

单词 1-tier



tied score


have secret ties with


tied game
面临考验,中国认为,与保护这几个国 家相比,与美国和欧洲保持稳定、积极的关系对其经济 发展与安全而言更为重要。
Put to the test, China feels that stable, positive ties with the U.S. and Europe are more important for its economic growth and security than protecting such states.
在他在刚果民主共和国因与其父亲的关系所经历的事件后,他 认为最好的安全办法是不提及这些关系。
After what he experienced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo because of his links to his father, he thought that not mentioning these ties would be the best way to ensure his safety.
这将会帮助 阿拉伯地区对付人口增长、城市环境变化和青年失业、社会动荡(包括青年极端主义)、以 及家庭关系解体等问题。
This would assist the Arab region in tackling problems of population growth and changing urban environments with its attendant youth unemployment, social unrest (including youth extremism) and the unravelling of family ties.
布鲁塞尔和华盛顿在坚持认为要将放松 制裁措施与改革绑在一起的同时,也坚称愿意采取 灵活措施,但是这两方都没有就这些措施如何在当 今形势下有效地促进改革提供详尽的评估。
Brussels and Washington, while maintaining that an easing of the measures must still be tied to reform, insist they are willing to be flexible in their approach, but neither has presented a thorough assessment of how the measures have or can in current circumstances usefully contribute to reform.
这段防波 墙会经过方块海堤登岸梯级,与两侧的沉箱海堤连接,而 方块海堤登岸梯级亦可作为防波墙与重力沉箱海堤构件之 间的过渡溶合结构。
These are tied back into the caisson seawalls on either side, with blockwork landing steps providing a transition between the piled wave walls and the gravity caisson seawall units.
国际人 权案件中所使用的家庭概念是指强迫失踪受害人同其共同生活的人或者与受害人 感情深厚的家庭成员之间实际存在的“感情维系”。
The notion of family in international human rights cases refers to the presence of an actual “emotional bond” between the victim of the enforced disappearance and the persons with whom the victim lived or family members with whom the victim had close emotional ties.
海湾合作委员会宪章》规定的基本目标 是:实现成员国在所有领域的协调、一体化 和建立相互联系,加强各国人民之间 的联 系,在经济、金融、贸易、海关、旅游、立 法、行政等不同领域制定类似的规章制度, 以及促进工业、矿业、农业、水利和动物资 源领域的科技进步,建立科研中心,建立合 资企业,以及鼓励私营部门之间开展 合作。
The Charter of the GCC states that the basic objectives are to effect coordination, integration and inter-connection between member States in all fields, strengthening ties between their peoples, formulating similar regulations in various fields such as economy, finance, trade, customs, tourism, legislation, administration, as well as fostering scientific and technical progress in industry, mining, agriculture, water and animal resources, establishing scientific research centres, setting up joint ventures, and encouraging cooperation of the private sector.
最后,从政治和外交角度,葡萄牙可以利用与该区域葡萄牙语国家的优先联 系以及与西非经共体的关系,提高对睦邻关系重要性的认识,倡导加强政治经济 联系,以及必须携手努力打击对和平与稳定的共同挑战。
Lastly, from a political and diplomatic perspective, Portugal can use its privileged contacts with lusophone countries in the region and its relations with ECOWAS to raise awareness regarding the importance of good-neighbourly relations, the fostering of political and economic ties and the need for joint efforts to combat common threats to peace and stability.
执行秘书在演讲中首先提请经社会回顾第二次世界大战结束后出现的 重大过渡时期,并指出在这一过渡时期内具有远见卓识的亚太领导人和决策 者汇聚一堂,努力在彼此之间建立起团结、合作和友谊的新纽带。
The Executive Secretary commenced her statement by reminding the Commission that, in the period of great transition following the Second World War, Asia-Pacific leaders and policymakers of vision and foresight had come together to forge new ties of solidarity, cooperation and friendship.
阿鲁巴岛还为每门课程编写了自己的教材,从而使课程内容适合阿鲁 巴的背景,尽可能接近学生对环境的感知。
