单词 | i´m unable |
释义 | unable adjective—未能 adj ()不能 adj ()unable to—不成 ()un-—非 • 无 • 不加 • 不带 Examples:unable see the wood for the trees—众盲摸象 unable do anything about it—没法 unable deal with—顾不得 be unable to bear—经不起 unable control one's grief (idiom); overwrought—悲不自胜 be unable to get in—不得其门而入 unable get over—想不通 difficult obey orders (idiom); much to my embarrassment, I am unable to comply—碍难从命 unable refuse because of affection—情不可却 faulty argument and poor rhetoric (idiom); unable put forward any convincing arguments—理屈词穷 be unable to hold back—按捺不住 unable restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage—怒不可遏 unable discipline a child—管教无方 lit. the eye cannot see the eyelashes (idiom); fig. unable see one's own faults—目不见睫 be unable to carry on even for a single day—不可终日 can't judge true or false (idiom); unable distinguish the genuine from the fake—真伪莫辨 unable do anything right—成事不足,败事有余 unable see the larger issue (idiom); unaware of the general interest—不识大体 unable take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze steadily—目不转睛 horse unable move because of twisted leg—騺 Professor Ibrahim Gambari (1944-), Nigerian scholar and diplomat, ambassador UN 1990-1999, UN envoy to Burma from 2007—甘巴里 be unable to take a lighter view—想不开 dumbstruck and unable reply (idiom); left speechless—哑口无言 be unable to continue living (in a certain manner)—过不下 enjoy (usually in negative combination, meaning unable to enjoy)—消受 unable stop thinking about sth—牵记 unable get anything to eat—吃不上 spend a long time thinking about sth while unable to reach a decision—炼之未定 has eyes but can't see (idiom); unable or unwilling see the importance of sth—有目无睹 one stumble, unable rise (idiom); a setback leading to total collapse—一蹶不振 be unable to tolerate or endure—吃不消 unable help however much one would like to (idiom); Although we sympathize, there is no way to help you.—爱莫能助 lit. have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fig. helpless in the face of a crisis—束手无策 unable control oneself—不能自已 unable speak (out of surprise, embarrassment etc)—结舌 unable reply (idiom); left speechless—无言可对 be unable to pay—支付不起 as if degenerating insmoke (idiom); ignorant and unable to see where things are heading—如堕烟雾 be unable to say or tell—说不上 unable determine victory or defeat (idiom); evenly matched—不分胜负 can't tell black from white (idiom); unable distinguish wrong from right—黑白不分 unable reach a decision (idiom); cannot agree on the right choice—莫衷一是 lit. unable distinguish eldest brother from second brother (idiom); they are all equally excellent—不分伯仲 unable get along together—合不来 fig. unable cooperate [idiom.]—一盘散沙 unable accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything [idiom.]—成事不足,败事有余 unable tolerate—容不得 unable get along [idiom.]—素不相能 unable sit or stand still (out of nervousness etc) [idiom.]—坐立难安 sb. who is unable repay their credit card borrowings—卡奴 conservative and unable adapt [idiom.]—泥古不化 Kurt Waldheim (1918-2007), Austrian diplomat and politician, secretary-general of UN 1972-1981, president of Austria 1986-1992—库尔特・瓦尔德海姆 League of Nations (1920-1946), based in Geneva, precursor of the UN—国际联盟 Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, by Claude Debussy based on poem by Stéphane Mallarmé—牧神午后 Kofi Annan (1938-), UN secretary-general 1997-2007—安南 permanent member state (of UN Security Council)—常任理事国 Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)—联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)—反酷刑折磨公约 Vitaly I. Churkin (1952-), Russian diplomat, Ambassador UN from 2006—丘尔金 Ban Ki Moon (1944-), Korean diplomat, UN secretary-general from 2006—潘基文 boatswain (bo'sun)—船老大 |
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