

单词 -ism





Formosa (from Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Isle", the name given Taiwan Island by passing Portuguese mariners in 1544)


Isle of Man, British Isles (Taiwanese usage)


Isle of Mann
Isle of Man, British Isles

External sources (English)

External sources (Chinese)

倘透过邮递向任何股东的登记地址或送达通知地址寄发的通知,連续三次 因未能送递而遭退回,或倘发生任何一次上述情况後,董事会或获董事会 授权担任其代表的任何委员会经作出所有合理查询後,认为按上述方式向 该等股东寄发的任何其他通知将同样因未能送递而遭退回,则其後在该等 股东就其股份与本公司进行沟通,并以书面形式向过户处提供新的登记地 址或於英国、海峡群岛或马恩岛境内的送达通知地址前,该等股东无权收 取本公司通知。
If on three consecutive occasions notices sent through the post to any member at his registered address or his address for the service of notices have been returned undelivered, or if, after any one such occasion, the board or any committee authorised by the board on their behalf are of the opinion, after making all reasonable enquiries, that any further notices to such member would, if sent as aforesaid, likewise be returned undelivered, such member shall not thereafter be entitled to receive notices from the Company until he shall have communicated with the Company in respect of his shares and supplied in writing to the transfer office a new registered address or address within the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for the service of notices.
林健锋议员:主席,最近有一则新闻令人感到很无奈,便是香港大学公 共衞生学院社会医学系讲座教授贺达理(Anthony HEDLEY)在香港居住 了 22年,专注研究本港的空气质素,但他在本月退休後决定离开香港, 迁居到马恩岛,因为本港空气污染实在太严重。
Prof Anthony HEDLEY, Chair Professor of Community Medicine at the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong, who has lived in Hong Kong for 22 years and focused on the research of the air quality in Hong Kong, has decided to leave Hong Kong and move to the Isle of Man after his retirement this month because air pollution in Hong Kong is indeed too serious.
啊!想象自由! 就是为了你——就是为了在这个蓝天覆盖的岛 屿上装点一座无愧于你的辉煌的殿堂。
It is for you — it is to adorn a temple Worthy of your splendour on this sky-blue isle.
因此,1978 年欧洲人权法院在 里程碑式的“Tyrer 诉联合王国”一案的判决中,通过对《欧洲人权公约》第 3 条 作出动态 解释,裁定鞭笞青少 年这个马 恩岛上 的 传统处罚方式不再 符合现代欧洲 对于人权的理解。
Consequently, the European Court of Human Rights, in the landmark judgement of Tyrer v. UK, decided in 1978 by a dynamic interpretation of article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights that birching of a juvenile, a traditional punishment on the Isle of Man, was no longer compatible with a modern understanding of human rights in Europe.
(a) 倘若以一等邮递或特快专递方式从英国某个地址寄往英国、海峡群岛 或马恩岛的另一个地址,或透过類似一等邮递或特快专递的邮递方式 从另一个国家的某个地址寄往该其他国家的另一个地址,应视为已於 载有该通知或其他文件的信封投邮当日後的第一日送达
(a) if sent by first class post or special delivery post from an address in the United Kingdom to another address in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, or by a postal service similar to first class post or special delivery post from an address in another country to another address in that other country, on the day following that on which the envelope containing it was posted
该联盟的基本目标是支持凯尔特国家:苏格兰(阿尔巴)、布列塔尼(Breizh)、 威尔士(Cymru)、爱尔兰(Eire)、康沃尔(Kernow)和马恩岛(曼宁)通过和平手段, 赢得或获得他们作为独特社区生存和发展所需的政治、文化、社会和经济自由的 斗争。
The fundamental aim of the League is to support through peaceful means, the struggle of the Celtic countries, Scotland (Alba), Brittany (Breizh), Wales (Cymru), Ireland (Eire), Cornwall (Kernow) and Isle of Man (Mannin), to win or to secure the political, cultural, social and economic freedom they need for their survival and development as distinct communities.
这幅 18 世纪晚期由奥格斯堡出版商 Tobias Lotter(1717-77 年)出版的世界地图根据的是法国地图绘制师  Guillaume de l'Isle (1675-1726 年)更早前绘制的地图。
This late 18th-century Latin map of the world by the Augsburg map publisher Tobias Lotter (1717-77) is based on an earlier map by the French cartographer Guillaume de l'Isle (1675-1726).
3 6 这 些 条 文 大 致 上 与 英 格 兰 与 威 尔 斯 的 条 文 相 近 , 但 在 英 格 兰 , 任 何 人 在 过 去 十 年 曾 在 英 国 、 海 峡 群 岛 或 马 恩 岛 接 受 任 何 部 分 的 监 禁 或 羁 留 刑 罚 ( 不 论 刑 期 长 短 ) , 或 被 判 处 社 会 监 管 令 、 社 会 自 新 令 、 社 会 惩 罚 令 、 戒 毒 治 疗 与 测 詴 令 或 禁 止 吸 毒 令 , 即 丧 失 出 任 陪 审 员 的 资 格 。
These provisions are broadly similar to those which apply in England and Wales, though in England a person is disqualified if he has in the last ten years in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man served any part of a sentence of imprisonment or detention (regardless of its length) or been the subject of a community, community rehabilitation, community punishment, drug treatment and testing, or drug abstinence order.
Limpet 是全世界唯一一种波能发电机,十余年来不断为 Islay 岛的电网输电。
Limpet is the only wave-powered plant worldwide to have continually produced power over the past 10 years, feeding it into the network on the Isle of Islay.
他重新发行了多幅由伟大的法国制图师 Guillaume de l’Isle 所绘制的地图,其中就包括这幅西非和北非的 1792 年地图,该地图由 de l’Isle 于 1707 年首次出版。
He reissued several maps by the great French mapmaker Guillaume de l’Isle, including this 1792 map of West and North Africa, which de l’Isle first published in 1707.
