

单词 a

US   UK  
A, a n: (first letter of alphabet)
SC [英语字母表的第一个字母]
There are two a's in the name "Anna".
"Anna" 这个单词中有两个"a"。

a, an indef art: (indefinite article) (不定冠词)
SC 一个 yí gè
SC 每一 yí gè ,měi yī
SC 一份,一杯,一客 yí fèn,yì bēi,yí kè(用于表示食物、饮料等的词前)
There's a monster under my bed.
Tania is eating an ice cream.

a, an indef art: ([sth] hypothetical, non-specific) (表示假设或泛指)
SC 一个,某个 yí gè ,mǒu gè
I like a challenge.

a n: (one: before a number) (数词前表示数目)
SC 一 yī
He must have a thousand books.
I've just won a million pounds!

a, an indef art: (person called) (指不确定的人)
SC 某位,某个 mǒu wèi,mǒu gè
A Mr Smith asked to speak to you.
There's an Eleanor on the phone for you.

a, an prep: (per, every, each) (表示比率)
SC 每 měi
The speed limit in residential areas is 30 miles an hour.
Music lessons cost one hundred dollars an hour.

A n: (grade) (成绩)
SC A等,优等 yōu děng
I got an "A" in my history test.

A n: (music: note)
SC [音阶中的第六个音]
The song begins on an A.

a, A n: (music: key)
They're playing Grieg's piano concerto in A-minor tonight.

A n: (blood type) (血型)
My blood type is A.

a, A n: (indicating a subdivision) (指一个分支)
SC a
What's the answer to question 3a?

A n: (indicating house number) (指房子编号)
Who lived at 221A Baker Street?

a, A n: abbreviation (answer)
SC 回答,答案 huí dá ,dá àn
TC 回答,答案
Q: Who wrote "Hamlet"? A: William Shakespeare.

a prefix: (adjective: not, without) (前缀,表示否定)
SC 没有,无 méi yǒu,wú
TC 沒有,無(前缀,表示否定)
For example: apolitical, arrhythmia

a prefix: (on, towards) (前缀,表示方位)
SC 在,向 zài,xiàng
TC 在,向
For example: aback, aside

a prefix: (adjective: in the state of) (前缀,表示状态)
SC 处于…状态 chǔ yú … zhuàng tài
For example: afire, asleep

a bit adv: UK, informal (a little)
SC 一点儿 yì diǎn er
TC 一點兒 / 一點
SC 少量地 yì diǎn er ,shǎo liàng de
SC 一会儿 yì diǎn er ,yí huì er
TC 一會兒
Run around a bit and you'll soon warm up.

a bit adv: UK, informal (slightly)
SC 有点儿 yǒu diǎn er
TC 有點兒
SC 稍微地,些微地 shāo wēi de,xiē wēi de
It's a bit cold in here!

a bit much expr: (excessive, intolerable)
SC 有些太过分了

a bit of a mess n: UK, informal (chaotic)
SC 有点混乱
His love life's a bit of a mess.

a bit of a mess n: informal (difficult situation)
SC 有点糟糕,有点艰难
To say that the economy is in a bit of a mess is putting it mildly.

a bit of a mess n: informal (place: untidy)
SC 有点杂乱,不整洁
My house is a bit of a mess, but please come in.

a bit thick adj: (substance: not runny) (口语)
SC 有点厚 yǒu diǎn hòu
TC 有點厚
The gravy seems a bit thick; I can stand a spoon in it!

a bit thick adj: UK, figurative, pejorative, slang (person: not intelligent)
SC 有点笨 yǒu diǎn bèn
TC 有點笨
SC 有点愚钝 yǒu diǎn bèn,yǒu diǎn yú dùn
He's a bit thick, but really nice all the same.

a bit thick adj: informal (person, physique: not thin)
SC 有点胖
He's a bit thick through the waist.

a bit thin adj: (substance: too runny) (口语)
SC 有点薄 yǒu diǎn báo
TC 有點薄
SC 有点瘦 yǒu diǎn báo,yǒu diǎn shòu(口语)
SC 有点稀薄 yǒu diǎn báo,yǒu diǎn xī bó(口语)
The gravy seems a bit thin, so I think I'll add some more flour to thicken it up.

a bit thin adj: informal, figurative (resources: limited)
SC (资源)有点缺乏 zī yuán yǒu diǎn quē fá
My budget is a bit thin, so I won't be going to Africa this year.

