单词 | Julius | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
按照第 29 C/87 号决议第 1.21 和第 1.22 [...] 段的规定,执行局第一七一届会议建议大会提名JuliusOSZLANYI 先生(斯洛伐克)担任第 [...]III 委员会主席。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Pursuant to 29 C/Resolution 87 (paras. 1.21 and 1.22) the Executive Board, at its 171st session, [...] recommended to the General Conference the [...] nomination of Mr JuliusOszlanyi (Slovakia) [...]for the office of Chairperson of Commission III. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 2007 年 10 月 16 [...] 日召开的第二次全体会议上,JuliusOszlanyi 先生当选为该委员会主席。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the second plenary meeting on 16 [...] October 2007,MrJulius Oszlanyiwas elected [...]Chairperson of the SHS Commission. unesdoc.unesco.org |
执行局第一七七届会议建议大会提名JuliusOszlanyi 先生(斯洛伐克)担任社会科学及人文科学委员会主 席。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Executive Board, at its 177th session, [...] recommended to the General Conference the [...] nomination of MrJulius Oszlanyi (Slovakia) [...]for the office of Chairperson of the SHS Commission. unesdoc.unesco.org |
彼亦为JuliusBaerGruppe AG(前称JuliusBär Holding AG)的 董 事 会 成 员。 glencore.com | He is also a member of the [...] board of directors at Julius BaerGruppeAG (formerly Julius BärHolding AG). glencore.com |
他最早的书籍于 1822 年在柏林问世,后来,1826 [...] 年他在汉堡出书,他与汉堡的出版商JuliusCampe 关系密切。 unesdoc.unesco.org | His first books appeared in 1822 in Berlin, then in 1826 in Hamburg where he became closely [...] associated with thepublisherJulius Campe. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2011 年 9 月 9 [...] 日,一个护送塞人民党总统候选人JuliusMaada Bio 准将(已退役)的车队在南 [...]部地区博城受到大会党支持者的袭击,Bio 先生受伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 9 September 2011, a convoy [...] carrying Brigadier JuliusMaada Bio(Rtd), [...]the SLPP presidential candidate, was attacked by [...]APC supporters in Bo, in the southern region, resulting in injuries to him. daccess-ods.un.org |
彼亦为Kleinwort [...] Benson Group的主席及JuliusBaer、AXA Konzern 及Arecon的董事会成员。 glencore.com | He is also chairman of the Kleinwort Benson group and is a member of the [...] Board of Directors atJulius Baer, AXA Konzern [...]and Arecon. glencore.com |
他与长笛大师JuliusBaker及Jean-Pierre Rampal合作於纽约卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie [...] Hall)及林肯中心(Lincoln Center)演出。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Dr. Garner has performed as soloist in [...] Carnegie Hall and Avery Fisher Hall, [...] Lincoln Center, with Julius Baker and Jean-Pierre [...]Rampal and was recently the first [...]American flutist to be invited by the Russian government to perform in Moscow's Tchaikovsky Hall. tomleemusic.com.hk |
10 月 20 日下午举行了五个计划委员会和行政会议的联席会议,行政委员会副主席 Ryuhei Hosoya 先生(日本)代表行政委员会主席 Mohammed Bedjaoui 先生(阿尔及利亚)主持了会议,代 表五个计划委员会出席会议的是:第 I 委员会副主席 Alissandra Cummins [...] 女士(巴巴多斯);第 II 委员会主席 Gun-Britt Andersson [...] 女士(瑞典);第 III 委员会主席JuliusOszlanyi 先生(斯洛伐 [...]克);第 IV 委员会主席 Jaime Nualart 先生(墨西哥);第 V 委员会主席 [...]Mohammed Sheya 先生(坦 桑尼亚联合共和国)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Joint Meeting of the five Programme Commissions and the Administrative Commission took place on the afternoon of 20 October and was chaired by the Vice-Chairperson of the Administrative Commission, Mr Ryuhei Hosoya (Japan), representing the Chairperson of the Administrative Commission, Mr Mohammed Bedjaoui (Algeria), with the following five Chairpersons representing the Programme Commissions: Ms Alissandra Cummins (Barbados), Vice-Chairperson of Commission I; Ms [...] Gun-Britt Andersson (Sweden), Chairperson of [...] Commission II; Mr Julius Oszlanyi(Slovakia), [...]Chairperson of Commission III; Mr Jaime [...]Nualart (Mexico), Chairperson of Commission IV; Mr Mohammed Sheya (United Republic of Tanzania), Chairperson of Commission V. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大卫‧朱利雅斯(DavidJulius)发现了有关的分子机制,使人类可以通过触觉,感知疼痛,温度和其他相关感觉。 shawprize.org | David Julius discovered molecular [...] mechanisms by which the sense of touch allows us to perceive pain, temperature and other sensations. shawprize.org |
最上面的一区域中,可以看到奥古斯都的浮雕,他戴着面纱和光彩夺目的皇冠,围绕在旁边是骑在双翼飞马上的日耳曼尼库斯 (Germanicus) [...] 以及提比略大帝的儿子德鲁苏斯·尤里乌斯·凯撒 (DrususJuliusCaesar)。 wdl.org | Emperor Augustus can be recognized in the upper register, with his head veiled and encircled by a radiant [...] crown; he is surrounded by Germanicus, mounted on a winged horse, and the son of the Emperor [...] Tiberius, Drusus JuliusCaesar. wdl.org |
另一个成功因素来自,巴黎导演JuliusBerg选择运用广告片或剧情短片典型的图像处理方式和叙事手法来拍摄,而不是采用常见的传统企业介绍影片那种"新闻报道"式风格。 audemarspiguet.com | Another strong point is that [...] Parisian filmmakerJulius Berg opted for image-processing [...]and narration typical of an advertisement [...]or a short-fiction clip, instead of the “news-reporting” style frequently used in traditional institutional films. audemarspiguet.com |
生命科学与医学奖 - 颁予美国加州大学三藩市分校生理学系主任及教授大卫‧朱利雅斯(DavidJulius),以表彰他对人类皮肤感知疼痛、刺激和温度以至产生疼痛、过敏现象背后的分子机制的开创性发现。 shawprize.org | Professor David Julius, Professor and Chairman of Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, USA for his seminal discoveries of molecular mechanisms by which the skin senses painful stimuli and temperature and produces pain hypersensitivity. shawprize.org |