单词 | great |
释义 | great US ![]() ![]() great adj: informal (excellent) SC 非常出色的 SC 优秀的 yōu xiù de TC 優秀的 SC 特别好的 tè bié hǎo de The concert was great! 那场音乐会太棒了! great adj: (numerous) SC 庞大的 páng dà de TC 龐大的 SC 许多的 páng dà de ,xǔ duō de TC 許多的 There was a great crowd outside the door. 门外聚集了一大群人。 great adj: (unusual in intensity) SC 极其强烈的 jí qí qiáng liè de SC 极其激烈的 jí qí qiáng liè de,jí qí jī liè de He had a great love for the Scottish Highlands. 他极其热爱苏格兰高地。 great adj: (unusual in degree) SC 超乎寻常的 chāo hū xún cháng de SC 不寻常的 chāo hū xún cháng de ,bù xún cháng de TC 不尋常的 SC 不寻常的 chāo hū xún cháng de ,bù xún cháng de TC 不尋常的 The party was a great success. 那次社交聚会异常成功。 great adj: (unusual in power) SC 巨大的 jù dà de SC 强烈的 jù dà de ,qiáng liè de Her death was a great blow to him. 她的过世对于他来说是个巨大的打击。 great adj: (important) SC 重要的 zhòng yào de SC 重大的 zhòng yào de ,zhòng dà de SC 主要的 zhòng yào de ,zhǔ yào de Beethoven's Ninth is one of the great pieces of music of its era. 贝多芬的第九乐章是那个时代的重要音乐作品之一。 great adj: (eminent) SC 卓越的 zhuó yuè de SC 著名的 zhuó yuè de ,zhù míng de SC 伟大的 zhuó yuè de ,wěi dà de TC 偉大的 Churchill was one of Britain's great leaders. 丘吉尔是英国卓越的领导人之一。 great adj: (principal, chief) SC 主要的 zhǔ yào de SC 首要的 zhǔ yào de ,shǒu yào de SC 第一的 zhǔ yào de ,dì yī de The ball will be held in the Great Hall. 舞会将在主大厅举行。 great adj: (very large) SC 巨大的 jù dà de SC 程度相当大的 jù dà de ,chéng dù xiāng dāng dà de A tsunami is a great wave, often caused by an earthquake or volcano. 海啸是一种往往由于地震或者火山爆发引发的巨浪。 great adj: (lofty) SC 伟大的 wěi dà de TC 偉大的 SC 了不起的 wěi dà de ,liǎo bù qǐ de SC 高深的 wěi dà de ,gāo shēn de He's full of great thoughts. 他有着各种崇高的想法。 great adj: (of good reputation) SC 高门望族的 gāo mén wàng zú de He came from a great family. 他出生名门。 great adj: (very admirable) SC 绝妙的 jué miào de TC 絕妙的 SC 精彩的 jué miào de ,jīng cǎi de SC 精彩的 jué miào de ,jīng cǎi de That was a great speech you gave. 你的演讲真精彩。 great at (doing) [sth] adj: informal (expert) SC 精通的 jīng tōng de SC 擅长的 jīng tōng de ,shàn cháng de TC 擅長的 SC 精于…的 jīng tōng de ,jīng yú … de She's great at crosswords. 她擅于玩纵横字迷。 great adv: US, informal (very well) SC 非常好,很好地,成功地 fēi cháng hǎo ,hěn hǎo de,chéng gōng de You did great. 你做得非常好。 Great! interj: (excellent!) (感叹词) SC 太棒了! SC 太好了! tài hǎo le You got the job? Great! 你得到那份工作了?太好了! great n: ([sb] important) SC 伟人 wěi rén SC 大人物 wěi rén,dà rén wù He's one of history's greats. 他是历史伟人。 a great deal, a good deal n: (bargain) SC 划算 SC 性价比高 I chose the car because it was reliable and a great deal. 我选择这辆车是因为可靠且性价比高。 a great deal, a good deal n: (much, large amount) SC 大量 dà liàng TC 大量 SC 很多 dà liàng ,hěn duō I have a great deal to accomplish before the end of the semester. 这个学期结束前我还有很多事情要完成。 a great deal of [sth], a good deal of [sth] expr: (large amount of [sth]) SC 大量 dà liàng TC 大量 Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level. 她的总统竞选在地方一级取得巨大成功。 a great deal, a good deal adv: (greatly, very much) SC 很 hěn TC 很 SC 非常 hěn,fēi cháng TC 非常 I value your input a great deal. 