

单词 1-tailed p
把 研 发 成 果 推 出 商 业 市 场 , 例 如 目 标 用 户 , 市 场 策 略 包 括 市 场 划 分 及 市 场 营 销 4P( 产 品 , 价 格 , 地 点 及 推 广 ) 等 。
market the R&D results in the commercial world, e.g. target users, marketing strategy including market segmentation and analysis of 4Ps in marketing (Products, Price, Place, Promotion), etc.
从这种理解出发,我们对“3p类别作另一种理解,既考虑儿童 在游戏生活中的重要性,也考虑到成人在支持儿童游戏权中的作用。
From this starting point, we use alternative understandings of the ‘three Ps’ categories to consider play’s importance in the lives of children, and adults’ roles in supporting children’s right to play.
在 Otter tail Power 公司诉美国的案 件中,美国最高法院裁定,一家垄断企业控 制着某设施或财产,而其他公司只有获得了 该设施或财产才可以开展竞争,在这种情况 下,垄断企业有义务以非歧视性的条件允许
[...] 他人获得这种设施(Rahnasto, 2003,p.144)
In Otter tail Power Co v. the United States, the US Supreme Court ruled that a dominant firm that controls an infrastructure or an asset that other companies need to make use of in
order to compete has the obligation to make the facility available on
[...] nondiscriminatory terms (Rahnasto, 2003, p. 144).
就其目标和“基本原则”而言,新战略规定,轮 调“取决于本组织的需要”,对所有定期合同PD 级人员都是“强制且适用”,并 且应该看作是这些类别的工作人员的职业发展不可分割的组成部分。
In terms of its objectives and “basic principles” it states that rotation is “driven by organizational needs”, is “mandatory and applicable” to all fixed-term Ps and Ds, and should be viewed as an integral part of career development for these categories of staff.
利用Vocallo拥有批准专利的回波消除和话音质量增强算法,OpenVox的 DE430PT1、E1和J1接口呈现上佳的话音质量,使用户能在全部128个E1模式信道或96个T1/J1模式信道消除长达128ms的回声拖尾。
Taking advantage of Vocallo's patented echo cancellation and
voice quality enhancement algorithms, the
[...] OpenVox DE430P deliverssuperior voice [...]
quality over T1, E1 and J1 interfaces, enabling
users to eliminate echo tails up to 128ms across all 128 channels in E1 mode or 96 channels in T1/J1 modes.
虽说今年上半年晋升的工作人员数量有所增加—对此我们只能感到高兴,但不能不提 及的是,由于管理部门负责人的资源不够,而且任务总是越来越多,分配给秘书处特别是属 于专门人员类P的同事的附加工作越来越多,也越来越复杂。
Even though the number of staff members to have been promoted has risen in the first half of this year, which we can only welcome, we cannot disregard the fact that colleagues in the Secretariat, especially those in the Professional category(Ps) are increasingly being assigned more varied and complex additional duties because line managers have fewer resources at their disposal and ever-increasing tasks to perform.




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