a bit too adv: informal (overly) (口语)
SC 有点太过… yǒu diǎn tài guò
His hair was a bit too long for me.
She seemed a bit too calm; something must be wrong.

a bite to eat n: informal (snack)
SC 小吃,随便吃点 xiǎo chī

a cappella adv: Italian (sing: without instruments) (音乐)
SC 无乐器伴奏地 wú yuè qì bàn zòu de
The piece is usually orchestral but they performed it a cappella.

a cappella adj: Italian (singing: no instruments) (合唱)
SC 无乐器伴奏的 wú yuè qì bàn zòu de
Gregorian chant is usually a cappella singing.

a certain amount of [sth] n: (modicum, small quantity)
SC 少量的某物
You need to use a certain amount of caution when using that product.

a certain amount of [sth] n: (specified quantity)
SC 一定量的某物

a chip off the old block n: informal, figurative (person: like parent) (非正式用语)
SC 外表或性格酷似其父母中一个的人 wài biǎo huò xìng gé kù sì qí fù mǔ zhōng yí gè de rén
He'll be a womanizer just like his father; he's a chip off the old block.

a crumb of comfort n: figurative (small consolation)
SC 些许安慰
SC 一点慰藉

a cut above [sth/sb] prep: (superior to)
SC 优于 yōu yú
SC 比…更好 yōu yú ,bǐ gèng hǎo
SC 比…略胜一筹 yōu yú ,bǐ lüè shèng yì chóu
He is a cut above the rest.

a cut above expr: informal (superior)
SC 优于, 更胜一筹
This restaurant is definitely a cut above; they have embroidered tablecloths.

a dab hand n: informal (skilled person)
SC 好手
SC 能手 néng shǒu
TC 能手
Could you help me roll this pastry? I hear you're a dab hand in the kitchen.

a dab hand at [sth] n: informal (person skilled at [sth])
SC ...的能手
SC 很擅长...
My sister's coming to put up some shelves for me. She's a dab hand at DIY.

a dead man n: figurative, slang (in serious trouble)
SC 后果很严重
Touch me again and you're a dead man!

a different kettle of fish, another kettle of fish n: figurative, informal (entirely different matter, thing)
SC 完全不同的事
SC 另一回事

a dime a dozen (US), ten a penny (UK) adj: figurative, informal (common) (非正式用语)
SC 一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián
In Hollywood, aspiring young actresses are a dime a dozen.

a dozen or so adj: informal (around 12) (非正式用语)
SC 大约十二个,十二个左右 dà yuē shí èr gè,shí èr gè zuǒ yòu
Can you please bring me back a dozen or so eggs from the grocery store?

a drop in the bucket n: US, informal, figurative (amount: trivial) (非正式用语)
SC 九牛一毛,沧海一栗 jiǔ niú yì máo,cāng hǎi yí lì
TC 滄海一栗
The U.S. needs to redevelop passenger rail; Amtrak funding is just a drop in the bucket.

a drop in the bucket n: US, informal, figurative ([sth]: inconsequential)
SC 杯水车薪 bēi shuǐ chē xīn
TC 杯水車薪

a drop in the ocean (UK), a drop in the bucket (US) n: UK, figurative, informal (amount: trivial)
SC 沧海一栗 cāng hǎi yí lì
TC 滄海一栗
The money I give to charity is a drop in the ocean compared to some people.

a drop in the ocean n: UK, figurative, informal ([sth]: inconsequential)
SC 微不足道, 无足轻重

be a far cry from [sth] expr: informal (very different from)
SC 与…大不相同的
SC 大相径庭的 dà xiāng jìng tíng de
Life in Canada is a far cry from what she's used to in Haiti.

a feather in your cap n: figurative (achievement)
SC 值得骄傲的事
SC 引以为傲的成就

a few bob n: UK, slang, dated (money: small sum)
SC 一点钱
I gave a few bob to the kid next door; he helped me wash the car.

a few bob n: UK, slang (money: quite a lot) (俚语)
SC 大钱
SC 很多钱 hěn duō qián
TC 很多錢
That couple have a big house and a nice car; they must be worth a few bob.

a few times adv: (on several occasions)
SC 几次 jǐ cì
That boy has come over a few times and always behaved himself.

a few times adv: (with several repetitions)
SC 几次 jǐ cì
After you do it a few times it doesn't seem so terrible.

a few too many expr: (an excessive number of)
SC 太多次
This has happened a few too many times now. It has to stop.