我非常重视您的意见。 a great deal, a good deal adv: (considerably) SC …多了 I'm feeling a great deal better since I ate some soup. 喝了一些汤后,我感觉好多了。 a great deal of effort, a good deal of effort n: (a lot of work) SC 大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì TC 非常努力 I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it. a great one for doing [sth] n: informal (person: does [sth] frequently) SC 擅长做某事者 He's a great one for telling stories. a great time n: informal (fun, enjoyment) SC 很开心 TC 很開心 Thanks so much for inviting me; I had a great time! all-time great n: (performer: classic) SC 名留史册表演者,空前杰出的表演者 all-time great n: (song, etc.: classic) (歌曲等) SC 跨越时代的经典 at great cost adv: (at great financial expense) (一般指经济方面的) SC 以很大的代价 yǐ hěn dà de dài jià at great cost adv: figurative (involving great sacrifice or loss) SC 花了很大的代价,做了很大的牺牲 huā le hěn dà de dài jià,zuò le hěn dà de xī shēng at great expense adv: (at great financial cost) SC 花了很多钱 huā le hěn duō qián My parents paid my way through four years of college at great expense. the beyond, the great beyond n: (the afterlife) SC 来世,来生 lái shì,lái shēng TC 來生 The dying woman hoped to meet her beloved husband again in the beyond. 垂死的女子希望能在来世与今生挚爱的丈夫再次相遇。 Britain n: abbreviation (Great Britain) (大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简称) SC 大不列颠 dà bú liè diān TC 大不列顛 SC 英国 dà bú liè diān,yīng guó TC 英國 There will be rain across most parts of Britain this weekend. 本周末,英国大部分地区将下雨。 by a great deal, by a good deal adv: (by a large amount or extent) SC 大量地 dà liàng de The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean by a great deal. the Depression, the Great Depression n: (Great Depression: 1930s economic crisis) (指20世纪30年代的) SC 经济大萧条 jīng jì dà xiāo tiáo Many who grew up in the Great Depression are very frugal. 许多在那场经济大萧条中长大的人们都十分节俭。 do great harm v expr: (hurt [sb] greatly) SC 严重地伤害 Smoking can do great harm to your body. do great harm v expr: (cause serious trouble or damage) SC 严重破坏 SC 严重损坏 The hurricane did great harm to the coastline. the First World War, World War One, World War I, the Great War n: (international conflict 1914-1919) (1914 - 1919年) SC 第一次世界大战 TC 第一次世界大戰 GB, G.B. n: initialism (Great Britain: England, Scotland, Wales) (缩写) SC 大不列颠,英国 dà bú liè diān,yīng guó TC 大不列顛,英國 Maxwell shows his British pride with a "GB" bumper sticker on his car. great abundance n: (plentiful amount) SC 极大丰富 jí dà fēng fù TC 極大豐富 SC 极其充裕 jí dà fēng fù,jí qí chōng yù There always seem to be a great abundance of fools. great age n: (advanced age, old age) SC 高龄 gāo líng Turtles can live to a great age. great ape n: (large ape: gorilla, etc.) SC 大猿猴 dà yuán hóu SC 类人猿 dà yuán hóu,lèi rén yuán Gorillas are without doubt the most powerful and majestic of the great apes. great auk: (bird) SC 大海雀 Great Barrier Reef n: (reef off Australian coast) SC 大堡礁 dà bǎo jiāo Great Bear n: (constellation, Ursa Major) SC 大熊座 dà xióng zuò