AlfaCom 因持有 Alfacom Web [...]全部已发行股本之 20%而成为 Alfacom Web 之主要股东, 并在本公司收购 Alfacom Web 全部已发行股本 51%後成为本公司之关连人士。 | Alfa Com is asubstantial [...]shareholder of Alfacom Web by holding 20% shares in the entire issued share capital of Alfacom [...]Web and is a connected person of the Company after the Company has acquired 51% interest in the entire issued share capital of Alfacom Web. |
该解决方案采用计算机处理技术,与新开发的自动识别系统相结合,于1980年作 为AlfaFeed系统引进。 | This solution was computerized, combined with a newly developed automatic identification system [...] and in troduced as Alfa Feedin 1980. |
母公司是墨西哥的复合型企 业 C.V.。 | The Company [...] is a su bsidiary of AlfaS.A. de C.V. of Mexican [...]conglomerate company. |
根据双边协议,墨西哥引进了古巴的“阿尔法电视 (AlfaTV)”或“我识字”计划。 | The Cuban pro gramme “AlfaTV” or YSP was [...]introduced to Mexico within the framework of bilateral agreements. |
该款手表为赛车,特别 是AlfaRomeo 而推出,展现出享誉世界的简易性与灵敏度。 | The piece is a tribute to car [...] racing, p articularly AlfaRomeo, and showcases [...]the simplicity and sensibility that distinguish the brand worldwide. |
最后,公司成 为AlfaRomeo 的技术赛车前哨,并于 1933 年被接管为其赛车部门。 | In time, it became a [...] technical-racing outpost of AlfaRomeoandtook over [...]as its racing department in 1933. |
多哥公共工程和交通运输部海 洋事务司司 长AlfaLebgaza 强调指出了多哥海事部门发展面临的一些挑战,以 [...]及在通过国家立法适用《公约》及其他相关文书方面的挑战。 | Alfa Lebgaza, Director of Maritime [...]Affairs at the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation of Togo, highlighted some [...]of the challenges in the development of the maritime sector in Togo and in the application of the Convention and other related instruments through national legislation. |
34 国际法学 家 委员会建议,敦促该国政府加强 [...] 对逮捕和警察拘留的监管和监督,特别是便衣警察,包括 “Alfa”,该部队的活动 应 当 停 止;为指称 在 [...]拘留期间受到虐待的人立即提供独立的 医 疗检查 ;确保 司 法 机 构能够 有 效 [...]审查逮捕和 警察拘留的合法性、必 要 性和符 合 比例原则;确保适当 的 官 员,包括监督警察羁押工作的检 察官和法官 能 够及时并有效调查 被 拘留人提 出的受到虐待的指称;并确保嫌疑人能够真正及时、有效和单独会见律师。 | According to ICJ, there have been particularly numerous allegations of violence and [...] ill-treatment by the non-uniformed Special [...] Mobile Po lice Units(“Alfa”),which operate in [...]the Skopje area34 ICJ recommended to [...]urge the Government to enhance supervision and oversight of arrest and police detention, in particular by non-uniformed police, including the “Alfa” unit, whose operation should be suspended; provide for prompt and independent medical examinations of detainees who allege ill-treatment; ensure effective review by judicial bodies of the legality, necessity and proportionality of arrest and police detention; ensure the prompt and effective investigation by appropriate officers, including prosecutors and judges supervising police detention, to allegations of ill-treatment by detainees; ensure that suspects are in practice afforded prompt, effective and confidential access to a lawyer.35 20. |
收购之代价 19,110,000 港元乃透过本公司之全资附属公司 ebizal [...] 於收购 完成时设立及 向AlfaCom 及 Alfacom Cyber Base 发出文据之方式支付。 | The Consideration of the Acquisition is HK$19,110,000 to be [...] satisfied by the creation and issue of [...] the I nstrument toAlfa Com and Alfacom Cyber [...]Base by ebizal, a wholly owned subsidiary [...]of the Company, upon Completion. |
