

单词 is a bit of a challenge

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关于更多货币的服务或附件信息,请联系企业Ag encyofSecurity FENIX,a.s.
For more product information about the topic Money,
[...] please contact Agency of Security FENIX, a.s..
If the start signal is input one more time in addition to the above, the NC program selected by the
[...] program selection bit isexecuted from [...]
the top.
(h) 关於条例草案附表2 第 111条所载《区域法 院规则》( 第 336H章 ) 第 47号命令的拟议修 正案拟稿( 立法会CB(1)2109/03-04(02) 号 文件第168页 ) ,政府当局证实,一如《高 等法院规则》(第 4A章 )第 47号命令(2004年 6 月 11日法案委员会第三十五次会议後政 府当局须采取的跟进行动一览第21项 ) , “shall be taken and deemed to beavalid transferofsuchright, title and interest and”(“须视为及当作 为上述权利、业权及权益的有效转让,并”) 一语会从第47号命令第7(4)(b)条规则中删 除。
(h) On the draft proposed CSA to Order 47 of the Rules of the District Court (Cap. 336H) set out in section 111 of Schedule 2 to the Bill (page 168 of LC Paper No. CB(1)2109/03-04(02)), the Administration confirmed that as in the case of Order 47 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap. 4A) (item 21 of the list of follow-up actions to be taken by the Administration arising from the thirty-fifth meeting of the Bills Committee on 11 June 2004), the expression “shall be taken and deemed to be a valid transfer of such right, title and interest and” would be deleted from rule 7(4)(b) of Order 47.
[...] 从网上非法下载电影的模式,尤其BitTorrent模式,工 商及科技局首席助理秘书长(工商)表示,由於科技发展日 [...]
新月异,而且其他国家目前未有相关案例,当局稍後会 就有关下载行为及版权作品在网上传送的模式进行研
究,以确定该等行为及模式是否构成刑责,然後才能进 一步考虑应否制定具体措施。
Regarding the various modes of illegal
downloading of movie products from the
[...] Internet,notably"Bit Torrent" (BT) as [...]
mentioned in MPIA's submission, PASCIT(CI)
said that due to the rapid development of technology and the absence of decided cases from other jurisdictions, the Administration would study the downloading act and the different modes of transmission of copyright works on the Internet so as to ascertain whether such act and modes of transmission would give rise to criminal liability.
Base64 is the most common network for the
[...] transmission of 8Bit encoding of byte codes .
(会後补注:主席同意政府当局提议的修改,在 该文件第22段结尾加上一句"although the latterisnotakey factor in the Administration's consideration"(" 尽管这对政府当局来说并非一项 主要考虑因素")。
(Post-meeting note: The Chairman agreed to the Administration's proposed amendment to add the clause "although the latter isnot a key factor in the Administration's consideration" at the end of paragraph 22 of the paper, the revised version of which was issued vide [LC Paper CB(2)2501/06-07] on 16 July 2007.
使用通信指令(L16)执行了编号设置后,在以 I/O
[...] 实施了起动输入的情况下,使用程序编号选bit选择的程序进行设置并起动。
If the start input is input through I/O after the program number has been
set using the L16 communication command, the program selected with the program
[...] number selection bitis set and started.
一位业界代表问,如英式早餐茶包(English Breakfast Tea Bags)在包装上 标明,茶包混合了锡蘭茶与印度(ablendofCeylon and Indian tea),在配料 表上不标示“锡蘭茶葉及印度茶葉”(Ceylon tea leaves and Indian tea leaves)是 否可以接受。
One trade representative enquired if a package of English Breakfast Tea Bags marked on the packaging that it contained a blend of Ceylon and Indian tea, was it acceptable not to have an ingredients list stating “Ceylon tea leaves and Indian tea leaves”.