great beauty n: (very beautiful woman) SC 大美女 dà měi nǚ His wife was a great beauty. great beauty n: (immense physical attractiveness) SC 超乎寻常的美貌 chāo hū xún cháng de měi mào The people admired the great beauty of the statue. great big adj: informal (huge) SC 巨大的 jù dà de SC 极大的 jù dà de ,jí dà de TC 極大的 Anna noticed a great big spot on her face. Great Britain n: (England, Wales, Scotland) SC 大不列颠 dà bú liè diān TC 大不列顛 During the Victorian Era, Great Britain had a huge empire. 在维多利亚时期,大不列颠有着一个巨大的帝国。 Great Britain n: informal (the UK) SC 英国 yīng guó TC 英國 great cause n: ([sb], [sth]: deserves charity) SC 慈善事业,善举,高尚的事业 shàn jǔ Great Dane n: (breed of large dog) SC 大丹狗 dà dān gǒu the Great Depression n: (economic crisis of 1930s) (上世纪30年代始于美国的全球性经济大衰退) SC (经济)大萧条 jīng jì dà xiāo tiáo We haven't seen this kind of economic turmoil since the Great Depression. My grandparents were children during the Great Depression. great distance n: (long way) SC 遥远的距离 yáo yuǎn de jù lí SC 远方 yáo yuǎn de jù lí,yuǎn fāng TC 遠方 Radio waves are capable of travelling a great distance. Great Divide n: US (American watershed) (美洲) SC 大分水岭 great effort n: (hard work, exertion) SC 巨大的努力 jù dà de nǔ lì It was a great effort for her to walk up the hill. great effort n: (sincere attempt) SC 努力的尝试 nǔ lì de cháng shì They made a great effort to move the heavy rock, but did not succeed. Great Expectations n: (novel by Charles Dickens) (狄更斯所著小说) SC 远大前程 yuǎn dà qián chéng TC 遠大前程 I had to read 'Great Expectations' at school. great friend n: ([sb] loved and trusted) SC 非常棒的朋友 fēi cháng bàng de péng yǒu He was a great friend of mine and I will sorely miss him. great fun adj: informal (enjoyable) SC 极为有趣的 jí wèi yǒu qù de SC 极大的乐趣 jí wèi yǒu qù de ,jí dà de lè qù Our day out at the theme park was great fun. great job n: informal (success) (非正式用语) SC 很棒的工作,好极了,干得不错,(工作)完成得很不错 hěn bàng de gōng zuò,hǎo jí le ,gàn de bú cuò,gōng zuò wán chéng de hěn bú cuò TC 好極了,乾得不錯 You did a great job on your math test. great job interj: mainly US, informal (well done) (非正式用语) SC 做得不错 TC 做得不錯 SC 表现很好 Great job on your presentation today! I was very impressed. great job interj: mainly US, ironic (sarcastic: well done) (贬义,讽刺) SC 可真行啊你 SC 干得漂亮 gàn de piào liang TC 乾得漂亮 SC 真有你的 great lady n: (woman: prominent) SC 伟大的女性 wěi dà de nǚ xìng SC 了不起的女性 wěi dà de nǚ xìng,liǎo bù qǐ de nǚ xìng The president's wife is a great lady. Great Lakes npl: US (group of lakes in North America) (北美洲的湖泊群) SC 大湖 Only one of the Great Lakes is entirely within the U.S.; the others form the Canadian border. great man n: (notable, influential man) SC 伟大的男子 wěi dà de nán zǐ SC 了不起的男子 wěi dà de nán zǐ,liǎo bù qǐ de nán zǐ Napoleon was a great man, although not in terms of stature. Great minds think alike. expr: humorous (We have the same idea.) SC 英雄所见略同 great power n: (authority and influence) SC 巨大的权力 jù dà de quán lì SC 巨大的影响力 jù dà de quán lì,jù dà de yǐng xiǎng lì The Church had great power over the population in the past. great powers npl: (politics: leading states) SC 强国 qiáng guó TC 強國 The great powers will take up the question at the UN next week. 