

单词 -kind-bindung



legally binding seal




binding agentn

External sources (English)

External sources (Chinese)

代表团还注意到,特别报告员 提出了一些需关注的领域,包括有必要针对土地改革制定具有法律约束力的国家 准则;立法进程有待进一步透明化,应与更广泛的社区共同讨论法律草案对人权 问题的影响;此外,应设立政府和公民社会论坛,以加强合作环境,促进该国的 民主和人权。
The delegation also noted that the Special Rapporteur had identified a number of areas of concern, including the need to develop binding national guidelines to address land reform; making the legislative process more transparent by sharing draft legislation with an impact on human rights issues with the wider community; and creating a Government and civil society forum to foster an environment of cooperation to strengthen democracy and human rights in the country.
该委员会的任务是通过有约束力的仲裁,决定一国政府对另一国政 府以及一方的国民(包括自然人和法人)对另一方的政府或者另一方拥有或控制 的实体提出的下列两类所有损失、损害或伤害索偿要求:(a) 与作为《框架协 定及其执行方式》和《停止敌对行动协定》主体的冲突有关;(b) 因为违反包 括 1949 年日内瓦四公约在内的国际人道主义法,或者其他违反国际法的行为。
The mandate of the Commission is to decide through binding arbitration all claims for loss, damage or injury by one Government against the other, and by nationals (including both natural and juridical persons) of one party against the Government of the other party or entities owned or controlled by the other party that are (a) related to the conflict that was the subject of the Framework Agreement, the Modalities for its Implementation and the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and (b) result from violations of international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, or other violations of international law.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具 有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约国集团要求设定的全面消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订《不扩散条约》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific timeline for the total elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without preconditions.
169.3 授权任何人士代表所有有权享有权利的股东与本公司订立协议,规定 分别向彼等配发彼等根据该资本化有权享有的入帐列作缴足的任何其 他股份、债权证或其他证券,或(倘情况需要)本公司代表彼等将决 议须予资本化的股东各自部分的利润用於缴付彼等现有股份中余下未 缴付的股款或其任何部分,且根据该授权订立的任何协议应对所有相 关股东有效并具有约束力。
169.3 to authorise any person to enter on behalf of all members entitled thereto into an agreement with the Company providing for the allotment to them respectively, credited as fully paid up, of any further shares, debentures or other securities to which they may be entitled upon such capitalisation, or, as the case may require, for the payment up by the Company on their behalf, by the application thereto of their respective proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalised, of the amounts or any part of the amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares, and any agreement made under such authority shall be effective and binding on all such members.
对反映一般国际法强制性规范(强制法)的条约规定的保留,不影响该强制性 规范的约束性质,该强制性规范应继续作为此种规范在保留国或组织与其他国家 或国际组织之间适用。
A reservation to a treaty provision which reflects a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens) does not affect the binding nature of that norm, which shall continue to apply as such between the reserving State or organization and other States or international organizations.
有成员还指出,数 据库的目的只是为了监测,不具法律约束力,因此不需要国家核可。
It was also pointed out that the database was for monitoring purposes only and was not legally binding, and therefore did not require endorsement by the countries.
(4) 如无证据证明本附例所提述的任何儿童的年龄,对於年龄的决定,处理票务或乘 客事务的人员有绝对酌情决定权,而其决定就所有目的而言均为最终和有约束力的决定,且无须 就其决定引致的任何损失或损害(不论损失或损害为何和如何引致)承担任何性质的法律责任。
(4) In the absence of proof as to the age of any child referred to in this Bylaw the decision as to age shall be in the absolute discretion of the officials dealing with tickets or passengers and shall be final and binding for all purposes without liability of whatever nature for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from any such decision.
董事会可委任任何人士代表被有权在资本化发行中获分派的人士与本 公司订立有关以令有关事宜生效属必要或适宜之任何协议,而有关委任(及根据有关 委任而作出之任何协议)具有效力且对所有相关事宜具约束力,有关人士接纳将予配 发及派发予彼等各自的股份、债券或其他证券後可为其提供合约,以完成其就此资本 化数额提出的申索。