在 英 国 , 准 陪 审 员 必 顸 已 登 记 在 国 会 或 地 方 政 府 的 选 民 名 册 上 , 并 且 在 年 满 1 3 岁 後 的 任 何 期 间 内 通 常 居 於 英 国 、 海 峡 羣 岛 或 马 恩 岛 最 少 已 有 五 年 。
In the United Kingdom, a prospective juror must be registered on the parliamentary or local government electoral roll and have been ordinarily resident in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, for any period of at least five years since attaining the age of 13.
如果喜欢美食烹饪,弗玛纳郡的贝蕾岛城堡(Belle Isle Castle , County Fermanagh) 还开办着一家着名的烹饪学校。
If you fancy checking out the kitchens, Belle Isle Castle in County Fermanagh also runs a renowned cookery school.
2000 年马恩岛命令》,该项命令规定《1981 年深海采矿(临时条例)法》第 1 节适用于根据联合王国马恩岛法律成立的法人机构,并将该法经该项命令具体修 改的相关章节延伸适用马恩岛。
There also exists the Deep Sea Mining (Temporary Provisions) Act 1981 (Isle of Man) Order 2000, which applies section 1 of the Deep Sea Mining (Temporary Provisions) Act 1981 to bodies incorporated under the laws of the Isle of Man of the United Kingdom, and extends to the Isle of Man other relevant sections under the same Act with modifications specified in the Order.
领土划分为三个省,北方省和南方省 (位于大陆地岛和松木岛)以及洛亚蒂群岛省。
The Territory is divided into three provinces, North and South (on Grande Terre and the Isle of Pines) and the Loyalty Islands.
Austria, Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom
Perched on the western edge of Europe, it’s not hard to see why Ireland has become known as the Emerald Isle. But as well as a landscape bounteous in natural beauty, Ireland is also famed for its hauntingly beautiful cultivated gardens with exotic, verdurous plants, mystical greenery and intriguing character.
联合王国的王国属地根息行政区(2000 年)、泽西行政区(2000 年)和马 恩岛(2000 年)、联合王国的海外领地百慕大(1999 年)、开曼群岛(2000 年)、特克斯和凯科斯群岛(2000 年)以及中国香港(2000 年)也已通过《示 范法》。
The Model Law has also been adopted in the Bailiwick of Guernsey (2000), the Bailiwick of Jersey (2000) and the Isle of Man (2000), all Crown Dependencies of the United Kingdom; in Bermuda (1999), Cayman Islands (2000), and the Turks and Caicos Islands (2000), overseas territories of the United Kingdom; and in Hong Kong, China (2000).
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的王国属地根息行政区(2000 年)、泽西行政 区(2000 年)和马恩岛(2000 年)、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的海外领地 百慕大(1999 年)、开曼群岛(2000 年)、特克斯和凯科斯群岛(2000 年)以及 中国香港特别行政区(2000 年)也已通过示范法。
The Model Law has also been adopted in the Bailiwick of Guernsey (2000), the Bailiwick of Jersey (2000) and the Isle of Man (2000), all Crown Dependencies of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; in Bermuda (1999), the Cayman Islands (2000) and the Turks and Caicos Islands (2000), all overseas territories of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (2000).
食堂还协助安排了一次当地食物周,只 供应当地的产品--Arran 奶酪、当地农场的鸡蛋以及来自各班自有植物园的草药和蔬菜。
They also helped organise a local food week where  only local produce was eaten – Isle of Arran chee se, eggs from local farms, and herbs and vegetabl es  from the vegetable gardens which every class has.
Philatelic products issued by the postal administrations of Australia, Isle of Man, Slovenia, Singapore, the United States and the United Kingdom will be put on sale at 37 Philatelic Offices (for General Post Office, these products are available at Postshop) and Hongkong Post Internet Shopping Mall - "ShopThruPost" (www.shopthrupost.hk) from 6 September 2012 (Thursday).
费用适用于以下国家:安道尔、奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、英吉利海峡群岛、克罗地亚, 塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、直布罗陀海峡、希腊、格恩西岛, 格陵兰岛、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、马恩岛、以色列、意大利、泽西岛 , 拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、摩纳哥、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、圣马力诺、斯洛伐克、斯罗文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、梵蒂冈
Fees apply for the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Channel Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City.
由二○一二年七月一日(星期日)起,下列澳洲、丹麦、格陵兰、马恩岛、澳门、新西兰、瑞士、新加坡、联合国及英国皇家邮政机关发行的邮品将於37间集邮局(有关邮品将於中环邮政总局邮趣廊发售,营业时间为上午九时至下午五时)及香港邮政购物网站 - "乐满邮"(www.shopthrupost.hk) 发售。
Philatelic products issued by the postal administrations of Australia, Denmark, Greenland, Isle of Man, Macau, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, the United Nations and the United Kingdom will be put on sale at 37 Philatelic Offices (for General Post Office, these products are available at Postshop which will open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on that day) and Hongkong Post Internet Shopping Mall - "ShopThruPost"(www.shopthrupost.hk) from 1 July 2012 (Sunday).
Some say Glastonbury Abbey is the location of the fabled Isle of Avalon, final resting place of King Arthur, while others believe that Joseph of Arimathea came here from the Holy Land, bringing with him the Holy Grail and founding Britain’s first church.




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