所有大国将于下周在联合国讨论这个问题。 great price n: (value for money, cheap cost) SC 大价钱 dà jià qián TC 超便宜 That's a great price for a machine with those features. great respect n: (esteem) SC 非常尊重 SC 敬重 jìng zhòng He has always treated me with great respect. great respect for [sb] n: (high regard for [sb]) SC 敬重, 敬仰 I have great respect for people who help others. great satisfaction n: (strong feeling of gratification) SC 巨大的满足感 jù dà de mǎn zú gǎn Finishing a book written in a foreign language gives me great satisfaction. great scale n: (large dimensions) SC 大范围 dà fàn wéi TC 大範圍 Great Seal n: (symbol on documents) SC 大纹章 SC 大徽章 great success n: (event, etc.: popular, effective) SC 非常成功的人或事 fēi cháng chéng gōng de rén huò shì The trade show was a great success, attracting a large number of visitors. great success n: (person: accomplished) SC 杰出人士 great tit n: (green-and-yellow bird) SC 大山雀 great toe n: (big toe, largest toe) SC 大脚趾 dà jiǎo zhǐ great value n: (well worth the money) SC 巨大的价值 jù dà de jià zhí At £4 each, the tickets are great value as they allow unlimited bus travel throughout the day. the Great Wall of China, the Great Wall n: (defensive structure in China) SC 长城 cháng chéng TC 長城 A lot of people go to China just to see the Great Wall. great white shark, white shark, great white n: (large fish) SC 大白鲨 TC 大白鯊 great work n: (job: done well) (文学) SC 巨著 jù zhù SC 杰作,大手笔 jié zuò ,dà shǒu bǐ(艺术) Her boss congratulated Chloe on her great work. great work n: (art: masterpiece) SC 杰作, 名著 The Great Gatsby is one of the great works of American literature. great-aunt, Great-Aunt, grandaunt, Grandaunt n: (grandparent's sister) (祖父的姐妹) SC 祖姑母,姑婆,姑奶奶 gū pó SC 姨祖母,姨奶奶(祖母的姐妹) My great-aunts Cora and Clarice still live in the house they were born in. great-aunt, Great-Aunt, grandaunt, Grandaunt n: (great-uncle's wife) (叔祖父之妻) SC 叔祖母 TC 姨婆 SC 伯祖母 bó zǔ mǔ(伯祖父之妻) SC 舅婆 jiù pó(祖母兄弟之妻) My great-aunt Nelly is 88 years old. great-grandchild n: (child of your grandchild) SC 曾孙 SC 曾孙女 SC 曾孙女 great-granddaughter n: (daughter of [sb]'s granddaughter) SC 曾孙女 Tina is the great-granddaughter of a famous artist. great-grandfather n: (father of a grandparent) SC 曾祖父 cēng zǔ fù SC 曾外祖父 cēng zǔ fù,zēng wài zǔ fù My great-grandfather fought in the First World War. great-grandma n: (mother of a grandparent) ((外)祖父(母)的母亲) SC 曾祖母 cēng zǔ mǔ great-grandmother n: (mother of a grandparent) SC 曾祖母 cēng zǔ mǔ SC 曾外祖母 cēng zǔ mǔ,zēng wài zǔ mǔ Cars hadn't even been invented when my great grandmother was a young girl. great-grandparent n: often plural (parent's grandparent) SC 曾祖父母 zēng zǔ fù mǔ SC 外曾祖父母 Each of us has eight great-grandparents. great-grandson n: (son of [sb]'s grandchild) SC 曾孙 great-great-grandchild n: (child of great-grandchild) SC 玄孙 SC 玄孙女 great-great-granddaughter n: (daughter of [sb]'s great-grandchild) SC 