赛马精神”的真正精神,BRM继续致力於产品的独家,仍然是一个在世界上的豪华钟表的先驱,通过互联网开发一个定制的手表。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In the true spirit of "Racing Spirit" BRM continues its commitment to product exclusivity and remains a pioneer in the world of luxury timepieces to develop a customized watch via internet. en.horloger-paris.com |
在其最纯粹的形式,这种“赛车精神”深深紮根在脑海中BRM区别的伯纳德·理查兹的作品,非常清楚什麽是市场上的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This "racing spirit" in its purest form, deeply rooted in the mind BRM distinguishes the creations of Bernard Richards very clearly what is on the market. en.horloger-paris.com |
平治和平治AMG的汽车工程师都从赛事中取得宝贵经验,掌握优越性能的奥秘。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | A lot of what Mercedes-Benz and Mercedes-AMG engineers know about high-end performance comes from their successful involvement and experience in racing. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
2.2 於2007年12月至2008年5月初,在香港赛马博物馆举行展览,并於香 港大会堂、香港文化中心和沙田大会堂,举行巡回展览,共有超过 19,000人次iii 參观。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | 2.2 An exhibition was held from December 2007 to early May 2008 at The Hong Kong Racing Museum while roving exhibitions were held in the City Hall, the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Sha Tin Town Hall attracting more than 19,000 visitorsiiiin total. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
本次发表会呼应Cayenne GTS「纯正跑格」的形象,主视觉以黑白赛车方格图样为主轴贯穿活动会场,包括一系列黑白色系相间的主舞台、欢迎背板、车罩及窗贴,营造出强烈赛道气息的氛围。 pap.porsche.com | True to the Cayenne GTS’ “Purist” spirit, the main visual design of the launch event featured black and white - the checkered flag of the racing sport as well as a series of black and white stages, backboards, car covers, and window stickers - to exude the powerful racing circuit atmosphere. pap.porsche.com |
歇尔·多尼戈尔国际拉力赛(The Shell Donegal International Rally)已经屹立爱尔兰赛车运动前沿达35年之久,拥有世界上最精险的舞台;阿尔斯特大奖赛(Ulster Grand Prix)自1922年设立以来便一直是爱尔兰路面赛车爱好者的盛事;而西北200(North West 200)拥有号称世界最快赛道。 discoverireland.com | The Shell Donegal International Rally has been at the forefront of Irish motorsports for the last 35 years and boasts some of the world’s most thrilling stages; while the Ulster Grand Prix has been going since 1922 and is one of the premier events in Ireland for fans of motor cycle road racing; along with North West 200, which has a circuit reputed to be one of the fastest in the world. discoverireland.com |
不论是电脑、PS3或是Xbox 360上的大型多人角色扮演游戏、天堂与地狱间的英雄冒险或是世界级赛车游戏,甚至是你最爱的戏剧片段,支援4:2:2色彩深度及1080p影像解析度的Game Broadcaster HD都能一一撷取保存,可以满足玩家的高视觉要求。 avermedia.com | Whether it’s the MMORPG, the heroic adventure between the world of heaven and hell, a good racing event in Monte Carlo on your PC, PS3 or Xbox 360, or it’s your favorite part of a drama, the Game Broadcaster HD of 1080p with 4:2:2 color resolution capability is now ready to grasp all for your eyes’ sake. avermedia.eu |
今年十一月将举行世界拉力锦标赛(World Rally Championship ),这是一项跨越边境的赛事,选手门将驾驶汽车往返奔驰于爱尔兰共和国和北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)之间。 discoverireland.com | This year sees the World Rally Championship in November featuring an amazing cross-border initiative with competitors racing back and forth between the Republic and Northern Ireland. discoverireland.com |