The Board may appoint any person to sign on behalf of the persons entitled to share in a capitalisation issue any agreement with the Company necessary or desirable to give effect thereto and such appointment (and any agreement made pursuant to such appointment) shall be effective and binding upon all concerned, and the contract may provide for the acceptance by such persons of the shares, debentures or other securities to be allotted and distributed to them respectively in satisfaction of their claims in respect of the sum so capitalised.
(e) 由核数师就是否须予设立及维持认购权储备及(倘须予设立及维持认购权储 备)所需金额、认购权储备之用途、用以填补本公司亏损之款额、须按入账列作缴 足方式向行使认股权证持有人配发之额外股份面值,以及有关认购权储备之任何其 他事项而发出之证明书或报告,在无明显错误情况下,将为最终定案,并对本公司 以及所有认股权证持有人及股东具有约束力。
(e) A certificate or report by the Auditors as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to an exercising warrantholder credited as fully paid and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
大会在题为“推动拟订一项武器贸易条约:建立常规武器进出口和转让共同 国际标准”的第 63/240 号决议中决定设立一个不限成员名额工作组,以便于联 合国全体会员国一步步地以公开和透明的方式进一步审议审查具有法律约束力 的关于常规武器的进出口和转让的综合文书的可行性、范围和暂定参数政府专家 组的报告(见 A/63/334)第 27 段中有关建议的落实情况;工作组从 2009 年开始, 举行最多六次为期一周的会议。
In its resolution 63/240, entitled “Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms”, the General Assembly decided to establish an open-ended working group that would meet for up to six one-week sessions starting in 2009 in order to facilitate further consideration on the implementation of the relevant recommendation contained in paragraph 27 of the report of the Group of Governmental Experts to examine the feasibility, scope and draft parameters for a comprehensive, legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms (see A/63/334), on a step-by-step basis among all States Members of the United Nations, in an open and transparent manner.
接线图 此外,请注意欧盟和各国立法普遍有效的法律法规和其他具有约束力的规定, 以及所在国有关事故防范和环境保护的现行法规。
In addition, generally applicable legal and other binding regulations of European and national law and the regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection in force in the country of use must be complied with.
在塞浦路斯,普遍管辖权适用于:(a) 《刑法》所列的某些犯罪行为,如海 盗行为(见表 1);根据有约束力的国际公约或条约适用塞浦路斯法律惩罚的罪行; 目标针对塞浦路斯境内的不动产、犯罪要件之一是某种作为或不作为的犯罪行为 (见表 1);(b) 具体立法所针对的某些罪行,如《国际刑事法院罗马规约》所列 的罪行(见表 2)。
Universal jurisdiction is applicable in Cyprus: (a) by virtue of the Criminal Code to certain prescribed crimes, such as piracy (see table 1), to offences for which the laws of Cyprus are applicable by virtue of any binding international convention or treaty; and to offences whose one constituent element is an act or omission, the object of which is immovable property situated in Cyprus (see table 1); (b) by virtue of specific legislation on certain offences, such as crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (see table 2).
为本会议编制的文件包括附加说明的临时议程(E/CN.18/2008/1)和秘书处 题为“可持续森林管理筹资:为支持执行关于所有类型森林的无法律约束力文书 并促进可持续森林管理而调动金融资源”的说明(E/CN.18/2008/2)。
Documentation prepared for the meeting included the provisional agenda with annotations (E/CN.18/2008/1) and a note by the Secretariat on financing for sustainable forest management: mobilizing financial resources to support the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and to promote sustainable forest management (E/CN.18/2008/2).
二、除非根据第六十七条或第七十二条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选 择协议,承运人或海运履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提 起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第六十六条或第六十八条选择诉讼地的权利 的,该承运人或海运履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第六十八条(两者 以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以 在该法院重新提起诉讼。
2. Except when there is an exclusive choice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier or a maritime performing party that institutes an action seeking a declaration of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person of its right to select the forum pursuant to article 66 or 68 shall, at the request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced.
