单词 | i´m used to |
释义 | used to —惯习以为常used —中古use verb—用 v • 使 v • 使用 v • 利用 v • 动 v • 应用 v • 运 v • 采用 v • 运用 v • 施用 v • 使出 v • 凭靠 v use noun—用途 n • 用场 n use sb—使唤Examples:methylphenidate (stimulant drug used treat ADHD)—利他林 one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system—罖 percussion instrument in the form of a bamboo fish (traditionally used by Daoist priests)—渔鼓 • 鱼鼓 often used with negatives, e.g. no need worry about past issues—替古人担忧 be used to—习惯 sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), used in Chinese medicine—苏枋木 xanthanate gum (polysaccharide food additive used as a thickener)—黄胶 • 黄原胶 Rabdosia lophanthoides (no common name), herb plant of Lamiaceae family (together with mint and lavender), used in TCM—溪黄草 Chinese blank character □ (punct. used represent an unreadable character)—虚缺号 (coll.) (used express disapproval, annoyance etc about sth)—真是 used transliterate words with sounds kip-, cap- etc—喼 await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)—待业 deciduous bush used in Chinese medicine (genus Vitex)—楚 electron volt (unit of energy used in particle physics, approximately 10^-19 Joules)—电子伏 without borders (used for organizations such as Médecins sans Frontières)—无国界 used in Japanese names with phonetic value Ogi—荻 incitement subvert state power (criminal charge used to gag free speech)—煽动颠覆国家政权 Janjaweed (armed Baggara herders used by the Sudanese government against Darfur rebels)—贾夹威德 Chinese guillemet《》(punct. used for names of books etc)—书名号 (interjection used attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation)—哎 ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)—甲 Saw Palmet(drug used to treat benign prostate hypertrophy in men)—锯棕榈 armillarisin (fungal enzyme used as antibiotic)—亮菌甲素 also used as term for instant noodles in general—公仔面 (salutation used in letters parents or grandparents)—膝下 sorry bother you (polite, used to thank sb for a favor)—难为 Thousand Character Classic, 6th century poem used as a traditional reading primer—千字文 verbal dexterity used sow discord (idiom); to incite trouble between people—调嘴学舌 prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc indicate familiarity—阿 (old) a term servants used refer to their master—家爷 (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)—他 criminal gang (formerly often used of political opponents)—匪帮 Gram stain (used distinguished two different kinds of bacteria)—革兰氏染色法 Wednesday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)—水曜日 (used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term of endearment)—丫头 sterilized absorbent cotton wool (used for dressings or cleansing wounds)—卫生棉 Ever Victorious Army (1860-1864), Qing dynasty army equipped and trained jointly with Europeans and used esp. against the Taiping rebels—常胜军 (from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old)—卿 type species (used define a genus in taxonomy)—模式种 atabrine or quinacrine, used as antimalarial drug and antibiotic against intestinal parasite giardiasis—阿的平 Armillariella tabescens (mushroom used in trad. Chinese medicine)—亮菌 a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts)—口令 Hanyu Pinyin, the pinyin transliteration system used in PRC since the 1960s—汉语拼音 suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes—唢呐 Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan—注音 also used satirically: play second fiddle to—唱双簧 wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk)—合抱 Chinese centered dot mark · (punct. used separate western names or words)—间隔号 used in names of media companies, schools etc—娱乐中心 (usually used in the negative) be of help or use—济事 a small bag full of fragrance used on Dragon boat Festival—香包 pillow of clay (used by filial son during Confucian mourning period)—枕块 native state (term used by British Colonial power refer to independent states of India or Africa)—土邦 ventilator (artificial breathing apparatus used in hospitals)—呼吸器 water-boarding, interrogation technique used by CIA—水刑逼供 young deer antler prior ossification (used in TCM)—鹿茸 be used to the sight of—看惯 bamboo slip used for record keeping during the Han Dynasty—汉简 a slogan used in reference a project to improve greenery in some parts of Northern China—黄土不露天 polycrystalline silicon (used in electronics)—多晶硅 fire beacon (used as alarm signal over long distance)—烽烟 coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), plant in sunflower family Asteracae used a cough suppressant—款冬 "Your Servant", form of address used when speaking a ruler—臣 princess (loanword from Manchu, used in the Qing Dynasty)—格格 hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)—千刀万剐 I, me (used refer humbly to oneself)—小人 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), trade names Advil, Motrin, Nuprin etc, used as analgesic and antipyretic, e.g. for arthritis sufferers—异丁苯丙酸 White Crane Ridge at Fuling, Sichuan on the Changjiang River, that used show above the water at dry periods, with famous carvings—白鹤梁 (polite) thank you for your trouble (used when asking a favor or after having received one)—有劳 religion other than Buddhism (term used by Buddhists)—外教 dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword)—敌敌畏 be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)—汗 classifier used when saying: types or kinds of sth.—种 lit. try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it [idiom.]—偷鸡不成蚀把米 used in phonetic transcription -xine, -zine or -chin—嗪 (idiom) use methods appropriate to the current situation—因时制宜 direct, winner-takes-all system of election in use for village committees—海选 use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom); let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties)—以夷制夷 sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball that use large balls—大球 use the smoke of burning wormwood etc to repel insects—熰 class division inproletariat and bourgeoisie class enemy, in use esp. during the cultural revolution—血统论 use the current topic to put over one's own ideas—借题发挥 land use plan (official P.R.C. government term)—土地利用规划 A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.—远亲不如近邻 (of medicine) use specifically for the treatment of—专治 lit. see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every second and every inch—见缝插针 use seemingly innocent conversation topics as a pretext to glean information—话里套话 smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants—溜须拍马 treatment involving the use of tonics restore the patient's health—补法 respect talent and make use of ability (Mencius)—尊贤使能 a dog threatens based on master's power (idiom); use one's position to bully others—狗仗人势 lit. Train an army for a thousand days use it for an hour. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off—养兵千日,用兵一时 appoint the virtuous and use the able (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity—任贤使能 To use western science and technology counter imperialist encroachment (late Qing modernizing slogan).—以夷制夷 an eye for an eye (idiom); fig. use the enemy's methods against him—以眼还眼 (idiom) use methods in line with local circumstances—因地制宜 Xiao'erjing, refers the use of the Arabic alphabet to write Chinese—小儿经 a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and buttonhole (e.g. the buckle on metal wristwatches)—搭扣 favorable position for the use of one's skills [idiom.]—用武之地 |
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