(u) 关於条例草案附表2第 3 条所载《高等 法 院 规 则 》 ( 第 4A章 ) 第 47号 命令的拟议修正案 拟稿( 立法会CB(1)2109/03-04(02) 号文件 第 4 页 ) ,政府当局同意从 第 47号
命令第 7(4)(b) 条规则 中 删 除 “shall be taken and
[...] deemed to beavalid transferofsuchright, title [...]
and interest and”(“须 视 为 及当作为上述权利、业
权及权益 的有效转让 , 并 ”)一 语 。
(u) On the draft proposed CSA to Order 47 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap. 4A) set out in section 3 of Schedule 2 to the Bill (page 4 of LC Paper No. CB(1)2109/03-04(02)), the Administration agreed to delete from rule
7(4)(b) of Order 47 the expression “shall be taken
[...] and deemed to be a valid transfer ofsuchright, title [...]
and interest and”.
1998年,Lebel凭藉其对卑诗省的矿业开发所作出的卓越贡献获卑诗省和育空地区矿业协会 (Yukon ChamberofCommerce)授E.A.Scholz奖章。
In 1998, Mr. Lebel was awarded the E.A. Scholz Medal by the BC and Yukon Chamber of Mines for excellence in mine development in British Columbia.
法案委员会要求法律顾问阐A,Xand others v SecretaryofState for the Home Department一案相关摘录的 [...]
内 容。
The Bills Committee requested the
Legal Adviser to highlight relevant extracts of the case of
[...] A, X and others v Secretary of Statefor the Home Department.
在本文使用的快速浮点 双字格式中,指数是一个16bit号整数,尾 数是 16 或32bit号小数(取决于所使用的数 据类型是 short 还是 long 型快速浮点数)。
In the fast floatingpoint two-word format described in
this document, the
[...] exponent isa16-bit signed integer, while the mantissa is either a 16- ora 32bitsignedfraction [...]
(depending on whether
the short of the long fast floating-point data type is used).
她的其他作品包括一卷十四行诗和诗歌、一本英国诗人奥斯卡·王尔德的和他的母亲王尔德女士的回忆录以及另外两本关于非洲的书:《破烂的边缘:非洲金矿的传说》(The Ragged Edge:Tales of the African Gold
[...] Fields)(1895) 和 《一个非洲之子的罗曼史》ASonofAfrica:ARomance)(1899)。
Her other books include a volume of sonnets and poems, a memoir of English poet Oscar Wilde and his mother, Lady Wilde, and two
other books about Africa: The Ragged Edge: Tales of the African Gold
[...] Fields (1895) andA Son of Africa: A Romance (1899).
助理法律顾问4 提到在拟议6A(3)(b)条中,"On receiptof"文对应字词为" 在接获… 後 " ,并察悉在拟议第9(2A)中,"On receiptof"文对应 律师会须采 取跟进行动 需要采取 的行动 字词则为"在收取…时 "。
Referring to the expression "On receipt of" which was rendered as " 在接获… 後 " in proposed Rule 6A(3)(b), ALA4 noted that "On receipt of" was rendered as "在收取…时" in proposed Rule 9(2A) and enquired whether the word "after", instead of "on", should be used to reflect the intended meaning.
(b) 因应终审法院ASolicitor v The Law SocietyofHongKong and Secretary for Justice ([2004 ] 1 HKLRD 214)一案所作的裁决( 即《法律执业者条 例》第13(1)条所订的终局性规定抵触了《基本法》中 有关终审法院终审权的规定) ,修订该条例 第40M(1)条,让针对公证人纪律审裁组所作命令而提 出的上诉,可向终审法院提出(条例草案第4条);及
(b) amending section 40M(1) of LPO to allow an appeal to the Court of Final Appeal ("CFA") against any order made by a Notaries Public Disciplinary Tribunal, in the light of the CFA's ruling in A Solicitor v The Law Society of Hong Kong and Secretary for Justice [2004] 1 HKLRD 214, where the CFA held that the finality provision in section 13(1) of LPO was inconsistent with CFA's power of final adjudication under the Basic Law (clause 4); and
4)6bit 制 起动联动(PRM36=4,紧急停车后无编号设置时) 将程序设置输入的十位数(CN3-9)作为程序编号选择输入bit4将程序设置输入的个位数(CN3-10)作为程序编号选择输入bit5使用。
4) 6bit BinarySelection with Start (PRM36=4, program number is not set after emergency stop) The second digit (CN3-9) in the program setting input is used forbit 4 of the program number selection input, and the first digit (CN3-10) in the program setting input is used for bit 5of the program [...]
number selection input.