a fine mess n: informal (situation: awkward) (非正式用语)
SC 一团糟,一团乱麻 yì tuán zāo,yì tuán luàn má
The lies we told got us into a fine mess when everyone found out the truth.
Now you've done it! Look at the fine mess you've gotten us into.

a fish out of water n: figurative ([sb] in unfamiliar place, situation) (比喻,指因处于陌生环境而感觉不适者)
SC 如离水之鱼
Although a fantastic football player, he was a fish out of water on the golf course.

a fortiori adv: Latin (argument: stronger reason)
SC 更加 gèng jiā
TC 更加
SC 更不必说 gèng jiā,gèng bú bì shuō
SC 更有理由 gèng jiā,gèng yǒu lǐ yóu

A friend in need is a friend indeed. expr: ([sb] who helps is real friend)
SC 患难见真情
When I was sick you certainly proved the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

a great deal, a good deal n: (bargain)
SC 划算
SC 性价比高
I chose the car because it was reliable and a great deal.

a great deal, a good deal n: (much, large amount)
SC 大量 dà liàng
TC 大量
SC 很多 dà liàng ,hěn duō
I have a great deal to accomplish before the end of the semester.

a great deal of [sth], a good deal of [sth] expr: (large amount of [sth])
SC 大量 dà liàng
TC 大量
Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.

a great deal, a good deal adv: (greatly, very much)
SC 很 hěn
SC 非常 hěn,fēi cháng
TC 非常
I value your input a great deal.

a great deal, a good deal adv: (considerably)
SC …多了
I'm feeling a great deal better since I ate some soup.

a great deal of effort, a good deal of effort n: (a lot of work)
SC 大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì
TC 非常努力
I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it.

a great one for doing [sth] n: informal (person: does [sth] frequently)
SC 擅长做某事者
He's a great one for telling stories.

a great time n: informal (fun, enjoyment)
SC 很开心
TC 很開心
Thanks so much for inviting me; I had a great time!

a hairbreadth away (US), a hair's breadth away (UK) expr: figurative (very close)
SC 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ
The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea.

a hard one n: informal ([sb] difficult)
SC 难相处的人
Mark is a hard one; you never know what he is thinking.

a hard one n: informal ([sb] cold, severe)
SC 严酷冷厉的人
The boss is a hard one; he is very strict.

a hint of irony n: (slight sarcasm)
SC 一丝讽刺意味

a job well done n: (task that is performed well)
SC 出色地完成了任务
Congratulations on a job well done!

a la, à la adv: Gallicism (in the style of)
SC 按照…的方式,按照…的风格 àn zhào de fāng shì
He swears a lot when he's angry, a la Gordon Ramsay.

a la mode, à la mode adj: Gallicism (fashionable, in fashion)
SC 流行的 liú xíng de
SC 按照流行款式的 liú xíng de ,àn zhào liú xíng kuǎn shì de
Animal print is very a la mode right now.

a la mode, à la mode, alamode adj: US, Gallicism (with ice cream) (烹饪)
SC (食物)上面浇着冰激淋的 shí wù shàng miàn jiāo zhe bīng jī lín de
I ordered a piece of pie a la mode.

a little adj: (small amount) (数量)
SC 少许的,小量的,一点点,几乎没有的 shǎo xǔ de ,xiǎo liàng de ,yì diǎn dian,jī hū méi yǒu de
TC 少許的,一點點
I just want a little salt on my potatoes.

a little adv: (slightly)
SC 些微地 xiē wēi de
SC 稍微地 xiē wēi de,shāo wēi de
SC 有点儿 xiē wēi de,yǒu diǎn er
TC 有點兒
She was a little angry with me. The doctor says your blood pressure is a little high.

a little adv: (slightly)
SC 有点儿 yǒu diǎn er
TC 有點兒
SC 稍微 yǒu diǎn er ,shāo wēi
TC 稍微
SC 略微 yǒu diǎn er ,lüè wēi
TC 略微
I am a little drunk, but in no way incapacitated.

a little n: (a small amount)
SC 少量 shǎo liàng
TC 少量
SC 一点 shǎo liàng ,yì diǎn
Chocolate? I'll just have a little.

a little n: (short time)
SC 一会儿 yí huì er
TC 一會兒
SC 很短的一段时间 yí huì er ,hěn duǎn de yí duàn shí jiān
I'll be there in a little.

