单词 | Jose | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
JayneSanJose博士是北京和睦家医院的儿科医生,她有多年婴儿和儿科疾病的医疗经验,包括治疗和处理哮喘病。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Dr.Jayne SanJose is a pediatrician [...] at Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics (BJU) and has many years of experience [...]in well-baby and well-child care, including the treatment and management of asthma. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
任命Doug和Jose体现了我们可靠的继任规划程序和麦当劳商业战略‘制胜计划’的全球统一标准。 tipschina.gov.cn | Doug'sand Jose's appointments [...] reflect our solid succession planning process and the global alignment around McDonald's [...]business strategy, the Plan to Win. tipschina.gov.cn |
作为备受尊崇的国际魔术家协会及温哥华魔术界的成员之一,Jose将喜剧元素注入其「近景」魔术表演中,生动魔法加上风趣幽默使他赢得观众赞赏并换来多个大型魔术奖项。 yp.mo | Joseis amember of the highly respected [...] International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Vancouver Magic Circle. yp.mo |
鉴于这是双方第一次就后续行 [...] 动提交材料,要求提交人提供进一步资料,说明缔约国采取了哪些措施,向JoseVicente和Amado Villafañe 提供了被提交人称为令人满意的补救办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given that this is the first submission received by either party on the follow-up, the authors were requested to provide further information on what [...] measures the State party has taken to [...] provide a remedy to JoseVicente andAmado [...]Villafañe, which the authors state were satisfactory. daccess-ods.un.org |
在主席、危地马拉常驻联合国代表格特·罗森塔尔致开幕词后,圆桌会议 1 有三位主讲人演讲:哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务职业惯例教授JoseAntonio Ocampo、货币基金组织战略、政策和审查部副主任,Ranjit Teja 和南方中心执 行主任 Martin Khor。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following opening remarks by the Chairperson, Gert Rosenthal, Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the United Nations, round table 1 featured three presentations, by José Antonio Ocampo, Professorin the Professional Practice of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University; Ranjit Teja, Deputy Director of the Strategy, Policy and Review Department of IMF; and Martin Khor, Executive Director of the South Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
访问团於巴塞隆拿首日,分别与地中海港口协会(Medcruise)总干事JoseCampos;巴塞隆拿港总裁 [...] Jordi Valls、总经理 Carlos Domingo、邮轮经理 Carla Salvado 及驻中国代表 Joan Dedeu;以及歌诗达邮轮公司主席兼行政总裁 [...]Pier Luigi Foschi、总经理 Luis Grau 及经理 Sandra Yunta 会晤,了解当地邮轮码头的 运作。 legco.gov.hk | On its first day visit to Barcelona, the [...] delegation metwith Mr Jose Campos, Secretary [...]General of The Association of Mediterranean [...]Cruise Ports (Medcruise); Mr Jordi Valls, President, Mr Carlos Domingo, Managing Director, Mrs Carla Salvado, Cruise Manager, and Mr Joan Dedeu, Representation in China of the Port of Barcelona as well as Mr Pier Luigi Foschi, Chairman and CEO, Mr Luis Grau, General Manager, and Mrs Sandra Yunta, Manager of Costa Crociere. legco.gov.hk |
荣誉与奖励委员会主席Mike [...] Scarpuzzi先生揭晓了三项有关训练的新奖项----------“全民公投奖”和“表演训练奖”是由来自Mallorca海洋公园的JoseLuisBarbero先生获得。 imata.org | Mike Scarpuzzi, chair of the Honors and Awards Committee, unveils three new training awards – People’s Choice won by Jose Luis [...] Barbero of Marineland Mallorca, Trained Show [...] Behavior won byJose LuisBarbero of [...]Marineland Mallorca, and Husbandry Techniques/Research [...]Advancements won by C.J. Casson of Seattle Aquarium. imata.org |
利乐西班牙公司液态奶产品经理JoseLuisVelilla表示,西 班牙是全球最大的高附加值牛奶市场之一,预计上述因素将加 速该国高附加值牛奶的消费增长。 tetrapak.com | In Spain, one of the world’s biggest value-added milk markets, consumption of value-added milk is expected to accelerate for these very reasons, according to Tetra Pak’s Manager for Liquid Dairy Products in Spain, Jose Luis Velilla. tetrapak.com |
数据资料相当明显,光是在首都市区,贫民窟与危楼就将近千座,JoseLeónSuarez火车站附近的这座贫民窟里,就挤进四万居民,「七月九日大道」旁一间违章建筑里,就住着四、五个家庭(确切数目不明)…General Sarmiento大学教授瓦雷拉(Omar David Varela)指出,全国共欠缺350万户,且国内4000万人口中,大布宜诺斯艾利斯地区便占1400万人;官方估计当地400万房屋里,约125万户需要修缮或扩建,才能符合标准,另有4.6万户已无法修缮、必须重建。 thisbigcity.net | The figures spell it out: almost 1,000 villas miserias (shanty towns) and precarious settlements in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area alone; 40,000 inhabitants in just one villa close to the Jose León Suarez train station; four or five (exact number unknown) families living in that one improvised home next to Avenida 9 de Julio… According to Omar David Varela, a professor at the University of General Sarmiento, there is an approximate 3.5 million nation-wide housing deficit. thisbigcity.net |
GS1理事会成员主要是全球零售业和快速消费品制造业中具实力和代表性的大型企业的总裁、首席信息官等高级管理层,以及GS1各大洲的代表国分组织总裁,其中包括Walmart的首席信息官Linda Dillman、家乐福总裁JoseLuisDuran、麦德隆首席信息官Zygmunt [...] Mierdorf、三星TESCO总裁Seung-Han Lee等商界巨头,理事会主席由着名跨国食品制造商J.M. [...]Smucker 总裁Timothy Smucker担任。 lhok.com.cn | GS1’s council members are mainly the presidents and chief information officers (CIO) of the most competitive and representative global retailers and fast moving product manufacturers, and together with division president of GS1 from [...] different continent that included Linda Dillman, [...] CIO of Walmart,Jose LuisDuran, President [...]of Carrefour, Zygmunt Mierdorf, CIO [...]of Metro, Seung-Han Lee, President of Samsung TESCO, etc. The Council Chairman is Timothy Smucker, the President of J.M. Smucker, the renowned multinational food manufacturer. lhok.com.cn |