(g) 把条例草案附表5 拟议新订的第28B(7)条 英文文本的"a member a committee"修订"amemberof acommittee"。
6. The Chairman reminded members that the next meeting of the Bills Committee would be held on 24 April 2012 from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
委员察悉,政府当局会在拟议新订 第 60A(1) 及 (2) 条的中文本内" 第
[...] 18(1)(b)条"之後加上"下的要求",以及 在英文"aprovisionof""arequest under"。
Members noted that the Administration would add "下的要求" after "…第 18
(1)(b)条 " in the Chinese text, and
[...] “a request underbefore “a provision of”in the English text, [...]
of the proposed new sections 60A(1) and (2).
根据Compact Oxford English Dictionary《牛津英语字典》,“class”(类别)可解 作
[...] “set or categoryofthings havingacommon characteristic [...]
and differentiated from others by kind or
quality”(一套或一种拥有共 同特性的事物,而该等事物可在质量上或本质上与其他的事物有 所区分)。
According to the Compact Oxford English
Dictionary, “class” can be construed
[...] as “set or category of things having a common [...]
characteristic and differentiated from others by kind or quality.
001753 – 002704 李柱铭议员 主席 杨森议员 杨孝华议员 刘慧卿议员 李柱铭议员及杨森议员建 议,第21 段首个词语 "Some"(" 部分") 应改"Amajorityof"(分),因为那是 大部分委员在过往的会议上 表达的意见(即支持将内地新 移民纳入条例草案的涵盖范 围内)。
Dr YEUNG Sum Mr Howard YOUNG Ms Emily LAU The suggestion of Mr Martin LEE and Dr YEUNG Sum that the word "Some" in the beginning of paragraph 21 should be changed to"A majorityof"given that it was the view expressed by the majorityof members at previous meetings to support the inclusion of new arrivals from the Mainland within the scope of the Bill.
电影导演及编剧很早便对精神分析等学问产生兴趣,自德国导演帕布斯特(Georg Wilhelm Pabst)於1926年拍成《灵的秘密》(Secretsof aSoul)开始,东西方电影对影像如何深入「灵」(Mind)及「潜意识」(Subconscious)的探索便从未间断。
Since ‘Secrets of a Soul’ by Georg Wilhelm Pabst in 1926, the mind and subconscious has been a consistent theme in films across the Atlantis.
简单而言,第31(6)(m)条中"持有有效军部通行 证的国防部雇员"(即英文文本中的"an
[...] employee of the Ministry of Defence in possessionof avalid Army Department Pass")的提述,会被 "持有有效的中央人民政府国防部通行证的国防部人员"(即英文 文本中"amember of the Ministry of National Defence in the Central People's Government in possessionof avalid pass of the Ministry of National Defence")所取代。
In short, the reference to "an
employee of the
[...] Ministry of Defence in possession of avalid Army Department Pass" (i.e. "持有有效军部通行证的国防部雇员 " in the Chinese text) in section 31(6)(m) will be replaced by "a member of the Ministry of National Defence in the Central People's Government in possession of a valid pass of the Ministry [...]
of National Defence"
(i.e. "持有有效中央人民 政府国防部通行证的国防部人员" in the Chinese text).
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示
59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高
[...] 铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》37A 动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 [...]