春节期间,我去一些地方旅游时看到一辆阿尔法·罗密欧车 (AlfaRomeo)行驶在一个小镇灰尘漫天的马路上,这让我颇感意外,这表明无论哪里的有钱人都喜欢豪华车。 | I just returned from a trip to the provinces myself during [...] the Chinese new year holiday, and was [...] surprised t o see an Alfa Romeo driving [...]down a dusty partially paved road in a very [...]small town, testifying to the popularity of luxury cars just about anywhere people have money. |
跃达汽车公司自二零一零年十二月起在香港及澳门独家进口 Fiat 及AlfaRomeo 客车。 | International Automobiles has been the exclusive importer in Hong Kong and [...] Macau for Fiat and Alfa Romeo passenger cars [...]since December 2010. |
后来,当签署他们参与的11场其它比赛时,银行家和富商交替使用2个其它假名,即使如此他们也仅在两届赛事中抵达了终点:1935(第2名,搭档henri Stooffel,赛 车AlfaRomeo 8Ca)和1953(第18名,搭档Mario [...]Damonte,赛车Osca MT 4)。 | Later on, the banker and wealthy businessman alternated between two other pseudonyms when signing up for the 11 other editions that they participated in, even though they only [...] managed to finish the race on two occasions: [...] 1935 (2nd with an AlfaRomeo8Ca with henri [...]Stooffel) and in 1953 (18th with the [...]Osca MT 4 with Mario Damonte). |
在二零一零年底,该集团在台湾获指定为Vespa小型摩托车的独家进口商,并在香港获指定为FI AT及AlfaRome o汽车的进口商,两个品牌预期於二零一一年上半年开始发售。 | In late 2010 the group was appointed as the exclusive importer in Taiwan of Vespa scooters and as the importer in Hong [...] Kong ofFIAT and AlfaRomeocars. |
Alfacom Web 之全部已发行股本为每股面值 1.00 港元之股份 100,000 股,当中 51,000 股股 份(占 Alfacom Web 全部已发行股本之 51%)现时由本公司之间接全资附属公司 Prosecure Investments Limited [...] 拥有,29,000 股股份(占 Alfacom Web 全部已发行股本之 29%)现时 由 Alfacom Cyber Base 拥有,而 20,000 股股份(占 Alfacom [...] Web 全部已发行股本之 20%) 现时 由AlfaCom 拥有。 | The entire issued share capital of Alfacom Web is 100,000 shares of HK$1.00 each of which, 51,000 shares, representing 51% of the entire issued share capital of Alfacom Web, are currently owned by Prosecure Investments Limited, which is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, 29,000 shares, representing 29% of the entire issued share capital of Alfacom Web, are currently owned by Alfacom [...] Cyber Base and 20,000 shares, representing 20% of the entire issued capital of Alfacom Web, [...] are cur rently ownedby Alfa Com. |
根据於二零零零年六月一日 由AlfaCom(作为承包商)与 Alfacom Web(作为分判承包商) [...]订立之分判协议,Alfacom Web 自二零零零年六月起以每月为数 1,000,000 港元向独立第三 者提供保养服务。 | Pursuant to the Subcontract Agreement dated 1st June 2000 and [...] entered into between Alfa Comas contractor and [...]Alfacom Web as subcontractor, Alfacom [...]Web provides maintenance service to an independent third party for the sum of HK$1,000,000 per month commencing from June 2000. |
董事欣然宣布,本公司透过其间接全资附属公司 [...] e-Applications 订立协议, 向AlfaCom 及 Alfacom Cyber Base [...]收购本公司之间接附属公司 Alfacom Web 之 49,000 股股份,占 Alfacom Web 股本权益之 49%。 | The Directors are pleased to announce that the Company, through its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary [...] e-Applications, has entered into the [...] Agreement t o acquire from Alfa Com andAlfacom Cyber [...]Base, 49,000 shares representing 49% [...]of equity interest in Alfacom Web which is an indirect subsidiary of the Company. |