration arising from the thirty-fifth meeting of the Bills Committee on 11 June 2004), the expression “shall be taken and deemed to be a valid transfer of such right, title and interest and” would be deleted from rule 7(4)(b) of Order 47.
如果想要了解更多LED到主机板的详细资料,请参阅您的主机板使用 [...]
For more information
[...] on connecting LEDs to your motherboard, [...]
see your motherboard user’s manual.
(4) 在本条中,“关乎指定系统的有关文件"(relevant document relatingto adesignated system)指指定系统的业 务、事务 、交易、状 况 、资产或帐目的 任何报告、便 条、文件 或 报表。
(4) In this section, "relevant document relatingto a designated system" (关乎 指定系统的有关文件) means any report, slip, document or statement of the business, affairs, transactions, condition, assets or accounts of a designated system.
WACKER’s new silicones sold under the LUMISIL®
brand allow – for the very first time –
[...] optical lenses for LEDs tobe applied directly to the light-emitting [...]
diode chip.
There is a total of6 LEDs available, each [...]
of which can be assigned an input or a function.
该等陈述包括有关公司的预期:收购计划将於二零一二年第四季度完成;这次收购龙鼎微电子公司 (Power Analog Microelectronics)
[...] [...] 将可扩展Diodes的产品阵容,从而加强我们作为环球优质模拟产品供应商的地位,包括创新的『无滤波器』数码音频放大器、特殊应用功率管理集成电路,以及高性LED器与DC-DC转换器;有关公司旗下各种业务相辅相成,将可即时为客户提供效益,长远来说更为股东及员工带来价值;这次收购有助促进双方的协作关系。
Such statements include statements regarding our expectation that: the acquisition is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2012; the acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics will strengthen our position as a global provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers,
application-specific power management ICs, as well as
[...] high-performance LEDdriversand DC-DC [...]
converters; the highly complementary nature
of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition.
奔腾制作《星下谈》、春天剧团《香江花月夜》、剧场工作室《流浪在彩色街头》、香港音乐剧协会《边边正传》、《2004年除夕倒数嘉年华》、《A Life Journey Through Musicals》-(为2005年非洲突尼斯 "Le Bulletin du festival" 的演出剧目)、《漫游音乐剧之A toZ《浓情百老汇》、香港合唱团《小安妮》、剧场空间《老窦》、香港艺术节音乐剧剧目《白蛇新传》及《留着爱》。
Ben Ting Production《Starry Starry Night》; Springtime Production《Hong Kong Nocturne》; Drama Gallery’s《Vagabond》;  The Hong Kong Musical Theatre Federation《Pippin》, 《2004 New Year’s Eve Carnival》, 《A Life Journey Through Musicals》( performed in Tunisia "Le Bulletin du festival” 2005),《Musical Journey A to Z》 & 《Postcards from Broadway》;  HK Chorus’ 《Annie》; HK 3 Arts Musical Institute《Othello》; Theatre Space《DA》(a translated play);  The Hong Kong Arts Festival programme《The Legend of the White Snake》&《And Then There’s You》; Dance Art《Butterfly Effect》and Andy Wong In Concert《One Heart One Voice》.
LED光二极管)和OLED(有机电致发光二极管)的 照明技术将营造美观的车内照明以及翔实的信息 [...]
显示,并对前方道路及其附近区域提供可靠的照 明。
The latest lighting
[...] techniquessuch as LEDs (LightEmitting [...]
Diodes) and OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) ensure pleasing
and informative lighting of the interior and the safe illumination of the road ahead and its surroundings.
[...] 碟机省电功能的设定、启用或停用磁碟机LED灯以及在磁碟机上执行诊断测试。
From this tab, you can specify
settings for the drive’s power save feature, enable or
[...] disable the drive’s LEDs, and perform a [...]
diagnostic test on the drive.
