

单词 ip技术

See also:

技术 n

skill n
art n

External sources (not reviewed)

凭借业界最广泛的知识产权 (IP) 技术组合 之一,Atmel 能够为电子行业提供主要面向工业、消费、安全、通信、计算和汽车市场的全面系统解决方案。
Leveraging one of the industry's broadest
[...] intellectual property (IP) technology portfolios, Atmel [...]
can provide the electronics industry
with complete system solutions focused on industrial, consumer, security, communications, computing and automotive markets.
新服务器和相关的存储设备以及软件,用于IP 技术系统 试点项目的首次安装。
New servers, associated storage and software to allow for the initial
[...] deployment of the new IP technology for a pilot [...]
IP技术和对 市场标准的考虑,Aastra 解决方案能满足交通和物流专业人士的需求,使他们保持竞争力。
Based on IP technology and respect of [...]
market standards, Aastra solutions meet the needs of transport and logistics professionals
and enable them to remain competitive.
我们将继续与 Atmel
[...] 保持密切合作,支持其电容式检测客户,以及销售基于其电容式检IP技术的 OEM 模块。
Our close partnership with Atmel
continues today as we support their capacitive sensing customers and sell OEM modules
[...] based on Atmel’s capacitive sensing IP.
中国在北美地区服务节点建设的合作事宜,确定 在国内联合展开域名IP 技术的培训;双方充分沟通了在 BIND 9、BIND10、DHCP [...]
CN in North America, and they agreed to jointly provide training on
[...] domain name and IP technology in China.
现有系统可以由基于因特网协议IP ) 技术 的 新 系统取代,新系 统将使用数据传输的网络结构来传输声音和视频信息,并且能整 [...]
合信息技术工具,如电子邮件、即时信息、网络会议等等。将现 有电话设备更换为基于因特网协议的统一通信系统需要扩展和升 级数据网络基础设施,使其能够支持新设备,并保证视频和音频
The current installations would be replaced by a
[...] new system based in IP technology which allows voice [...]
and video communications to use
the same network structure as data communications and be integrated with IT tools such as emails, instant messaging, web conferencing, etc. The replacement of the telephone installations by an IP based Unified Communications system requires the data network infrastructure to be extended and upgraded to support the new equipment and ensure the levels of availability and performance required for video and voice communications.
Aastra呼叫中心解决方案包括一整套的应用程序,其经验证 IP / SI P 技术 能 通 过所有媒体为您提供高效可靠的顾客服务。
Aastra Contact centre solution includes
a full suite of applications and is
[...] based on a proven IP/SIP technology that will bring [...]
you efficient and reliable customer service across all media.
本次12315平台改造将呼叫中心平台更换为基 IP技术 的 网 络呼叫中心架构,分别在市局中心和19个区县分局增至30个人工座席和30个远程人工座席,所有区县分局均部署IP远程座席,实现工商12315、消协96315和分布在各区县尾数为12315电话号码的统一呼叫接入,对所有呼叫提供语音播报、排队等待、电话移转、电话录音、数据统计、实时监控等多项功能,从而实现了统一规划、统一运营、统一录音、统一监控、统一数据管理。
The call center platform is changed to network call
[...] center architecture with IP-based technology, with manual working [...]
seats and 30 remote manual
working seats added respectively in Beijing headquarter and sub-centers in 19 district or county branches and all IP Remote seats are deployed to achieve unified calling access with 12315 of Industry and Commerce Administration, 96315 of Consumers' Association and telephone number ending in 12315 in district and county level centers with functions like audio broadcasting, queuing, call transfer, call recording, data statistics, real-time monitoring and many other functions, realizing unified planning, unified operation, unified recording, unified monitoring and unified data management.
[...] 会应能够依据一份新通信系统各项费用(电话交换/数据网络结 构 / IP 技术/服务器机房设备 等)的详细资料文件来计算费用,而且所有费用均显示为同一种货币。
The FA Commission should be able to count with a detailed information document of the
different costs (telephone
[...] exchange/data network structure/IP technology/ server’s room [...]
installation, etc.) of the new communication
system, all in the same currency.
经过硅片验证的Vivante GPU IP技术能够使客户的SOC平台支持OpenGL ES 2.0/1.1 [...]
和 OpenVG 标准的硬件加速,使其在个人多媒体、娱乐和便携式导航仪等低功耗的应用环境下得到不同的视觉体验。
The silicon
[...] proven Vivante GPU IP technology enables OpenGL [...]
ES 2.0/1.1 and OpenVG graphics hardware acceleration in customer
SoC designs targeting low power computing for consumer applications like personal multimedia, entertainment, and portable navigation, where the user’s visual experience makes the difference.
除了20至24日一连五天,依照技术性质不同,先行办理的训练课程外,针对产官学界设计的核心专题演讲及研讨会活动,则是在25至29日进行,包含亚洲网通总裁暨首席技术长关大理、中央研究院刘炯朗院士、中华电信罗弘任工程师、亚太因特网信息中心执行委员会主席前村昌纪等多位重量级贵宾,将会针IP技术发展 、网络安全、通信汇流等技术,以及产业相关议题,进行主题演说。
