单词 | kjeltec | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
Kjeltec8000 系列凯氏定氮仪包括三个型号:8100、8200和8400,自动化程度不同,用于进行简单和安全的蒸馏。 foss.cn | The Kjeltec8000 series consists [...] of three models; 8100, 8200 and 8400; for simple and safe distillations with different levels of automation. foss.us |
整体的消化管架可以从消化炉直接转移到 Kjeltec自动 进样器上而不需转移任何消化管和样品。 foss.cn | The full rack can be loaded from digestion [...] directly into theKjeltec Auto Sampler without [...]any tube or sample transfer. foss.us |
当您的业务量增长时,Kjeltec能够保持您的分析跟上需求的发展,满足不断发展的经济性和可追溯性要求。 foss.cn | As your businessdevelops,Kjeltec keeps youranalysis [...] up to date, matching ongoing demands for improved economy and traceability in the laboratory. foss.us |
Kjeltec8400和8420或8460进样器联机并和Tecator自动升降型消化炉一起使用,可以提供终极的自动凯氏定氮分析解决方案。 foss.cn | The Kjeltec8400 incombination [...] with 8420 or 8460 sampler and Tecator AutoLift digesters provides the ultimate in automated Kjeldahl analysis. foss.us |
新的Kjeltec™8 400系统可以让您在线注册样品和追踪结果以改进操作和可追溯性。 foss.cn | Your new Kjeltec™8400 system allows [...] you to register samples and track results on-line for improved operations and traceability. foss.us |
植物种植者可以使用Kjeltec自动 分析仪处理大量的样品。 foss.cn | Plant breeders can obtain a high sample [...] throughput usingthe KjeltecAutoSamples in the [...]micro Kjeldahl mode. foss.us |
Kjeltec™定氮系统和Tecator消化炉是使用最广泛的测定凯氏氮和蛋白质的分析系统。 foss.cn | The Kjeltec™and theTecator Digestion [...] systems are the most widespread analysis systems for Kjeldahl nitrogen and protein determination. foss.us |
FOSS提供一系列的消化炉和Kjeltec™凯氏定氮系统用于氮和蛋白质的测定。 foss.cn | FOSS supplies a full rangeofKjeltec™and digestion [...] systems for protein and nitrogen determinations. foss.us |
Kjeltec自动进样器系统可以使用更少的能源进行凯氮分析,能够节省70%的工作量和50%的试剂和废物处理费用。 foss.cn | The Kjeltec AutoSampler system [...] running in a micro Kjeldahl mode uses less energy, saves about 70% of the work load and [...]50% of the traditional chemical and wastage costs. foss.us |
Kjeltec™系统配备有多种安全传感器。 foss.cn | TheKjeltec™unit isequipped [...] with a variety of safety sensors. foss.us |
Kjeltec™8 100蒸馏单元提供简单可靠的自动蒸馏方案。 foss.cn | TheKjeltec™8100 Distillation [...] Unit provides a simple and reliable solution for safe and automatic distillations. foss.us |
获得更多Kjeltec方案能给您带来的更多节省的信息。 foss.cn | Find out more [...] about thesavingsaKjeltec solution cancreate [...]for your business. foss.us |
Kjeltec™系统可以让您在线注册样品和追踪结果以改进操作和可追溯性。 foss.cn | Kjeltec™allows you to register [...] samples and track results online for improved operations and traceability. foss.us |
Kjeltec8000 系列凯氏定氮仪包括三个型号:8100、8200和8400,自动化程度不同,用于进行简单和安全的蒸馏。 foss.cn | The Kjeltec8400 incombination [...] with 8420 or 8460 sampler and Tecator AutoLift digesters provides the ultimate in automated Kjeldahl analysis. foss.us |
Kjeltec是现代实验室完美的蒸馏解决方案。 foss.cn | Kjeltec is theperfect distillation [...] solution for modern laboratories. foss.us |