在对建议的这项分阶段程序,即“关于监督没设立任何具体固定机制的教科文组织公 约和建议书的实施情况的分阶段具体程序”进行深入研究之前,委员会委员对不分公约或建 议书,让会员国在监督落实方面承担同样的义务是否合适提出了疑问,因建议书是非协定性 质的文书,对会员国没有约束力。
Before conducting an in-depth examination of the proposed multi-stage procedure entitled Specific multi-stage procedure for the monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO conventions and recommendations for which no specific institutional mechanism is provided, Committee members questioned the desirability of placing Member States under similar reporting obligations in respect of both conventions and recommendations when in fact the latter instruments were not conventions and had no binding effect on Member States.
秘书长关于可持续森林管理的财政和其他执行手段的报告 (E/CN.18/2009/ 9)以及秘书长关于可持续森林管理筹资:为支持执行关于所有类型森林的无法律 约束力文书并促进可持续森林管理而调动金融资源的说明(E/CN.18/2008/2)最 全面地叙述了森林部门的资金流动情况,包括官方发展援助。
The report of the Secretary-General on finance and other means of implementation for sustainable forest management (E/CN.18/2009/9), and the note by the secretariat on financing for sustainable forest management: mobilizing financial resources to support the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and to promote sustainable forest management (E/CN.18/2008/2) provide the most comprehensive description of the financial flows in the forest sector including official development assistance.
文件的其他缺陷包括没有指出需 要就订立核武器公约立即进行磋商;核武器国家没 有清晰地承诺停止开发核武器;没有要求从无核武 器国家的领土上立即消除核武器;以及核武器国家 没有做出明确承诺,向无核武器国家提供具有法律 约束力的消极安全保证。
Other shortcomings in the document included its failure to refer to the need for immediate negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention; the lack of a clear commitment by nuclear-weapon States to cease the development of nuclear weapons; the failure to call for the immediate removal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclear-weapon States; and the omission of clear commitments from the nuclearweapon States to provide legally binding negative security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States.
J2EE 中的 Web 服务的每个主要的集成点,如客户机模型、服务器模型、部署模型、WSDL 绑定以及安全,都有自己的章节。
Each of the major integration points for Web services in J2EE, the client model, the server model, the deployment model, WSDL bindings, and security have their own chapter.
审查小组就下列方面提 出了具体建议:建立全面的监测、控制和监督系统、分阶段综合评价,每个成员 遵守现行养护和管理措施的情况、加强问责制、将非约束性市场措施转化成具有 约束力的措施、扩大当前统计文件方案的范围。
Specific recommendations were made on the development of a comprehensive monitoring, control and surveillance system, a structured, integrated approach to evaluate the compliance of each member with the conservation and management measures in force, greater accountability, transformation of non-binding market measures into binding measures and expanding the scope of the current statistical document programme.
侦听公共端口或者 Web 服务实现的 URI(在部署后,在服务的 WSDL 中所定义),以获得 SOAP/HTTP 绑定。
Listening on a well known port or on the URI of the Web service implementation (as defined in the service's WSDL after deployment) for SOAP/HTTP bindings.
总干事敦促伊朗按照理事会有约束力的决议和安全理事会具有强制性的各 项决议的要求采取步骤充分履行其“保障协定”及其他义务,包括执行其“附加 议定书”的规定、执行其“保障协定”的“辅助安排”总则经修订的第 3.1 条、 中止浓缩相关活动和中止重水相关活动。
The Director General urges Iran, as required in the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory Security Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its Safeguards Agreement and its other obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; and suspension of heavy water related activities.
一般来说,部署工具将验证内容是否为正确装配的部署构件、并从部属程序收集绑定信息、部署模块中定义的组件和 Web 服务、发布代表被部署 Web 服务的 WSDL 文档、部署任何使用 Web 服务客户机、配置服务器并启动应用程序。
In general, the deployment tool validates the content as a correctly assembled deployment artifact, collects binding information from the deployer, deploys the components and Web services defined within the modules, publishes the WSDL documents representing the deployed Web services, deploys any clients using Web services, configures the server and starts the application.
