单词 | javascript | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
事实上所有Wiki操作,比如编辑页面,上传附件和访问控制都能够用Javascript脚本定义并在Wiki中直接编辑。 javakaiyuan.com | In fact all the Wiki actions such [...] as editing pages, uploading attachments and access control are [...] defined and can use Javascript, directly edit the Wiki . javakaiyuan.com |
您的浏览器关闭了Javascript功能,请开启此功能,以便更好地体验网站功能。 clarinsusa.com | Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. clarinsusa.com |
使用托管的代码(.Net)或者Javascript,支持图表仪表所有的属性实时更新。 evget.com | All properties of Visifire Charts can be updated in real time using [...] Managed Code (Dot Net) or Javascript. evget.com |
您的浏览器关闭了Javascript功能,请开启此功能,以便更好地体验网站功能。 clarinsusa.com | Yourbrowser's Javascriptfunctionality is turned [...] off. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. clarinsusa.com |
提供可视化的界面,拖放的操作方式创建表单字段,为现有PDF文档增加图片和文字,支持为表单控件添加Javascript功能,自定义窗口布局等。 javakaiyuan.com | Provide a visual interface , drag and drop operation to create form fields , [...] add images to existing PDF documents and text [...] , addsupport forJavascript form controlfunctions [...], custom window layout . javakaiyuan.com |
如果不 运行Javascript,您在本站点的操作和数据读取会受到限制。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Unlessyouenable Javascript, your abilityto navigate [...] and access the features of this website will be limited. labtestsonline.org |
要将有趣的应用(例如从侧重服务器端的实施)移植到客户端JavaScript,存在很多制约瓶颈。 html5rocks.com | There are a number of bottlenecks [...] preventing interesting applications from being ported (say, from server-heavy [...] implementations) to client-side JavaScript. html5rocks.com |
幸运的是,随着浏览器供应商快速提高JavaScript引擎的速度,性能已不再是瓶颈。 html5rocks.com | Fortunately, the latter is quickly becoming a thing of the past as browser vendors rapidly improve [...] the speed of their JavaScript engines. html5rocks.com |
这种对象存储空间只能持有JavaScript对象。 developer.mozilla.org | This object [...] store canonly holdJavaScript objects. developer.mozilla.org |
如果您的 CMS 禁止javascript,您仍然可以使用专门的非脚本代码在网站上添加聊天功能,但游客监控和聊天邀请等有些功能会不可用。 providesupport.cn | If javascript is prohibitedby your CMS [...] you still could add the chat feature to your web-site by using special No-Script [...]Code, but some features, such as visitor monitoring and chat invitations, will not be available. providesupport.com |
您只需点击下面的图片就可体验2270型用户友好的界面(这些动画需要启用Flash和JavaScript)。 bksv.cn | Simply click on the images below to experience the user friendly Type 2270 interface (these [...] animations require Flashand Javascript enabled). bksv.com |
注意 请启用浏览器的JavaScript与Cookie 功能以支援此页的有效运作。 panasonic.oa.hk | Attention This page requires your browser to [...] enable/supportJavaScript andCookies. panasonic.oa.hk |
这与那些保存的所有全局变量和函数的全局对象(global object)相似,但有一些很重要的不同点是:第一,每次函数被执行的时候,就会创建一个新的,特定的范围对象;第二,与全局对象(在浏览器里面是当做 window [...] 对象来访问的)不同的是,你可以从javascript代码中直接访问范围对象。 developer.mozilla.org | This is similar to the global object that all global variables and functions live in, but with a couple of important differences: firstly, a brand new scope object is created every time a function starts executing, and secondly, unlike the global [...] object (which in browsers is accessible as window) these scope objects cannot be [...] directly accessed from your JavaScript code. developer.mozilla.org |
您需要在浏览器中安装并激活JavaScript以查看这日志。 investors.aia.com | This calendarrequires JavaScriptto beinstalled and [...] activated on your browser. investors.aia.com |
再加上我们前面两部分谈到的HTML、CSS、和JavaScript代码优化,Google在提升网站性能上的成果非常惊人—它的一个网页居然可以放在一个TCP响应包里。 uigarden.net | Through a combination [...] of HTML, CSS, andJavaScript code optimization [...](as discussed in Part I) and HTTP content encoding, [...]Google achieves an impressive feat – fitting its page into a single TCP response packet! uigarden.net |
测试结果通常会显示在命令行中而不在代码编辑器中,这使得Testacular基本上能够与任意的JavaScript编辑器协同工作。 infoq.com | The test results are usually displayed [...] at the command line and not within the code editor, making Testacular able to work [...] basically with any JavaScripteditor. infoq.com |
有三个选项提供给客户,包括一个完整的 AJAX 界面,一个基本的非JavaScript界面用于提供邮件、联系人和日历的访问,还有一个 [...] PDA/iPhone 界面。 icewarp.cn | Three options are available to users, including a full AJAX [...] interface,aBasic non-Javascript interface that provides [...]access to Email, Contacts and [...]Calendars, and a fast PDA/iPhone interface. icewarp.eu |
请注意,未启用JavaScript的设备不能用于购买 Internet 访问,但是可用于访问美联航 [...] Wi-Fi 门户的免费功能。 united.com | Please note that [...] devices that arenot JavaScript-enabledcannotbe used [...]to purchase Internet access, but they can be used [...]to access the complimentary features of the United Wi-Fi Portal. united.com |
讨论中详细说明了六项原则,这些原则可帮助您改进当今的应用和网站的性能: [...]
