单词 | jndi | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
客户机开发者需要为 Web 服务定义一个逻辑的JNDI名称,这被称为服务引用。 huihoo.org | The client developer is required to [...] define a logical JNDI namefor the Web [...]service called a service reference. huihoo.org |
容器充当代表客户机的媒介,用来确保能够通过JNDI查找的方式得到服务接口。 huihoo.org | The container acts as a mediator on behalf of the client to ensure a Service Interface [...] is available via a JNDI lookup. huihoo.org |
类。客户机必须按照第 [...] 4.2.1 节 服务查找中描述的方式使用JNDI查找来获取服务接口。 huihoo.org | The client must obtain a Service [...] Interface using JNDIlookup asdescribed [...]in section 4.2.1. huihoo.org |
客户机通过使用JNDIAPI 来查找服务接口。 huihoo.org | A client locates a [...] Service Interface by usingJNDI APIs. huihoo.org |
除了抽象主题名和队列名之外,JNDI还提供了另一个有用的功能:能够使用Java EE的JMS对象接口来编写代码。 infoq.com | Aside from abstracting the names of the [...] topicsand queues, JNDIprovides another useful [...]feature: the ability to write your [...]Java code using Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) interfaces for the JMS objects. infoq.com |
我们推荐在一个JNDI名称空间的服务子上下文中对所有服务引用逻辑名称进行组织,但这不是必需的。 huihoo.org | It is recommended, but not required that all service reference logical names be organized under the service subcontext of a JNDI name space. huihoo.org |
对于想了解使用JNDI来获得连接的更多信息,请参阅ActiveMQ文档。 infoq.com | For more [...] information about using JNDIto get the connection, [...]see the ActiveMQ documentation. infoq.com |
JMS需要一些自己的配置,比如连接工厂用于建立JMS连接的JNDI(Java命名和目录接口)。 infoq.com | JMS requires some of its own configuration, like the Java Naming and [...] Directory Interface (JNDI)name ofthe connection [...]factory used to build the connection to JMS. infoq.com |
Web 服务的每个客户机JNDI查找都是通过一个逻辑名称进行的。 huihoo.org | Each client JNDI lookup ofaWeb service [...] is by a logical name. huihoo.org |
队列名或主题名也是使用JNDI进行解析的。 infoq.com | The name of the queue or [...] topic is also resolvedusingJNDI. infoq.com |
按照 [JAX-RPC] 所定义,客户机使用JNDI查找来访问实现服务接口的服务(Service)对象。 huihoo.org | A clientuses JNDIlookup toaccess [...] a Service object that implements the Service Interface as defined by the [JAX-RPC] specification. huihoo.org |
更明确的是,容器必须确保所需的服务接口的实现必须按照 Web [...] 服务客户机部署描述符中的服务引用所规定的方式绑定到客户机所选择的JNDI名称空间中的一个位置。 huihoo.org | More specifically, the container must ensure that an implementation of the [...] required Service Interface is bound [...] at a location in the JNDI namespaceof the client's [...]choosing as declared by the service [...]reference in the Web services client deployment descriptor. huihoo.org |
使用JNDI的缺点——除了要学习如何在Java代码中使用JNDI之外,还需要提供一些额外的配置,以获取初始的JDNI上下文。 infoq.com | A disadvantageto using JNDI—asidefrom learning how to use it in Java code—is the need [...] to provide some additional configuration [...]to obtain an initial JDNI context. infoq.com |
JNDI是一个Java API,允许把资源的物理位置抽象成名字。 infoq.com | JNDI is aJava API that allows [...] the physical locations of resources to be abstracted into names. infoq.com |
然而,在使用JMS的生产环境中,JMS主题名或队列名一般是使用JNDI(Java Naming and Directory [...] Interface)进行配置的,而不会采用硬编码的方式。 infoq.com | However, in a production system using JMS, the name of [...] the topics or queues might be configured using Java Naming and [...] DirectoryInterface(JNDI) instead ofhard-coded values. infoq.com |
声明生成存根(如果支持生成的存根,而且部署者决定使用它们),还有将服务类实现绑定到JNDI名称空间。 huihoo.org | declarations (if generated Stubs [...] are supported and the deployer decides to use them), and binding the Service class [...] implementation into a JNDInamespace. huihoo.org |
如果您的环境有可能切换到不同的供应商,您可以考虑使用JNDI来帮助抽象细节。 infoq.com | If switching vendors is a possibility in your environment, you [...] may consider using JNDItohelp abstract [...]the details. infoq.com |
除了连接工厂、主题或队列的JNDI名,JMS变量还允许您定义用户证书、消息类型、终点类型,等等。 infoq.com | In additionto JNDI names for theconnection [...] factory and the topic or queue, JMS variables allow you to define user credentials, [...]message type, destination type, and more. infoq.com |
在上面的示例中,容器必须确保一般的服务接口实现 javax.xml.rpc.Service在JNDI名称空间中被绑定到开发者指定的位置。 huihoo.org | In the above example, the container must ensure that an implementation of the generic Service Interface, javax.xml.rpc. huihoo.org |
使用JNDI可以让您随时调整服务器上的JMS主题或队列的位置和实现,而不必修改您的代码。 infoq.com | UsingJNDI allowsyou tochange [...] the locations and implementations of your topics or queues on the server without having to update any of your code. infoq.com |
JNDI是一个Java标准,它允许你抽象JMS队列名、主题名、甚至是主机名的实际名称。 infoq.com | JNDI is aJava standard that [...] allows you to abstract the actual name of the JMS queue, topic, or even host name. infoq.com |
元素定义了JNDI查找返回的 JAX-RPC 服务接口类的完全限定名。 huihoo.org | element defines the fully qualified name of the JAX-RPC Service Interface class returned by the JNDI lookup. huihoo.org |
Configuration [...] Manager一个配置管理工具方便Java程序读取和管理各种来源(包括:属性文件、XML、数据库、JNDI、Log4J等)的配置数据。 javakaiyuan.com | Configuration Manager configuration management tool to a Java program to read and easy to [...] manage a variety of sources (including : property [...] files, XML, database , JNDI, Log4J , etc.)of the [...]configuration data . javakaiyuan.com |
除了用ActiveMQ特定类,你还可以使用JNDI来写代码。 infoq.com | As an alternative to using ActiveMQ-specific classes, you [...] can write the code to useJNDI. infoq.com |
客户机可以使用下面几种由客户机环境的JNDI查找找到的服务接口的 DII 方法来获取 [...] Call 对象 huihoo.org | A client may use the following DII methods of a Service [...] Interface located by a JNDIlookup ofthe client's [...]environment to obtain a Call object huihoo.org |
JNDI的常见用法是数据库命名,应用程序使用此JNDI名获得数据库连接。 infoq.com | A commonuse ofJNDI is database naming, where the application uses a JNDInameto get [...] a database connection. infoq.com |
定义到 XML 注册中心的 Java 接口,如JNDI、ebXML 和 UDDI。 huihoo.org | defines the Java interfaces to [...] XML registries, like JNDI, ebXMLand UDDI. huihoo.org |
JNDI有点像域名系统(DNS),使您能够使用主机名而不是IP地址来识别主机。 infoq.com | JNDI is alot like using [...] Domain Name System (DNS) to enable the use of host names instead of IP addresses to identify hosts. infoq.com |
容器必须在JNDI名称空间位置 huihoo.org | The container must make the required Service Interface [...] Implementation available at theJNDI namespace location huihoo.org |