释义 |
Examples:spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost—lit. foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity (idiom); tolerating budding evil can only lead to disaster—interjection of surprise—not submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence—come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory—fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain—Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)—To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite the successful execution of a job—lose at sunrise but gain at sunset (idiom); to compensate later for one's earlier loss—seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value—interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer—(of the fingers or toes) nail—pour oil on the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation—recount history but omit one's ancestors (idiom); to forget one's roots—interjection of surprise or pain—interjection or grunt of agreement—Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates, such as horses, zebras etc)—wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext—expression of recognition—Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), heir the Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I—dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)—feel irritated without being able to express it—Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character—not know whether to believe (what one reads in the news)—interjection of surprise or doubt—In the sky be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined—set an example (idiom); to serve as a model—submit oneself to the rule of or acknowledge allegiance to—endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence—hang around (and cause trouble to everyone)—(coll.) (of women) get one's period—lit. want to get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)—appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity—Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of Iran, aka Ali Khamenei—lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten)—make up the number (i.e. to fill places up to a given number)—put forward a suggestion (to sb in a senior position)—modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent—turn tears into laughter (idiom); to turn grief into happiness—order of odd-toed ungulate (including horse, tapir, rhinoceros)—reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf—pound the earth to make a building foundation—able think of everything that needs to be thought of—offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc—the time is right, geographical and social conditions are favorable (idiom); a good time go to war—picosecond, ps, 10^-12 s—try to form friendly ties with sb. for one's own benefit—be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) [idiom.]—give sympathy to the rich and relief to the poor [idiom.]— |