(g) 配置发光二极(LED)/ 招牌时,使用合适类别 的发光二极管(例如具有挡板、百业和光学散光设施 来控制光线的分布) ,以减低标志/ 招牌亮度和溢散 光,以及避免来自直接光源的眩光。
(g) For signs withLEDs,use suitable type of LEDs (e.g. LEDswith baffles, louvres or optic diffusers to control light distribution) to reduce sign luminance and light overspill and to prevent glare from direct view of the light source.
We offer a complete range of light
[...] sourcesincludingLEDs,incandescent lamps, [...]
fluorescent, compact fluorescent, high intensity
discharge, halogen, miniature incandescent, neon and other specialty lamps.
White LED's are solid state [...]
devices which light up to full, consistent brightness faster saving startup time.
三星今日还在纽约三星体验中心外展示了其3D Cube,这是一个由36台55英LED7000系列3DLED组成的巨型显示墙。
Samsung also today revealed its 3D Cube, a mega screen display composed of 36 55" LED 7000 Series 3D LEDTVs outside The Samsung Experience in New York City.
(b)  本公司可备有按该条例第73A允许之正式印章一枚,用以在本公司所 发行之股份或其他证券之证书上盖印(以及在加盖该正式印章之任何该等证明书或 其他文件上毋须任何董事、高级人员或其他人士之签署及机械式复制签署,且该等 证书或其他文件即使没有任何该等签署或上述机械式复制签署仍属有效及应视为已 在董事会之授权下盖章及签立),以及可备有按董事会决定根据公司条例条文规定之 供在外地使用之正式印章一枚,且本公司可以书面形式并盖上该印章委任在外地之 任何一名或多名代理人或者一个或多个委员会作为本公司之获妥为授权之代理人, 目的在於加盖及使用该正式印章,并可施本公司认为合适之有关使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
如果在 前面板上的“数字”采样LED,则可能无时 钟或 M3000 不能锁定到输入时钟上。
If the “Digital” Sample RateLEDs on the front panel [...]
are blinking, no clock is present or the M3000 cannot lock to the incoming clock.
条例草案第11条建议加入第67(2A)67(2B)条,以订明 如选举呈请关乎某人的姓名列入递补顺位名单,或关乎某人的 姓名没有列入递补顺位名单,则在该呈请的审讯完结时,原讼 法庭须裁定该人的姓名须否列入该名单;以及如选举呈请关乎 某人在递补顺位名单上的排名名次,则在该呈请的审讯完结 时,原讼法庭须裁定该人在该名单上的排名名次是否正确,如 非正确,则须裁定该人的正确排名名次为何。
Clause 11 of the Bill proposes to add sections 67(2A) and 67(2B) to the effect that at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the inclusion of the name of a person in, or the exclusion of the name of a person from a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the name is to be included in the list, and at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the ranking of a person on a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the ranking of the person on the list is correct and, if not correct, what is the correct ranking.
根据创业板上市规则第17.42A(1),任何控股股东及彼等之联系人,或倘无控股股东,则本 公司董事(不包括独立非执行董事)及主要行政人员以及彼等各自之联系人(定义见创业板上 市规则),须放弃投票赞成批准一般授权之决议案,而有关决议案须以投票方式表决。
According to Rule 17.42A(1) of the GEM Listing Rules, any controlling Shareholders and their associates or, where there are no controlling Shareholders, Directors (excluding independent nonexecutive Directors) and the chief executive of the Company and their respective associates (as defined in the GEM Listing Rules) shall abstain from voting in favour of the resolution to approve the General Mandate and such resolution shall be voted on by way of a poll.
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示
59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高
[...] 铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》37A动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 [...]