在振兴裁军谈判会议作用的背景下,我们认识 到,只有通过在裁军谈判会议中进行的谈判,例如关 于一项核武器公约的谈判,其目标是彻底禁止核武 器,并且以 2025 年作为通过此种谈判实现一个无核 武器世界的适当时间框架和关于制订一项具有法律 约束力的国际文书,以便在实现核裁军前为无核武器 国家提供不对它们使用或威胁使用核武器的无条件 保证的谈判,才能在国际层面上实现裁军领域的许多 核心目标。
In the context of revitalizing the role of the Conference on Disarmament, we must recognize that many of the central objectives in the field of disarmament can be achieved at the international level only through negotiations within the Conference, such as negotiations on a nuclear-weapons convention aimed at a total ban on nuclear weapons, with the year 2025 as the appropriate time frame for the realization of a nuclear-weapon-free world through such negotiations, and negotiations on crafting a legally binding international instrument that provides non-nuclearweapon States with unconditional assurances against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, pending the realization of nuclear disarmament.
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确保毫不拖延地开始实质性的工作,通过 并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有关向无核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束 力的文书,防止外层空间的军备竞赛,以及一项禁止 生产用于核武器或其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。
The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the political will necessary to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and comprehensive programme of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on negative security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States, the prevention of an arms race in outer space and a multilateral and non-discriminatory treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
然而,尽管谈判耗费了大量时间 和费用,但关于汞问题的一项具有法律约束力的协定的条约草案案文并未表明各 国具有所需意愿要处理与采掘业相关的需要采取国际行动的其他重金属问题,例 如铅和镉。
However, despite the substantial time and cost of negotiations, draft treaty texts for a legally-binding agreement on mercury do not show the desired willingness on the part of States to address other heavy metals associated with extractive industries that warrant international action, such as lead and cadmium.
法庭的判决带有约束力,可以了解国家的规定是如何解释和 适应的,以及如何保护和加强母语和多语教育。
Judgements by courts have a binding effect and provide insight into how the national normative setting is interpreted and applied, as well as how education in mother tongue and multicultural education are protected and enforced.
鉴于在发展权问题上迫切需要取得进一步 进展,古巴代表团希望联合国重新考虑制定一项有 关发展权问题的具有法律约束力的文书;它还希望 委员会将以协商一致的方式通过该决议草案。
Given the urgent need to make further progress on the right to development, his delegation hoped that the United Nations would review the issue of establishing a legally binding instrument on the right to development; it also hoped that the Committee would adopt the draft resolution by consensus.
4.4 倘若一名或多名或所有账户持有人去世,本行在有关人士去世後及实际收到有关的书面通 4 知前,根据授权人员或其中任何一位的要求、指示或指令所作出的任何作为、事情、契据 或事项,将对账户持有人、其遗产及遗产代理人及透过账户持有人或其中任何一名或多名 人士进行申索的任何人等具绝对及终局性约束力。
4.4 When any one or more or all of the account holders or the users of the service die(s), any act, thing, deed or matter made or done by us pursuant to the requests, instructions or directions of the Authorized Signatory or any of them after such death but before the actual receipt of notice in writing thereof by us shall be absolutely and conclusively binding on the account holder or the user of the service, his estate and personal representative and any party or parties claiming through or under the account holder or the user of the service or any one or more of them.
各部门和公众宣传局指出,编制工作(排版、照相制版、校清样)主要利用编外人员合同由内 部完成,如果作品复杂(图表很多、有数学公式、要精装等)才外包。
The sectors and the Bureau of Public Information have stated that the work of preparation, formatting, photoengraving and proof-reading is mainly done in-house, on the basis of supernumerary contracts, and that outsourcing is only employed if the book is complex (large number of diagrams, mathematical formulae, bindings, etc.).




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