单词 | jgpssi | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
填写相关表格时,建 议使用JGPSSI所提供的调查工具(软件)。 canon.com | Suppliers are recommended to use survey tools [...] (software) provided by JGPSSIfor data entry. canon.com |
产品含有化学物质管理指南可从JGPSSI的主页下载。 tamagawa-seiki.co.jp | The guideline for chemicals substances contained in products can be downloaded from the website ofJGPSSI. tamagawa-seiki.co.jp | 的定义引自JGPSSI《产品所含化学物质的管理指南》) [...] ⑩含有 指构成产品的零部件、材料中本来就含有化学物质。 canon.com | (Definitions of No. 6, 7, 8, and 9 are [...] quoted fromthe JGPSSI“Guidelines [...]for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products. canon.com |
原则上,所有的采购物品均应通过JGPSSI规定的表格委托实施调查。 canon.com | As a rule, Canon will request surveys on all purchased parts and materials, [...] using the format specified by JGPSSI. canon.com |
1:受控化学物质的认定系依据日本绿色采购调查标准化协议会(JGPSSI)颁布的联合行业 指南“JIG-101 [...] Ed 2.0”。 noritsu.co.jp | 1 : Controlled chemical substances are identified in [...] compliance with the Joint Industry Guide “JIG-101 Ed 2.0” by Japan Green Procurement Survey [...] Standardization Initiative (JGPSSI). noritsu.co.jp |
斯派曼高压电子公司是否保证自己供应的产品和服务在生产过程中不包含或使用监管机构法令(包括JGPSSI和RoHS 法令)当前禁止的任何任何化学品或材料? spellmanhv.cn | Does Spellman High Voltage Electronics assure that the products and services it supplies do not contain, or use during the manufacturing process, any [...] chemicals or materials that are currently banned by any regulatory agency [...] directives including JGPSSIand RoHS protocols? spellmanhv.com |
另外,要求交易伙伴构建环境管理体系,构建基于JAMP/JGPSSI※公布的《产品含有化学物质管理指南》的化学物质管理保证体制,对本集团指定的环境管理物质进行调查。 tamura-ss.co.jp | Furthermore, we are asking them to build environmental management systems and systems that guarantee chemical substance control based on the Guidelines for the Management of ChemicalSubstances inProducts from JAMP/JGPSSI,* and to conduct research on environmentally controlled substances specified by the Tamura Group. tamura-ss.co.jp |
关于化学物质的对象,把欧洲 RoHS 指令以及 REACH 法规等国际法规限制的物质,日、美、欧的业界团体(JGPSSI、CEA、DIGITALEUROPE)共同协力制定 的有关电气・电子机器含有化学物质调查共同方针 JIG*1 的指定物质,以及日本的“化学物质的审查及 限制制造等相关法律”(化审法)中的“第一类特定化学物质”等作为参考,在本采购准则中进行了规 定。 fujitsu-general.com | With respect to the chemical substances, [...] Fujitsu Group has [...] defined herein substances byreferring to those related to international laws such as EU’s RoHS Directive or REACH Regulation, those specified by JIG (*1), a common guideline of survey [...]regarding chemical substances [...]contained in the electric and electronic equipment created by the industry groups of Japan, USA, and Europe (JGPSSI, CEA, DIGITALEUROPE), and the Class I substances specified by Japanese Chemical Substances Control Law, etc. In detail, please refer to the following. fujitsu-general.com |
第 6 条 ISO9001、ISO14001 等的管理体系,或是根据 JAMP/JGPSSI发行的[制品含有化学物质管理指引], 建立化学物质管理的保证体系。 tamura-ss.co.jp | Article 6 Construction of ISO9001(QMS), management systems such as ISO14001(EMS) or the guarantee system of the chemical substance management with " Guideline for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products" that JAMP(*1)/JGPSSI(*2) published. tamura-ss.co.jp |
JGPSSI(日本绿色采购调查标准化协会) 本集团将与交易客户一起推进此绿色采购指南,进行实施确认「交易客户的环境保全活动之 [...] 评价」及「有关产品含有化学物质资讯的管理」。 janome.co.jp | Acronym for the Japan Green Procurement Survey [...] Standardization Initiative JGPSSI, aconsortium of [...]the electric and electronic equipment industry, [...]standardizes the list of survey substances and survey response formats in order to reduce load on green procurement surveys and improve the quality of replies. janome.co.jp |
2项也是同样,根据JGPSSI的「产品含有化学物质管理方针」进行管理体制活动时,可不 用回答其他。 okidata.co.jp | For the Section2 as with the Section1, a responsefor other activities is not necessary if an activity of management system based on the “Guidelines for Management of Chemical Substances in Products” of JGPSSI is undertaken. okidata.co.jp |