the exception of the 20 to 24 days for five days, in accordance with the nature of the technology, for the first training course, designed for industry, government and academic circles the core of the speech and activities of the seminar is 25-29 in the day, including the Asian Network Tong, President and Chief Technology Officer Kwan Dali, Academia Sinica academician Liu Chung-lang, Luo Hong Chunghwa Telecom as an Engineer in the Asia-Pacific Internet Information Center, the former Chairman of the Executive Committee of the village of Chi-chang, and so on a
number of heavyweight guests will be
[...] for the development of IP technology, network security [...]
, The convergence of communications,
such as technology, and industry-related topics, a keynote address.
IP Infusion技术的产品应用于遍布全球五大洲的可靠性高达99.999%的网络,以及越来越多的企业中,用以提高网络性能,降低网络架构成本,同时帮助企业盈利。
Products built on IP Infusion technology are deployed in [...]
five 9’s reliable networks across five continents, as well as a
growing number of enterprises, to improve network performance, decrease network infrastructure costs and grow revenue.
IT人员还可以利用他们IP网络技术来 支持iSCSI SAN,从而降低培训和人力成本并简化管理。
IT staff can
[...] also leverage their IP networking expertise to support an [...]
iSCSI SAN, reducing training and personnel costs and simplifying management.
将您当前的数据中心环境扩展至使用相IP 地址的云技术服务 中,如同该云服务就在您的数据中心内一样。
Extend your current data center environment into the
[...] cloud using the same IP addressing scheme—as if the cloud were in your [...]
data center.
产品包括因特网处理器 iMCU™,它采用特有的 TOE(TCP/IP 卸载引擎技术,基 于独特的、完全硬接线 TCP/IP 专利。
Products include an Internet Processor, the iMCU™, which is
[...] specialized by TOE (TCP/IP Offload Engine) technology, based on a unique, [...]
patented Fully Hardwired TCP/IP.
我们通过使用诸如“cookie”和IP 地址”等技术来收 集这些信息,以下会详细讨论这些技术。
We collect this information
[...] through the use of technologies such as “cookies” and “IP addresses”, which are [...]
discussed in greater detail below.
除了在基建总体规划(CMP)框架内进行审计以外,还开展了一项研究,分析使用因 特网协议IP)语音技术的新 设备替代专用电话交换机的各种方案,从而将电话和数据网络 [...]
In addition to the audit undertaken within the framework of the capital master plan (CMP), a study has been conducted to analyse the different
scenarios for the
[...] replacement of the PBX by new equipment which makes use Voice over IP (Internet [...]
protocol) technologies,
thus merging telephone and data network systems into a Unified Communications system (data, messaging, voice and video).
[...] 配政策等重要事务交换经验、意见和立场,积极与国内会员、运营商沟通与交流,结合国际发展动向和中国 实际, 借鉴国外经验,对行业的地址资源利用、发展以 IP 网 络 技术 推 广 提供引导。
To accelerate the transition to IPv6, CNNIC, under the identity of NIR, carried out active communication and exchanges with the operators in the Asia-Pacific Region, and exchanged experiences, opinions and viewpoints on address allocation policies and other important matters, and conducted communication and exchanges with domestic members and operators, and used foreign experiences to provide
guidance on address resource utilization and development in the industry and as
[...] well as promotion of IP network technology.
为了更好体现社会公益与责任担当,今年,CNNIC 联合国内外业界知名专家,根据 IP 地址、域名等互联网基础资技术的 最 新发展,尤其是 IPv6 与下一代互联网、IDN 与多语 种邮箱电子邮件、DNSSEC 与域名安全等技术方面的最新发展,并结合这些新技术在物联网、 云计算、大数据等新兴领域的应用,首次编写和发布了《互联IP 地址与域技术发展 研 究报告》,并将逐步使之常态化、系统化,适时反映、分析和预IP 地址与域技术的最新进展、特点规律和未来趋势,以供互联网领域广大管理者、研究者、从业者参考。
In order to do a better job for the public interests and assume its social responsibility, CNNIC, together with experts of the industry in and out of China, prepared and published for the first time Research Report of the
Development of IP Address
[...] and Domain name Technology of the Internet based on the latest technological development of the fundamental resources of Internet such as IP address and domain name, especially the latest technological development of the IPv6 and nextgeneration Internet, IDN and multilingual e-mail address, DNSSEC and domain name security as well as the application of these new technologies in the emerging fields of Internet of things, cloud computing and big data, and will make the reporting regular and systematic so as to reflect the latest progress, analyze the characteristics and predict the development [...]
trend of IP address and
domain name technology for the reference by the managers, researchers and workers in the Internet industry.
EXFO的测试和监测解决方案由此开 始起作用,它们可用来准确有效地评估所有