a little bit n: informal (small amount)
SC 少量,一点 shǎo liàng ,yì diǎn
TC 少量
There wasn't enough salt in the soup so I added a little bit. Could I please have a little bit of cheese?

a little bit adv: informal (slightly)
SC 有些 yǒu xiē
TC 有些
SC 稍微地,些微地 shāo wēi de,xiē wēi de
I'm just a little bit dizzy. It was a little bit cheeky of me to ask … but I asked anyway.

a little more n: (a small additional quantity)
SC 多一点 duō yì diǎn
TC 多一點
I already added salt to the potatoes, but I think they could use a little more.

a little more adj: (slightly more)
SC 多一点的
TC 多一點的
May I have a little more tea, please?

a little more adv: (for a short while longer)
SC 久一点
TC 久一點
The girl asked her mother if she could continue playing outside a little more.

a little more adv: (slightly more often)
SC 更多地 gèng duō de
You need to exercise a little more if you want to get fit.

a little thing n: informal ([sth] trivial)
SC 小事 xiǎo shì
SC 微不足道的事情 xiǎo shì,wēi bù zú dào de shì qíng
I know it's just a little thing, but I find the constant tapping of your foot annoying.

a load of n: informal (great quantity)
SC 许多 xǔ duō
TC 許多
SC 大量 xǔ duō,dà liàng
TC 大量
SC 一大堆 xǔ duō,yí dà duī
I'll cook up a load of chicken legs and we can take them on our picnic.

a load n: informal (great quantity)
SC 很多, 大量
Jess has taught me a load about computer coding.

a long time adv: (a considerable period)
SC 长期地 cháng qī de
TC 長期地
SC 长时间地 cháng qī de ,cháng shí jiān de
It's a long time since we last met.

a long time ago adv: (in the distant past)
SC 许久以前 xǔ jiǔ yǐ qián
TC 許久以前
A long time ago, my ancestors settled in this land.

a long way down adv: (far below)
SC 远低于地
It's a long way down from the top of the cliff.

a long way down prep: (a significant distance along)
SC 很长一段路
SC 慢慢长路
The climber fell a long way down the mountain, but luckily landed in deep snow.

a long way off adv: (in the distance)
SC 在远处 zài yuǎn chù
TC 在遠處
SC 在远方 zài yuǎn chù ,zài yuǎn fāng
A long way off, you could just see the lights from a distant village.

a long way off adv: (distant, far away)
SC 遥远地 yáo yuǎn de
TC 遙遠地
SC 远方地 yáo yuǎn de,yuǎn fāng de
Those birds are swimming a long way off shore, so you'll need a telescope to see them.

a long way off adv: US, colloquial (in the distant future) (口语)
SC (时间上)遥远地,在遥远的将来 shí jiān shàng yáo yuǎn de,zài yáo yuǎn de jiāng lái
My sixtieth birthday is still a long way off.

a long way to go expr: (much effort still needed)
SC 还有很长的路要走
SC 漫漫长路
Brad did well on the quiz, but he has a long way to go before he passes the class.

a long while n: (considerable period of time)
SC 长时间 cháng shí jiān
TC 長時間
SC 长久 cháng shí jiān ,cháng jiǔ
TC 長久
SC 很久 cháng shí jiān ,hěn jiǔ
It's been a long while since I played golf.

a lot more n: (greater amount)
SC 多得多 duō de duō
A banker makes a lot more than a teacher.

a lot more n: (greater number) (数值)
SC 更大
A few hundred is a lot more than a couple dozen.

a lot more adj: (in greater amount)
SC 更多的 gèng duō de
SC 多得多的
I need a lot more flour to make this dough.

a lot more adj: (in greater number)
SC 更多的 gèng duō de
SC 多得多的
A lot more people are taking up cycling these days.

a lot more adv: (to greater degree)
SC 更多地 gèng duō de
SC 更加地
Your foot bends a lot more when you run.

a lot of fun n: informal ([sth] very entertaining)
SC 很开心
TC 很開心
Thank you for inviting me to your party. I had a lot of fun.

a lucky find n: informal (a fortunate discovery)
SC 幸运发现 xìng yùn fā xiàn
TC 幸運發現

a man for all seasons n: figurative (capable man)
SC 有能力的人,能干的人

a match made in heaven n: figurative (lovers: perfect couple)
SC 天作地合的一对
SC 天生一对
It was a match made in heaven, and they lived happily ever after.




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