

单词 spaced

space n: (area beyond Earth)
SC 太空 tài kōng
SC 外层空间 tài kōng ,wài céng kōng jiān
Can you see the stars out there in space?

space n: (three-dimensional expanse)
SC 空间 kōng jiān
TC 空間
Because it was wide and deep, the container had plenty of space for storage.

space n: (two-dimensional area)
SC 场地 chǎng dì
TC 場地
SC 开阔地 chǎng dì ,kāi kuò dì
The carpet was too small to cover the whole floor space.

space n: (empty area)
SC 空的地方 kōng de dì fāng
SC 空的区域 kōng de dì fāng,kōng de qū yù
I found a space on the countertop to cut the carrots.

space n: (parking place)
SC 停车位 tíng chē wèi
TC 停車位
SC 空档 tíng chē wèi,kōng dàng
Stop! Here's a space to park in on the right.

space n: (distance)
SC 距离 jù lí
TC 距離
SC 空间 jù lí,kōng jiān
TC 空間
At speed, you need to leave more space between you and the car in front.

space n: (on game board: square)
SC 方格 fāng gé
TC 方格
Mia rolled a two and a three, so she moved forward five spaces.

space [sth] vtr: (organize at intervals)
SC 分隔开 fēn gé kāi
TC 分隔開
SC 间隔开 fēn gé kāi,jiàn gé kāi
She spaced her appointments throughout the day.

space n: informal (personal freedom)
SC 个人空间 gè rén kōng jiān
TC 個人空間
SC 个人的生活空间 gè rén kōng jiān,gè rén de shēng huó kōng jiān
Give your boyfriend some space, and let him do his own thing sometimes.

space n: (available appointment)
SC 可会见的时间 kě huì jiàn de shí jiān
We have a space for you at three o'clock; would you like it?

space n: (available place on a course, etc.)
SC 空位 kōng wèi
TC 空位
SC 空缺 kōng wèi,kòng quē
You cannot take this class because there are no spaces left.

space n: (seat available on transport)
SC 空座 kōng zuò
SC 空位 kōng zuò,kōng wèi
TC 空位
He found a space to sit near the back of the bus.

space n: (business premises)
SC 办公楼的空间 bàn gōng lóu de kōng jiān
SC 楼面面积 bàn gōng lóu de kōng jiān,lóu miàn miàn jī
We have a six-hundred square metre office space to rent.

space n: (advertising space in a publication) (某出版物上)
SC 广告所占篇幅 guǎng gào suǒ zhàn piān fú
Our company wants to buy magazine space to advertise our new product.

space n: (advertising time on TV or radio) (电视或广播上)
SC 广告时间 guǎng gào shí jiān
TC 廣告時間
The network charges a million dollars per minute of advertising space.

space n: (gap between words) (字与字之间的)
SC 空格,空白 kòng gé,kòng bái
TC 空白
Do you put one space or two spaces between sentences?

space n: (musical notation: between lines) (音乐)
SC 线间,线间空白 xiàn jiān,xiàn jiān kōng bái
In the treble clef, the spaces on the stave denote F A C and E.

space n: (computer keyboard: space bar) (计算机按键)
SC 空格键
TC 空格鍵
Hit space one time after you type the sentence.

space [sth] vtr: (separate)
SC 间隔排列
He spaced the papers evenly on his desk.

advertising space n: (in a publication)
SC 广告场地
SC 广告空间

advertising space n: (on a wall, etc.)
SC 广告板
SC 广告牌 guǎng gào pái
TC 廣告牌

blank space n: (empty space)
SC 空白,空白处 kòng bái,kòng bái chù
TC 空白,空白處

breathing space, breathing room n: figurative (chance to think) (比喻)
SC 思考的时间 sī kǎo de shí jiān
We are going to separate for a while because we both need some breathing space.

breathing space, breathing room n: (enough space in which to breathe)
SC 可供呼吸的空间 kě gōng hū xī de kōng jiān
SC 喘息空间 kě gōng hū xī de kōng jiān,chuǎn xī kōng jiān
So many people lived in the small apartment that there was no breathing space.

clear some space v expr: (remove clutter)
SC 腾出空间 téng chū kōng jiān
TC 騰出空間
If you could just clear some space on your desk, I'll set the computer up there.

clear some space on your calendar v expr: (make time)
SC 腾出时间 téng chū shí jiān
TC 騰出時間
SC 腾出空
Could you clear some space on your calendar to spend some time with her?

crawl space n: (low-ceilinged basement, tunnel)
SC 建筑物的屋顶或地板下供电线或水管通过的窄小空间

deep space n: (region beyond solar system)
SC 深空 shēn kōng
SC 地球大气层以外的空间 shēn kōng ,dì qiú dà qì céng yǐ wài de kōng jiān
The spacecraft will explore deep space.

double space n: (typing: full space between lines)
SC 双倍行距 shuāng bèi háng jù
TC 雙倍行距

double space n: (typing: two spaces between characters)
SC 空两格

double-space vtr: (typing: leave full space between lines) (文字处理中)
SC 留出双倍行距
He asked us to double-space our essays to leave room for his comments.

empty space n: (area: no objects)
SC 空地 kòng dì
TC 空地
SC 空闲的地方 kòng dì ,kòng xián de dì fāng

empty space n: (parking place: unoccupied)
SC 空位 kōng wèi
TC 空位

empty space n: figurative (lack of [sth])
SC 空虚 kōng xū
TC 空虛
SC 孤寂
Since he died, there's been an empty space in my life.