玄孙女 SC 曾孙女的女儿 great-great-grandfather n: (grandfather of a grandparent) SC 高祖父 TC 曾祖父 SC 外高祖父 great-great-grandmother n: (grandmother of a grandparent) SC 曾曾祖母 SC 曾曾外祖母 great-great-grandparent n: often plural (grandparent of a grandparent) SC 高祖父母,高外祖父母 great-great-grandson n: (son of [sb]'s great-grandchild) SC 重曾孙 great-nephew n: (son of niece or nephew) SC 侄孙 zhí sūn SC 甥孙 zhí sūn,shēng sūn great-niece n: (daughter of niece or nephew) SC 侄孙女,甥孙女 zhí sūn nǚ,shēng sūn nǚ TC 姪孫女 great-uncle n: (brother of your grandparent) (祖父的哥哥) SC 伯祖父 bó zǔ fù SC 叔祖父 bó zǔ fù,shū zǔ fù TC 叔公,舅公(祖父的弟弟) SC 舅公 bó zǔ fù,jiù gōng(祖母的兄弟) My great-uncle owns a small farm in Iowa. Great-Uncle n: (term of address: parent's uncle) (称呼:祖父的弟弟) SC 叔祖父,叔爷爷,叔公 shū zǔ fù,shū gōng TC 叔公,舅公 SC 伯祖父,伯爷爷,伯公 bó zǔ fù(称呼:祖父的哥哥) SC 舅公 jiù gōng(称呼:祖母的兄弟) Great-Uncle Pete, meet my wife, Mary! greathearted, great-hearted adj: figurative (kind and generous) (比喻) SC 高尚的,心胸宽阔的,慷慨的,有雅量的,宽宏大量的 gāo shàng de ,xīn xiōng kuān kuò de,kāng kǎi de ,yǒu yǎ liàng de,kuān hóng dà liàng de in great abundance adv: (in very large quantity) SC 非常丰富地 fēi cháng fēng fù de SC 海量地 in great measure adv: (largely) SC 很大程度上 hěn dà chéng dù shàng TC 很大程度上 The President's re-election chances are in great measure tied to the health of the economy. MAGA expr: US, acronym (Make America Great Again) SC 让美国再次伟大 Make America Great Again n: US (Republican campaign slogan) (共和党竞选口号) SC 让美国再次伟大 matter of importance, matter of great importance n: ([sth] significant) SC 重大事务 zhòng dà shì wù TC 重大事務 I can't play with you now; I have matters of importance to deal with. I need to speak to the President now, it is a matter of great importance! on a great scale adv: (far reaching) SC 大范围地 dà fàn wéi de TC 大範圍地 Operations are being conducted on a great scale in order to track down the flight recorder in the aftermath of last week's plane crash. Sounds great interj: informal (accepting a suggestion or invitation) (表示同意) SC 听起来不错 SC 行啊 xíng a Sounds great interj: informal (expressing enthusiasm) (表达热情) SC 太棒了 tài bàng le SC 好极了 tài bàng le ,hǎo jí le TC 好極了 to a great degree adv: (largely, extremely) SC 很大程度上 hěn dà chéng dù shàng TC 很大程度上 He is witty to a great degree and great fun to talk with. to a great extent adv: (largely, extremely) SC 很大程度上 hěn dà chéng dù shàng TC 很大程度上 the unwashed, the great unwashed npl: figurative, pejorative (common people) SC 普通人 pǔ tōng rén SC 一般人 pǔ tōng rén,yì bān rén SC 普通百姓 pǔ tōng rén,pǔ tōng bǎi xìng Ursa Major, Great Bear, Charles's Wain n: (constellation) (星座) SC 大熊(星)座 dà xióng xīng zuò I identified Ursa Major on the star chart. with great care adv: (very cautiously) SC 小心翼翼地 xiǎo xīn yì yì de Surgeons must perform open heart surgery with great care. The old woman walked with great care on the icy pavement. with great care adv: (painstakingly) SC 煞费苦心地 shā fèi kǔ xīn de He cleaned the room with great care. |
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