希望您喜欢这次讨论。 blogs.msdn.com | There are six principals detailed in the talk that will help you improve the performance of your apps and sites today: [...]
markup [...] usageyour application is doing I hope you enjoy the talk. blogs.msdn.com |
请注意:您的浏览器不支持JavaScript。 labtestsonline.org.cn | PLEASE NOTE: Your web [...] browserdoes not have JavaScript enabled. labtestsonline.org |
通过添加一个HTML5浏览器控件、JavaScript库和RESTful web服务到文档图像处理产品家族,开发人员可以构建稳健的、而且是轻量级的零编码的文档图像应用程序,这类应用程序可以运行在任何桌面、平板电脑或移动设备上。 evget.com | By adding on an [...] HTML5 viewer control,JavaScript libraries andRESTful [...]web services to the Document Imaging family of products, [...]developers can build robust, yet light-weight zero-footprint document imaging applications that run on any desktop, tablet or mobile device. evget.com |
假如阁下希望观看讯息,请确定到浏览器设定开启Javascript。 olympuspen.com | Be sure to enable theJavaScript inyour browser's [...] settings if you want to view messages. olympuspen.com |
它类似于原形(prototype)链一样,被javascript的对象系统使用。 developer.mozilla.org | Scope objects form a chain called the scope chain, similar to the [...] prototype chain used byJavaScript's objectsystem. developer.mozilla.org |
像 JNEXT 这样的扩展组件可用于弥补JavaScript与本机环境的差距,确保开发能与浏览器以外的资源进行交互的 [...] HTML 嵌入式程序。 qnx.co.kr | Extensions such as JNEXT are used to [...] bridge the gap betweenJavaScript andthe native world, [...]allowing development of HTML embedded [...]applications that can interact with resources outside the browser. qnx.co.kr |
假如阁下的浏览器关闭了JavaScript,即会显示此讯息,部份操作未必能正常运行。 olympuspen.com | If your browser's JavaScript is disabled, the [...] message display and other operations may not work properly. olympuspen.com |
如有任何问题, 您需要启动Javascript才能查看。 jabra.cn | Youneed JavaScriptenabled toview it [...] for any questions. jabra.com |
为了保证您能快速浏览我们的网页和获得将来更多的网站资源,我们的网站使用了JavaScript脚本。 tss.trelleborg.com | To ensure extremely fast navigation on our web page, and to be equipped for the future of the Internet, we [...] have decided to use JavaScript on thesite. tss.trelleborg.com |
您的浏览器可能不支援Javascript,不过此语法并不影响您浏览本网页。 necoast-nsa.gov.tw | Your browser maynot support Javascript, but this grammar [...] does not influence you to browse through this webpage. necoast-nsa.gov.tw |
一个新的JavaScript引擎, 以崭新的面貌 ,让网页内容采取中心阶段,新功能,如App [...] Tabs和Panorama , Firefox的同步使用户访问他们的Awesome Bar的历史,书签,标签和设备的密码打开多台电脑和手机,并支持HTML5的已被列入了。 technologeeko.com | Anew JavaScript engine, a newlook [...] that lets Web content take center stage, new features like App Tabs and Panorama, Firefox [...]Sync gives users access to their Awesome Bar history, bookmarks, open tabs and passwords across computers and mobile device, and support for HTML5 has been included too. technologeeko.com |