构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明
白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the
substance and social impact of the XRL,
[...] I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure [...]
to demand that the Government
shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会通告载列的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本 面值总额20%之股份,以及於截至下列时间(以最早者为准)止期间内任何时间,将相当於 本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内(a)司下届股东周年大会结束时;(b)细则或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股 东周年大会之期限届满时;及(c)该授权於股东大会上以普通决议案撤销或修订当日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
(b)  本公司可备有按该条例第73A允许之正式印章一枚,用以在本公司所 发行之股份或其他证券之证书上盖印(以及在加盖该正式印章之任何该等证明书或 其他文件上毋须任何董事、高级人员或其他人士之签署及机械式复制签署,且该等 证书或其他文件即使没有任何该等签署或上述机械式复制签署仍属有效及应视为已 在董事会之授权下盖章及签立),以及可备有按董事会决定根据公司条例条文规定之 供在外地使用之正式印章一枚,且本公司可以书面形式并盖上该印章委任在外地之 任何一名或多名代理人或者一个或多个委员会作为本公司之获妥为授权之代理人, 目的在於加盖及使用该正式印章,并可施本公司认为合适之有关使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
(2)(a)本条细则第(1)段条文配发的股份与当其时已发行的同类别股份 (如有)在所有方面享有同等权益,惟仅參与於有关股息派付或宣 派之前或同一时间派付、作出、宣派或公告的有关股息或任何其他 分派、红利或权利除外,除非当董事会公告其拟就有关股息应用本 条细则第(2)段(a)(b)分段的条文时,或当董事会公告有关分派、 红利或权利时,董事会表明根据本条细则第(1)段条文将予配发的股 份有权參与该分派、红利或权利。
(2) (a) The shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank pari passu in all respects with shares of the same class (if any) then in issue save only as regards participation in the relevant dividend or in any other distributions, bonuses or rights paid, made, declared or announced prior to or contemporaneously with the payment or declaration of the relevant dividend unless, contemporaneously with the announcement by the Board of their proposal to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (2) of this Article in relation to the relevant dividend or contemporaneously with their announcement of the distribution, bonus or rights in question, the Board shall specify that the shares to be allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank for participation in such distribution, bonus or rights.
政府应努力推动对话、真相与和解委员会的成功和持续存在,主要通过如 下方面(a)其职责,包括真相、正义与和解;(b) [...]
帮助委员会与不同调查 机构和机制建立联系(如国家调查委员会和特殊调查科);(c) 通过明确严重侵犯 人权行为、查明侵权责任人及找出其根源,充分考虑到查明真相面临的重大挑 战。
The Government should work to ensure the success and sustainability of
the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation
[...] Commission, including by: (a)strengthening [...]
its mandate, including truth, justice and
reconciliation; (b) coordinating the work of the various investigative bodies and mechanisms (National Commission of Inquiry and Special Investigative Unit) with that of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission; and (c) acknowledging the major challenge of uncovering truth by identifying serious human rights violations, their perpetrators and their root causes.
条例草案第11条建议加入第67(2A)6 7(2B)条,以订明 如选举呈请关乎某人的姓名列入递补顺位名单,或关乎某人的 姓名没有列入递补顺位名单,则在该呈请的审讯完结时,原讼 法庭须裁定该人的姓名须否列入该名单;以及如选举呈请关乎 某人在递补顺位名单上的排名名次,则在该呈请的审讯完结 时,原讼法庭须裁定该人在该名单上的排名名次是否正确,如 非正确,则须裁定该人的正确排名名次为何。
Clause 11 of the Bill proposes to add sections 67(2A) and 67(2B) to the effect that at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the inclusion of the name of a person in, or the exclusion of the name of a person from a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the name is to be included in the list, and at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the ranking of a person on a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the ranking of the person on the list is correct and, if not correct, what is the correct ranking.
根据创业板上市规则第17.42A(1) ,任何控股股东及彼等之联系人,或倘无控股股东,则本 公司董事(不包括独立非执行董事)及主要行政人员以及彼等各自之联系人(定义见创业板上 市规则),须放弃投票赞成批准一般授权之决议案,而有关决议案须以投票方式表决。
According to Rule 17.42A(1) of the GEM Listing Rules, any controlling Shareholders and their associates or, where there are no controlling Shareholders, Directors (excluding independent nonexecutive Directors) and the chief executive of the Company and their respective associates (as defined in the GEM Listing Rules) shall abstain from voting in favour of the resolution to approve the General Mandate and such resolution shall be voted on by way of a poll.




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