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释义 | be verb—有 v是 vless common: 当 v • 存在 v • 成为 v • 做 v • 属 v • 乃 v • 乃是 v Examples:the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak—力不从心 Although the peony is beautiful, it depends entirely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others.—牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶 It is better travel hopefully than to arrive.—路上比终点更有意义 location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM—脉口 Heaven's net is wide meshed, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73).—天网恢恢 • 天网恢恢,疏而不失 the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall—往事如风 (adverbial expression indicating that the attention of the subject of the verb is focused on what they are doing, not distracted by anything else)—在那儿 It is hard change one's essential nature (idiom). You can't change who you are.—本性难移 posthumous or ghost marriage (in which at least one of the bride and groom is dead)—冥婚 lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices—上梁不正下梁歪 everything is finished (idiom); And there you are!—完事大吉 regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally.—相见恨晚 the eye is bewildered by five colors (idiom); a dazzling riot of colors—目迷五色 chew on a large slab (idiom); a large mouthful is hard to chew—大块朵颐 fate is unfavorable (idiom); the omens are not good—时运不济 lit. 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule)—一退六二五 name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Province—召 the theory that geological change is caused by catastrophic events such as the Biblical flood—灾变论 There is always sth more learn (applied to art or learning).—强中自有强中手 one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)—所属 the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality—唯物论 character that is unfamiliar or not yet studied—生字 collision in which only one party is at fault—单方过失碰撞 neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quarter)—小潮 the rich man cannot be benevolent (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).—为仁不富 nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area—太岁 particle indicating that a previously asked question is be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")—呢 lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut a ministerial job (idiom); fig. to take a shortcut to promotion—终南捷径 fall flat (esp. of joke or speech that is completely ignored)—毫无效果 lit. argue who is right and wrong (idiom); to quibble—争长论短 the master leads you the door, the rest is up to you—师父领进门,修行在个人 lit. sing accompany wine (idiom); fig. life is short, make merry while you can—对酒当歌 Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time—善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到 lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea—侯门似海 lit. a wise person reflecting a thousand times can still make a mistake (idiom); fig. nobody is infallible—智者千虑,必有一失 one who has a little knowledge likes show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest—半瓶水响叮当 Muzha (old spelling, Mucha), was a district in Taipei City merged with Jingmei is now called Wenshan—木栅 at home wherever one is (idiom); ready adapt—随遇而安 the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep implications—寓意深远 if two tigers fight, one must get injured (idiom); if you start a war, someone is bound get hurt—两虎相争,必有一伤 switch hook (button or cradle of a telephone, whose function is disconnect the call)—叉簧 seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself is better than hearing from many others—百闻不如一见 the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear—真相大白 You're welcome (that is, please don't thank me)—不用客气 lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed—生米做成熟饭 live in plenty without appreciating it (idiom); not to know when one is well off—身在福中不知福 a romance where the man is significantly older than the woman—老牛吃嫩草 Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need.—民以食为天 act as if one is taking things very seriously—煞有介事 abler people do more work (idiom); It is because you are so capable that we (or they) leave everything you.—能者多劳 die (when one's predestined life span is up)—寿数已尽 there is a rock every scissor, a scissor to every paper, and a paper to every rock—一物降一物 one who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions [idiom.]—无事献殷勤,非奸即盗 If the basin is square, the water in it will also be square. [idiom.]—盂方水方 control a key point is to be master of the situation [idiom.]—以一驭万 it is hard become frugal after becoming accustomed to luxury [idiom.]—奢入俭难 lit. proper behaviour is based on reciprocity [idiom.]—礼尚往来 lit. there is no road the sky, nor door into the earth [idiom.]—上天无路,入地无门 sb. who is unable repay their credit card borrowings—卡奴 ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy [idiom.]—治大国若烹小鲜 (of a political career) everything is going smoothly [idiom.]—官运亨通 the swallow's nest is built one beakful of mud at a time [idiom.]—燕子衔泥垒大窝 lit. fight it out with sb to see who is best [idiom.]—一见高低 fig. indulge one's enemy is asking for trouble [idiom.]—养虎为患 lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving [idiom.]—一枝独秀 (onom.) sound of the wind or the breathing of sb. who is sound asleep—呼呼 decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it be strung on a cord—印钮 be sentimentally attached to (a person or place)—恋慕 something be taken up later in speech or writing—后话 overall brand look or logo that can be patented—外观设计 have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant—寓意深长 equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion further donations—等额比基金 be buried with or next to dead person (of deceased's partner, or of funerary objects)—陪葬 Magadha, ancient India kingdom reported be the birthplace of Buddhism—摩揭陀 (in interrogative sentence) be necessary to—用得着 fig. be endowed with extraordinary intelligence—智珠在握 be unable to continue living (in a certain manner)—过不下 (of a prepaid mobile phone) be out of credit—停机 help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy—仗义疏财 make a pledge to be married, without parents' approval—私定终身 forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to let bygones be bygones—既往不咎 joke intended be so corny it makes one groan—冷笑话 (Japanese kokuji) be crowded, to go into, etc—込 auxiliary verb introducing future action: may (be able to)—将会 able think of everything that needs to be thought of—心眼大 if revenge breeds revenge, will there ever be an end it? (Buddhist saying)—冤冤相报何时了 Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom).—积恶余殃 guilty and deserves be punished (idiom); entirely appropriate chastisement—罪有应得 Beware of suspicious folk bearing gifts, they are sure be ill-intentioned. [idiom.]—黄鼠狼给鸡拜年 too numerous be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) [idiom.]—罄笔难书 great intelligence may appear be stupidity [idiom.]—大智若愚 lit. be confined within a circle drawn on the ground [idiom.]—画地为牢 Command right and you will be obeyed cheerfully. [idiom.]—指挥有方,人人乐从 remove sth that could be used as a pretext [idiom.]—以免借口 |
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