enclosed space n: (small, confined area)
SC 封闭的小空间 fēng bì de xiǎo kōng jiān

ESA n: initialism (European Space Agency)
SC 欧洲航天局
SC 欧洲空间局

European Space Agency n: (space exploration organization)
SC 欧洲航空局
SC 欧洲空间局

free space n: (unused memory or storage)
SC 空闲空间,自由空间 zì yóu kōng jiān

interstellar space n: (astronomy: space between the stars) (天文学)
SC 星际空间 xīng jì kōng jiān
TC 星際空間
Manned spaceships are unlikely ever to cross interstellar space because of the vast distances involved.

living space n: (home: rooms, etc.) (家)
SC 生活空间
TC 生活空間
The apartment offers 90 square metres of living space.

living space n: (living room)
SC 起居室 qǐ jū shì
SC 客厅 qǐ jū shì,kè tīng
TC 客廳
The property has a large open plan living space on the ground floor and three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor.

living space n: historical (Nazi idea: Lebensraum) (纳粹思想)
SC 生存空间
TC 生存空間

living space n: (land, territory to live on)
SC 生存空间
TC 生存空間

negative space n: (shape of space around an object)
SC 负空间

office space n: (part of a building for business use)
SC 办公空间

open space: (ecology) (生态学)
SC 开放空间

outer space n: (area beyond Earth's atmosphere)
SC 外太空 wài tài kōng
SC 外层空间 wài tài kōng,wài céng kōng jiān
Some people believe in UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) that come from outer space.

parking space n: (marked area for parking a vehicle)
SC 停车区 tíng chē qū
TC 停車區
Searching for a parking space is not easy in a busy city.

personal space: (sociology)
SC 个人空间 gè rén kōng jiān
TC 個人空間
SC 私人空间

public space n: (area or venue accessible to everyone)
SC 公共空间
Parks and beaches are the city's prime public spaces, open to all.

shelf space n: (amount of room on shelves)
SC 货架空间

single space n: (typing: half space between lines)
SC 单倍行距

single space n: (typing: one space between characters)
SC 单字符间距

space age n: (period post-1950s onwards) (1950后,美俄两国开始天空竞争的时代)
SC 太空时代,宇宙时代 tài kōng shí dài,yǔ zhòu shí dài
The launch of Sputnik initiated the space age.

space available mail n: US (overseas military parcel post)
SC 海外军用邮件

space bar n: (computer keyboard key) (键盘)
SC 空格键
TC 空格鍵

space cadet n: slang, figurative ([sb] on drugs or acting as if)
SC 精神恍惚的人
Don't listen to that guy - he's a space cadet, always smoking drugs.

space capsule n: (small spacecraft)
SC 航天舱 háng tiān cāng
TC 太空艙

space exploration n: (travel, research in outer space)
SC 宇宙空间探索 yǔ zhòu kōng jiān tàn suǒ
Even if we aren't scientists, many of us are interested in space exploration.

space probe n: (unmanned spacecraft)
SC 空间探测器

space research n: (scientific investigation of outer space)
SC 太空研究 tài kōng yán jiū
SC 空间探索 tài kōng yán jiū,kōng jiān tàn suǒ

space shuttle n: (type of spacecraft)
SC 航天飞机 háng tiān fēi jī
TC 太空船

space station, space platform n: (in outer space)
SC 空间站 kōng jiān zhàn
TC 太空站
SC 太空站 kōng jiān zhàn,tài kōng zhàn

space suit n: (outfit worn by astronaut)
SC 太空服 tài kōng fú
SC 宇航服 tài kōng fú,yǔ háng fú
SC 航天服 tài kōng fú,háng tiān fú
TC 太空服
I can't go out in this coat: it's like walking around in a space suit.

space travel n: (journeying by spacecraft)
SC 太空旅行
SC 太空航行

space-saving adj: (taking up little space)
SC 节省空间的

space-time n: (space-time continuum)
SC 时空连续体

space-time n: (physical reality in space-time continuum)
SC 时空存在

space-time n as adj: (relating to space-time continuum)
SC 时空连续体的

space-time n as adj: (relating to both space and time)
SC 时空的

space-time continuum, space-time n: (idea of connection of space and time)
SC 时空连续体

spaceflight, space flight n: uncountable (journeying by spacecraft)
SC 航天 háng tiān
SC 宇宙飞行 háng tiān,yǔ zhòu fēi xíng
SC 太空飞行 háng tiān,tài kōng fēi xíng
TC 太空飛行

spaceflight, space flight n: (journey made by a spacecraft)
SC 驾驶或乘坐航天器进行的飞行 jià shǐ huò chéng zuò háng tiān qì jìn xíng de fēi xíng
SC 太空飞行 jià shǐ huò chéng zuò háng tiān qì jìn xíng de fēi xíng,tài kōng fēi xíng
TC 太空飛行

space man, space-man, space writer n: (journalist paid by space filled) (以篇幅计酬的)
SC 新闻记者 xīn wén jì zhě

spacewalk, space walk n: (walk outside a spacecraft)
SC 太空行走 tài kōng xíng zǒu

spacewalk, space-walk, space walk vi: (walk outside a spacecraft)
SC 太空行走 tài kōng xíng zǒu

white space n: (radio frequency)
SC 信号空白区域

white space n: (page layout: blank space)
SC 空白区

white space, whitespace n: slang (business: untapped opportunity)
SC 未开发的商机

work space n: (area used for work)
SC 工作区域 gōng zuò qū yù
TC 工作區域
Professor Hawkins had a very cluttered work space, with piles of papers and books everywhere.

working space n: (area in which one works)
SC 工作区域 gōng zuò qū yù
TC 工作區域




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