Aruba has developed its own teaching material for each of these courses, so that the content is appropriate to the Aruban context and ties in as closely as possible with the pupils’ perception of their environment.
一些国家指出,实行差别定价还应考虑到,一些国家不是公认的最不发达 国家,但这些国家如果因气候或其他特殊原因而某种疾病高发,也应享受差别定 价。
Several countries noted that price differentiation should also take into account that some countries that were not considered least developed should nevertheless enjoy price differentiation, owing to the high prevalence of a disease tied to their climate or other unique factors.
3.1.2 拨款资助将於各主要阶段,或根据按 拨款获批时所定的其他条件,分期发 放予获资助的申请机构。
3.1.2 The funding support will be disbursed by instalments, tying with appropriate milestones or any other conditions offered when the grant is approved.
仅在 2009 年,从加沙到斯里兰卡、到刚果民主 共和国、巴基斯坦、阿富汗和索马里以及其他一些地 方,成千上万的平民死于冲突;此外还有其他一些原 因也造成了无数人的伤亡,其中包括男女老幼所遭受 的身心伤害,他们的社会、经济和文化联系与机构也 遭到破坏。
In 2009 alone, there were thousands of civilian conflict deaths, from Gaza to Sri Lanka to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia, and elsewhere too; and untold numbers of other casualties, including physical and psychological injury to men, women and children, as well as the destruction of their social, economic and cultural ties and institutions.
经社会注意到,与其他区域和次区域组织及机构建立紧密的联系对 于在亚太区域实现包容的和可持续的发展至关重要,包括独立国家联合体、 上海合作组织、以及欧亚经济共同体等。
The Commission observed that establishing close ties with other regional and subregional organizations and institutions, including the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Community, was important for sustainable and inclusive development in Asia and the Pacific.
A win-win relationship of mutual respect between the West and China is vital, benefiting Asia and the rest of the world, and enhancing economic ties that could lead to a new era of mutual prosperity.
除了设立机制、同国际刑警组织和其他国家合作外,古巴向反恐怖主义委员 会提交的前七份报告载有关于住在美国境内的、原籍古巴的恐怖分子的移动和行 动,以及关于他们同非法贩运武器和人口行为有直接联系的大量确凿资料。
In addition to the mechanisms established for cooperation with INTERPOL and with other countries, the seven previous reports that Cuba has provided to the Counter-Terrorism Committee contain a wealth of convincing information on the movements and actions of terrorist elements of Cuban origin based in the United States and on their direct ties with illegal trafficking in firearms and human beings.
缔约国所有必要措施,通过保障法官的任职,确保司法机关 的独立性,并切断与行政机关的行政和其他联系。
The State party should take all necessary measures to safeguard the independence of the judiciary by guaranteeing their tenure of office, and sever the administrative and other ties with the Executive Office.
此外,叙利亚与观察员部队和联合国停战监督组 织的官员以及维和部保持密切联系已有约 40 年,以 色列占领戈兰高地也有这么长时间了。
Moreover, Syria has maintained close ties with officials of UNDOF and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, as well as with DPKO, for a period of approximately 40 years — the duration of the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights.
另外,在 2012 年 3 月,与辛杜希杰先生关系十分密切的一位民解力量高 级代表向专家组具体谈到辛杜希杰先生是如何想到布隆迪民族革命阵线-塔巴拉这 一名称并向他和其他人讲述的。
Furthermore, in March 2012 a senior FNL representative with very close ties to Mr. Sinduhije described for the Group in specific detail how Mr. Sinduhije had come up with the name FRONABU-TABARA and presented it to him and others.
就研究而言,不只其经 费通常由国民负责,而且其利益也可能限于国民享受,这也是可以理解的。
Not only is research funding often tied to nationals, perhaps understandably, but also the benefits of such research may be restricted to nationals.
此外,在驱逐令中还必须说明适当的理由,法官须表现出一定 程度的克制,尤其是如果被定罪者长期在瑞士居留,有自己的家庭,与原籍国不 再保持密切的联系。
