单词 | Isaac | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
2011 年 5 月 22 [...] 日,利比里亚国家警察在蒙罗维亚得到了IsaacChegbo 的供 词,详细承认他 2011 [...]年作为雇佣军在科特迪瓦作战的情况(附件 5)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The LNP took a statementfrom IsaacChegbo on 22May 2011 [...] in Monrovia, in which he admitted in detail how he fought as a [...]mercenary in Côte d’Ivoire in 2011 (annex 5). daccess-ods.un.org |
该 案涉及 María Guadalupe Tolentino Pérez、Diana Edith [...] Sotelo Ramírez 和 ErickIsaacMolina García, 他们于 [...]2008 年 6 月 14 日在阿卡普尔科被部级警察逮捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cases concerned María Guadalupe Tolentino Pérez, Diana Edith Sotelo [...] Ramírez, andErickIsaac MolinaGarcíaarrested [...]on 14 June 2008 in Acapulco by Ministerial Police forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
舱壁和IsaacSumdac尝试重新威震天已经建立了航天桥。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bulkhead and Isaac Sumdactry to [...] rebuild the Space Bridge that Megatron had built. seekcartoon.com |
该网站由世界上第一双GPS嵌入鞋的发明人IsaacDaniel创建。 tipschina.gov.cn | The website [...] is the creation of IsaacDaniel, theinventor [...]of the first GPS embedded shoe. tipschina.gov.cn |
在违背该禁令的情况下,解雇被认为是过分的行为, MBOAIsaacc.喀麦隆 (MTPS)案件就是证明:最高法院,2005 [...] 年 3 月 23 日第 64/04-05 号判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Where this prohibition is breached, the dismissal [...] is declared unlawful. This is [...] illustrated in thecaseofIsaac Mboa v theState [...](MPTS), Supreme Court Judgement No. 64/04/04-05 of 23 March 2005. daccess-ods.un.org |
奇怪的是,通过 1989 年 12 月 22 日第 6675/MTPS/SG/SIOP 号决定,劳工部长授权以违抗命令为由解雇 MBOAIsaac。 daccess-ods.un.org | By Decision No. 6675/MTPS/SG/SIOP of 22 December 1989, the Minister of Labour and Social Security authorized Mr. Mboa's dismissal for insubordination. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,前利民运将军IsaacChegbo,在科特迪瓦他以其战争名字“Bob Marley”出名,于 [...] 2011 年 4 月 13 日 在利比里亚Zwedru被捕,并被移送Monrovia。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, [...] the ex-MODEL GeneralIsaac Chegbo, whowas known [...]under his nom de guerre “Bob Marley” in Côte d’Ivoire, was [...]arrested in Zwedru, Liberia, on 13 April 2011, and transferred to Monrovia. daccess-ods.un.org |
Pat赢得的众多奖项和荣誉中包括美国货车运输协会联盟明星奖、《INC》杂志发展最快的公司500强、《三角园区商业报》商界女精英、巅峰成就奖、IsaacHunter杰出服务奖和《企业家》杂志最有影响力人物100强。 longistics.com | Among Pat's numerous awards and honors are the American Trucking Associations' Federation Star Award, INC. magazine's 500 Fastest Growing Companies, the Triangle Business [...] Journal Women in Business Award, the [...] Pinnacle Award, theIsaac HunterExcellence [...]in Service Award and Business Leader magazine's IMPACT 100 award. longistics.com |
世界着名钢琴 家,阿根廷驻教科文组织常驻代表 Miguel Angel Estrella 先生阁下为会议开幕式作了精彩演 [...] 出,他先后演奏了伊萨克·阿尔贝尼斯(IsaacAlbeniz)和约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯(Johannes [...]Brahms)的乐曲。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The opening ceremony of the Conference began and ended with a magnificent musical performance by H.E. Mr Miguel Angel Estrella, world-renowned pianist and [...] Permanent Delegate of Argentina to UNESCO, who played two pieces, [...] the firstby Isaac Albeniz and the [...]second by Johannes Brahms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这套星表是当时人们所掌握的天文学知识的真实反映,于 1263 到 1272 [...] 年间在西班牙制作,主持编制工作的是伊萨克·本·希德(Isaacben Sid) 和犹大·本·摩西·柯亨 [...](Judah ben Moses Cohen)。 wdl.org | A reflection of the knowledge of astronomy of the time, [...] these tables were produced in Spain between 1263 and 1272 under [...] the direction of Isaac ben Sid and Judah [...]ben Moses Cohen. wdl.org |
吉罗姆13岁开始以独奏家身份与交响乐团合作,近期合作的乐团包括亚历山大•鲁丁(Alexander Rudin)指挥的Moscow Musica Viva、福奥特•曼祖洛夫(Fuat [...] Manzurov)执棒的鞑靼斯坦共和国喀山交响乐团、迪米特里·里斯(Dimitri [...] Liss)的乌拉尔交响乐团、伊萨克·图里克(IsaacTour itch)与新西伯利亚国立爱乐室内乐团,以及雅诺斯·科瓦奇(Janos [...]Kovacs)指挥下的波兰国家广播乐团与布达佩斯国家歌剧院乐团。 wupromotion.com | Since the beginning at the age of 13, he performed as a soloist with orchestras, particularly with the Moscow Musica Viva (dir. Alexander Rudin), the Kazan Symphonic Orchestra (dir.Fuat Manzurov), the Ural Symphonic Orchestra [...] (dir. Dimitri Liss), the Novossibirsk Chamber [...] Orchestra (dir.Isaac Touritch), The [...]National Orchestra of the Polish Broadcasting, [...]and the National Opera of Budapest Orchestra (dir. Janos Kovacs). wupromotion.com |