[...] 与SLA相关的关键性能指标,并对传统T1/E1 链路/线路和下一IP/以太网技术进行 服务 质量验证。
This is also where EXFO’s test and monitoring solutions come into play, allowing for accurate, efficient assessment of all SLA-related key performance
indicators, as well as service quality certification on legacy T1/E1
[...] links/circuits and nextgeneration IP/Ethernet technologies.
iSCSI基于标准的以太技术,可与支 IP 网 络的现有交换机及线缆一同使用。
iSCSI is based on
[...] standard Ethernet technology and can be used with existing switches and cables that support an IP based network.
自那以后,Envivio获得了数十项专利,开创 IP 视 频 技术 , 并通过积极支持新技术一直引领行业技术发展潮流:从第一款H.264视频编码器和第一款同时支持多种设备和网络的编码器,直到第一种保护并向iPhone交付收费电视服务的解决方案。
Along the way Envivio has amassed dozens of patents,
[...] pioneered video-over-IP methods, and continually leads with support for emerging technology, from [...]
the first H.264 encoder
and the first encoder to simultaneously support multiple devices and networks, to the first solution for protecting and delivering premium TV services to the iPhone.
在为期 90 天的搬迁阶段,新增的 5 个信息和通技术技术员将履行下列 职责:分配传输控制协议/因特网协议 (T C P / IP ) 地 址 ;重新配置网络共用设备; 验证网络驱动器的映射;检查信息系统和信息资源的存取状态。
During the 90-day relocation phase, the five
[...] additional ICT Technicians would perform the following functions: assigning Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) addresses; reconfiguring [...]
network shared
devices; validating mapping of network drives; and checking access to information system and information resources.
这位于美国加州的设计中心与安森美半导体位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特(Bucharest)的设计中心密切协作,共同推进新的知识产 权 ( IP ) 开 发、IC设计和布线,以及针对E2PROM存储器产品和包括LED驱动器、稳压器、温度传感器、电压监控器、数字电位计和总线产品在内的宽广范围模拟/混合信号IC的下一代晶圆厂工 技术 开 发
The design center located in Santa Clara, California works in tandem with the ON Semiconductor
Design Center in
[...] Bucharest, Romania for new IP development, IC design and layout, and next-generation foundry process technology development for E2PROM memory products and a wide range of analog/mixed-signal ICs, including LED drivers, voltage regulators, temperature sensors, voltage supervisors, digital potentiometers [...]
and bus products.
这些器件采用专有环氧氯丙烷材料和四分之一微米凹进栅极工 技术 , 可 以生产出更高线性度(+48 dBm IP3,在 1 W P-1 dB 无线放大器中)和更低相位噪声(-125 dBc,在 [...]
17.5 GHz DRO 条件下发生 100 KHz 偏移时)的额定功率输出从
10 毫瓦至 5 瓦的器件。
These devices employ proprietary epi material and
quarter micron recessed
[...] gate process technology, which result in highly linear (+48 dBm IP3 in a 1 W P-1 dB Wireless [...]
Amp) and low phase
noise (-125 dBc @ 100 KHz Offset in a 17.5 GHz DRO) devices with power outputs ranging from 10 milliwatts to 5 watts.
当阁下提交调查反馈、参加抽奖或下订单时,伟易达会收集能识别个人身分的资讯(如阁下的姓名、性别、出生日期及个人偏好)以及可能与阁下有关的其他资讯, 技术 资 料 (包 IP 地 址)和使用资讯。
VTech collects individually identifiable information such as your name, gender, date of birth and personal preferences, and other
information that can be associated
[...] with you such as technical data (including IP address) and usage [...]
information, when you submit
a feedback survey, enter a sweepstakes, or place an order.
VOIP technology for voice system: The IP phone system enables [...]
communication between the BRT dispatch center and station
personnel, and network-wide IP voice call through voice server, voice gateway and other devices via the Ethernet to facilitate the dispatch and lower the cost.
联华电子拥有尖端的工技术,涵 盖广泛 IP 组 合 , 完备的系统知识以及先进的12吋晶圆制造技术,能在 最有效的时间内提供全方位的客户导向解决方案,以 [...]
With advanced technology, a broad IP portfolio, system [...]
knowledge, and advanced 300mm manufacturing, UMC offers comprehensive
solutions that help customers deliver successful results in a timely fashion.
[...] 更大的衛星容量,將其高質素節目內容傳輸至全國性電視系統,再利用有線、直接到戶衛星或互聯網 規約IP)技術等方式傳送給用戶。
Competing content providers will require greater satellite capacity to deliver their high quality
content to national television systems that may use cable, DTH satellite or
[...] Internet Protocol technology to reach customers.
些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门
[...] 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传 技术 支 持 战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education
for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development
[...] through advocacy and technical support to strategic [...]




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