In addition, the expulsion order had to include adequate justification and the judge had to display a degree of restraint, particularly where convicted persons were long-time residents of Switzerland, had families and no longer had close ties with their countries of origin.
这一形态有可能与美 洲和欧洲杀人类型的不同分布有着密切的联系,在美洲的杀人案件中与有组织 犯罪和犯罪团伙有关的案件比例较大,而欧洲杀人案件中与伴侣或/家人有关的 原因及其他形式的犯罪所占比例较大。
The pattern is likely to be closely tied to the different distribution of homicide typologies in the Americas and Europe — a larger proportion of homicides in the Americas are linked to organized crime and gangs, whereas a large proportion of homicides in Europe are linked to partner- or family-related causes and other forms of crime.
C. 党员对政党欠缺忠诚 因为不同政党之间并不存在太大的政见分歧,党员经常转换党籍;只要他们能与地方领 袖保持良好的私人关系,他们便能在政治上继续具有影响力。
As there was little difference in political principles between one party and the next, party members often changed sides yet remained politically influential, as long as they had good personal ties with local social leaders.
新西兰知道其在太平洋地区的影响和作用,坚 决推动和保护太平洋地区的土着语言,其中包括新 西兰的海外领地库克岛、纽埃岛、托克劳岛的语言, 这些岛屿的人口是新西兰人口的重要组成部分。
Aware that it had a role to play at the regional level, New Zealand was committed to promoting and protecting Pacific indigenous languages, including those of the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau, which had close constitutional ties with New Zealand and whose communities made up a significant proportion of New Zealand’s population.
将残疾 问题纳入其中,这意味着要直接面对跨部门工作这一概念并对拨付的预算资金进 行直接处置;同时,这促使相关方面从人权角度将残疾人问题与名为 CRECER 战略(“携手共进社会方案”)等国家战略以及诸如“营养共同方案”等预算战略方案 的运作联系起来。
At the same time, it will also entail tying in the human rights problems faced by persons with disabilities with national strategies such as the “Crecer Juntos” (let’s grow together) social programme and strategic budget programmes, such as the “Articulación Nutricional” (food network) programme.
迄今为止,本报告关于专利改革和协调的讨论主要集中在:如何通过革新程序,消除重复 性工作以及追求更广泛的协调,提高全球现行专利制度74 的效率。但本报告很少虑及:已 经授予的专利的质量、执行和挑战专利权所耗费的资源、以及在多大程度上专利制度在促 进技术进步方面起到的作用将超过其经济、管理和执行成本。
The discussions on patent reform and harmonisation have so far concentrated on how to improve the efficiency of the current global patent system by streamlining procedures, eliminating duplication and pursuing harmonisation more generally.74 But little thought has been given to the quality of patents issued, the resources tied up in enforcing and challenging patent rights, and the extent to which the benefits of the system in encouraging technical progress outweigh its economic, administrative and enforcement costs.
联合会的主要宗旨有:(a)宣传伊斯兰教信仰中积极的普世价值观,例如提倡人权, 打击腐败、全球压迫和不公平,强化家庭纽带、为饥饿人口提供食物以及帮助孤 儿和穷人;(b)传播温和的伊斯兰教观点,并与宗教极端主义和歧视,尤其是仇视 伊斯兰的现象做斗争;(c)与全球青年和具有不同背景的学生团体共同做出努力, 并作为此类活动的一个协调中心发挥作用;(d)向穆斯林学生和青年组织提供服务 和资源。
The main purposes of the Federation are the following: (a) promotion of positive universal values as described in the Islamic faith, such as advocating for human rights, working against corruption, global oppression and injustice, strengthening family ties, feeding the hungry, and helping orphans and the needy; (b) propagating the moderate Islamic viewpoint and combating religious extremism and discrimination, especially Islamophobia; (c) uniting efforts and acting as a focal point for such activities among youth and student bodies of different backgrounds across the globe; (d) providing services and resources to Muslim student and youth organizations.




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