构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明
白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the
substance and social impact of the XRL,
[...] I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure [...]
to demand that the Government
shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
就本条细则而言,董事向 董事会发出一般通知表(a)一家指定公司或商号的股东,且 被视为於通知日期後可能与这家公司或商号订立的任何合约或安排 中拥有利益,或 (b) 其被视为於通知日期後可能与其有关连的指定 人士订立的任何合约或安排中拥有利益,应被视为在本条细则下就 有关任何该合约或安排的权益的充足申报;但前提是,除非该通知 於董事会会议上发出,或该董事采取合理步骤确保该通知发出後於 下一次董事会会议中提出及宣读,否则该通知不会生效。
For the purposes of this Bye-Law, a general notice to the Board by a Director to the effect that (a) he is a shareholder of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with that company or firm or (b) he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with a specified person who is connected with him, shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-Law in relation to any such contract or arrangement; provided that no such notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at the next Board meeting after it is given.
这一突破性解决方案的关键在于采用了新型高亮LED采用专利光学技术)和智能控制器(可确保将最大电能从太阳能板转移到电池,效率比传统充电控制器高 [...]
The key to this breakthrough solution lies in the combination of
[...] new High BrightnessLEDs with patented optics [...]
and an intelligent controller which
ensures that maximum power is transferred from the solar panel to the battery (30% more efficient than traditional charge controllers).
œThe MSL2021/23/24 LED devices address this key issue by enabling the control of two strings, typically
[...] comprising of white and red oramber LEDs, to provide precise white color [...]
while providing extraordinary power efficiency, flexibility and wide power levels for the lamps.
(a)公 帄 ‛ 带 出 的 结 论 是:合 理 怀 疑 应 当 是 行 使 警 察 权 力 的 基 准 , 而 若 干 权 力 ( 例 如 取 得 令 状 搜 查 证 据 ) 应 当 只 在 较 为 严 重 的 罪 行 中 才 可 使 用 。
(a) “Fairness” led to the conclusion that reasonable suspicion should be the threshold for the exercise of police powers and that certain powers (eg to obtain a warrant to search for evidence) should only be available in respect of more serious offences.
(2)(a)本条细则第(1)段条文配发的股份与当其时已发行的同类别股份 (如有)在所有方面享有同等权益,惟仅參与於有关股息派付或宣 派之前或同一时间派付、作出、宣派或公告的有关股息或任何其他 分派、红利或权利除外,除非当董事会公告其拟就有关股息应用本 条细则第(2)段(a)(b)分段的条文时,或当董事会公告有关分派、 红利或权利时,董事会表明根据本条细则第(1)段条文将予配发的股 份有权參与该分派、红利或权利。
(2) (a) The shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank pari passu in all respects with shares of the same class (if any) then in issue save only as regards participation in the relevant dividend or in any other distributions, bonuses or rights paid, made, declared or announced prior to or contemporaneously with the payment or declaration of the relevant dividend unless, contemporaneously with the announcement by the Board of their proposal to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (2) of this Article in relation to the relevant dividend or contemporaneously with their announcement of the distribution, bonus or rights in question, the Board shall specify that the shares to be allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank for participation in such distribution, bonus or rights.
In consideration of your use of the Site, you agree to(a) provide accurate, current and complete information about you as may be prompted by any registration forms on the Site ("Registration Data"); (b) maintain the security of your password and identification; (c) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data, and any other information you provide to the Company, to keep it accurate, current and complete; and (d) be fully responsible for all use of your account and for any actions that take place using your account.
马拉喀什工作队是各国政府带头的自愿计划,全神贯注于七个明确主题(a)持续消费的教育”;(b) “可持续的旅游业”;(c) “可持续的公共采 购”;(d) “可持续的产品”;(e) “可持续的房屋和建筑”,(f) “与非洲合 作”;和(g) “可持续的生活方式”。
The Marrakech task forces are voluntary initiatives led by Governments focusing on seven specific themes: (a) “Education for sustainable consumption”, (b) “Sustainable tourism”, (c) “Sustainable public procurement”, (d) “Sustainable products”, (e) “Sustainable buildings and construction”, (f) “Cooperation with Africa” and (g) “Sustainable lifestyles”.




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