

单词 -itis

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国际戏剧学 会已将其网络扩大到七个国家:亚美尼亚、越南、乌克兰、葡萄牙、加拿大、印度和伊朗。
ITI has extended its network to seven members: Armenia, Viet Nam, Ukraine, Portugal, Canada, India and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
然而,这些工作在很大程度上受到信息技术基础设施(ITI)的严重制 约。
It is critical to the success of GOOS that these stations become an integral part of the Coastal Module.
有专门的一次性仪器(抛弃式 深度温度仪再装上电导率传感器)。
However, many aspects of these activities are severely limited by the information technology infrastracture (ITI).
在教科文组织的支持下,与教科文组织签有框架协议的非政府国际组织(国际音乐理 事会、国际笔会和国际戏剧学会)都吸收了发展中国家的新成员,从而加强了它们的网络功 能,并为(在埃及、墨西哥、塞内加尔、前南斯拉夫马其顿、突尼斯、黎巴嫩、刚果民主共 和国、约旦等国)组织专业研讨会和专业交流活动作出了贡献。
Through UNESCO’s support, NGOs having concluded framework agreements with UNESCO (the International Music Council (IMC), International PEN and the International Theatre Institute (ITI)) admitted new members in the developing countries, thereby strengthening their network role, and contributed to the organization of seminars and professional meetings (Egypt, Mexico, Senegal, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Lebanon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jordan, etc.).
通过国际笔会,在以色列艺术家 的支持下在拉马拉的诗歌之家开展诗歌项目;促进了 非洲文学协会的发展,特别是在加纳、尼日利亚、塞 内加尔和乌干达;通过国际戏剧协会对来自不同地理 文化的戏剧界的 250 名青年专业人员、导演和演员进 行了培训,创建和振兴了国家国际笔会中心,如阿根 廷和玻利维亚的中心;通过国际音乐理事会在 34 个 国家播放了 700 次音乐节目,来自拉丁美洲和加勒比 地区的 30 名作曲家参加了地区音乐讲坛,并挑选了 40 名欧洲青年音乐家;向 3 名作曲家颁发教科文组织 /国际音乐理事会奖。
Through PEN, poetry project launched at the House of Poetry in Ramallah with the support of Israeli poets; Promotion of African literature associations, particularly in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda; Creating and revitalizing national PEN centres, such as in Argentina and Bolivia; Training by ITI of 250 young professionals, directors and actors from different geocultural areas in the field of theatre and drama; Through ICM 700 broadcastings in 34 countries, participation of 30 Latin American and Caribbean composers and selection of 40 young European musicians in regional within the framework of Musical Rostra; Awarding of UNESCO/ICM Prize to three composers.
与国际音乐理事会和国际戏剧研究所 不同的是,CICT 最近才被接纳为密切正式协作关系类,目前还未签署《框架协 定》。
Unlike IMC and ITI, ICFTC, whose admission to formal associate relations is the most recent, does not yet have a “framework agreement”.
海滩剖面调查应 经常进行(每周一次或每月一次),并对极端事件进行监测。
Finally, exacerbating these challenges is the extreme shortage of skilled ITI technical personnel.
在新资讯科技基建设施的基础上,策 略检讨同时建议入境处应把现有各管制站系统合并和重整成一个综合 性管制站系统,即出入境管制系统,以提升其服务质素和处理能力, 以应付来年具挑战性的业务需求。
Riding on the new ITI, the Review also recommended that ImmD should consolidate and re-construct its existing set of control point systems into an integrated one, i.e. ICONS, to enhance its service quality and capacity to meet the challenging business requirements in the coming years.
Petya Hristova 女士是国际戏剧协会的代表,她一开始就强调了要重视通过表演艺术来 有效地促进文化间对话,培养年轻人的自信心,提高妇女和少数群体的能力和地位,最终实 现全社会的和谐,她认为这是经济繁荣的前提。
Ms Petya Hristova, representative of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), began her presentation by emphasizing the importance and effectiveness of using the performing arts to nurture dialogue between cultures, to instil self-confidence in youth, to empower women and minority groups, and finally to attain overall social cohesion, which she described as a prerequisite for economic prosperity.
租赁协定特别包括使用新的电话系统(PABX)的规定,已交 12 个与教科文组织保持密切 正式协作关系的非政府组织(CCIVS, AIU, IFTC, ICPHS, ICOM, IMC, INSULA, ISSC, ITI, UATI, WFEO 和 WFUCA)签字。
The rental agreement, which sets out, among other things, the terms of use of the new telephone system (PABX), has been submitted for signature to the 12 NGOs maintaining formal associate relations with UNESCO (CCIVS, AIU, IFTC, ICPHS, ICOM, IMC, INSULA, ISSC, ITI, UATI, WFEO and WFUCA).
项目 5.34 第三十一届国际戏剧学会(ITI)世界双年大会(马尼拉,菲律宾) 项目 5.22 联合国教科文组织中的南--南文化论坛
The General Conference took note of this report at its 20th plenary meeting, on 20 October 2005, and approved the decisions recommended by the Commission therein.
Scientists from two companies are collaborating to develop a molecular diagnostics solution for detection of pathogens and antibiotic resistance in implant and tissue infections (ITI).
国际戏剧学会的活动重点集中于对演员进行舞台艺 术特殊技能培训。
A major activity by ITI focused on the training of actors in specific techniques pertaining to the performing arts, primarily in cooperation with the UNESCO/ITI Chair of Theatre (Romania), in which around 30 drama schools, mostly European and Asiatic, took part.
在遗产领域的这类组织有:国际博物馆理事会(ICOM)和 国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS),后者主要在拟定《世界遗产名录》和跟踪列 入该《名录》的财产方面以及在艺术创作和文化产业方面充当技术顾问;国际音 乐理事会(CIM)和国际戏剧研究所(IIT);国际电影、电视和视听传播理事会 (CICT)。
These organizations are to be found in the field of heritage, with the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), which acts as a technical adviser, notably with regard to the establishment of the World Heritage List and the monitoring of the properties inscribed on the List, and in the field of artistic creativity and the cultural industries, with the International Music Council (IMC), the International Theatre Institute (ITI) and the International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (IFTC).
她以国际戏剧协会参与布基纳法索一个国家 发展项目为例,在该项目中戏剧有力地促进了交流,成为人们的表达手段以促进社会和经济 的进步。
She presented a concrete example of a national development project in Burkina Faso, in which ITI had taken part, and where theatre proved to be a powerful tool for communication, a means of personal expression for social and economic betterment.
5.36 镰状红细胞症--公共卫生的一项优先工作 5.37 非洲关于该大陆世界遗产状况的意见书和 设立非洲世界遗产基金的建议
5.34 31st biennial International Theatre Institute (ITI) World Congress (Manila, Philippines) 5.36 Sickle-cell anaemia, a public health priority 5.37 Africa Position Paper on the State of World
(ii) 艺术创造和文化产业领域的国际音乐理事会(CIM)和国际戏剧研究所(IIT), 它们致力于宣传,保护和传播全世界的各种音乐,首先是培训和提高真正缺乏演 员的国家的演员水平,发展和比较研究各种戏剧的传统和表现形式。
(ii) In the field of artistic creativity and the cultural industries with the International Music Council (IMC) and the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the former being devoted to the promotion, conservation and dissemination of all types of music throughout the world, and the latter to the training and further training of actors, in countries where there is genuine shortage of such training, and the development and juxtaposition of different theatrical traditions and expressions; both are concerned with exchanges, the conservation and dissemination of heritage, young people’s careers, the status of artists; and also with the International Film Council, of the International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (ICFTC), whose present status and the different types of cooperation available to UNESCO from ICFTC are exhaustively described in document 164 EX/40.
48 第三十一届国际戏剧学会世界双年度大会(菲律宾马尼拉市)1 大 会, 认识到戏剧表演艺术作为一种教育工具以及表现和反映人类生活中的文化多样性的一种手段发 挥着重要作用, 意识到它可以作为培养社会意识的一种催化剂,能够促进不同民族之间的文化理解; 忆及国际戏剧学会(以下简称“ITI”)与教科文组织保持着正式协作关系,是教科文组织在表 演艺术领域中的主要国际非政府组织伙伴,并且拥有近九十个国家中心和 ITI 协作中心作为其 成员, 认识到国际戏剧学会的宗旨是推动包括舞台戏剧、舞蹈和音乐剧在内的戏剧表演艺术知识及实 践的国际交流,巩固各民族之间的和平与团结互助,加深相互了解,增进各民族之间在戏剧表 演艺术创作领域的合作
Recognizing that the aim of ITI is to promote the international exchange of knowledge and practice in the theatrical performing arts, including drama, dance, and music theatre, in order to consolidate peace and solidarity between peoples, deepen mutual understanding, and increase creative cooperation between all people in the theatrical performing arts
几十个文化场所、民间社会的组织和团体都非常积极地组织和计划这些活动、参与关于活的艺术的培训以 及日常文化生活,如:ATB (讲习班–布基纳法索戏剧);CB-ITT (国际戏剧研究所布基纳法索中心); CENASA (国家表演和音像艺术中心) ;CFRAV (活的艺术培训和研究中心);CITO (瓦加杜古国际戏剧讨 论会);Gambidi 文化中心以及 UNEDO (瓦加古杜戏剧大联盟)。
Dozens of cultural spaces, organizations and theatre troupes, all springing from civil society, are active in organizing and running such events, in training for the living arts, and in everyday cultural life, for example: the Atelier-théâtre burkinabè (ATB), the Centre burkinabè de l’International Theatre Institute (CB-ITI), the Centre national des arts du spectacle et de l’audiovisuel (CENASA), the Centre for Training and Research in the Living Arts (CFRAV), the Carrefour international du théâtre de Ouagadougou (CITO), the Espace culturel Gambidi, and the Union des ensembles dramatiques de Ouagadougou (UNEDO).
A new ITI cartridge, Unyvero, is being developed not only for general surgery, but also for infections caused by biofilms (e.g., on knee and hip implants or catheters), and for abdominal surgery infections, diabetic foot, burn wounds etc.
2010 年 3 月,第三代资讯系统策略检讨建议入境处应重整其资讯 科技基建设施,藉此保持入境处的服务质素及加强其处理能力,以应 付大幅增加的服务需求。
The ISS-3 Review recommended in March 2010 that ImmD should revamp its ITI to upkeep ImmD’s service quality and enhance its handling capacity to cope with the substantially growing service demands.
此外,第三代资讯系统策略检讨的建议之一,是建基於新资讯科 技基建设施,开发新出入境管制系统,以应付将来在出入境管制方面 的服务需求及技术需要,并解决现有管制站系统将会过时和处理能力 有限的问题。
Riding on the ITI, the ISS-3 Review also recommended, inter alia, the development of ICONS, to cope with future service demand and technological requirements in the area of immigration control, and to address the obsolescence and limited capacity of the existing set of control point systems.




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