

单词 stand on
stand on

stand vi: (rise)
SC 站起来 zhàn qǐ lái
SC 起身 zhàn qǐ lái,qǐ shēn
TC 起身
SC 起立 zhàn qǐ lái,qǐ lì
TC 起立
Please stand for the national anthem.

stand vi: (be on your feet)
SC 站 zhàn
SC 站立 zhàn,zhàn lì
SC 站着 zhàn,zhàn zhe
The guard stands all day.

stand vi: (position on issue)
SC 持…立场 chí … lì chǎng
TC 持…立場
I stand in favour of the new law.

stand n: (determined position) (争论中的)
SC 立场,态度,意见 lì chǎng ,tài dù ,yì jiàn
TC 立場,態度,意見
The professor's stand on the issue is clear.

stand n: (booth, stall)
SC 摊子 tān zi
SC 小摊 tān zi ,xiǎo tān
SC 货摊 tān zi ,huò tān
The boys opened a lemonade stand.

stand n: (support)
SC 支架 zhī jià
TC 支架
SC 支座 zhī jià,zhī zuò
TC 支座
The conductor placed the sheet music on the stand.

stand n: (coat rack)
SC 衣物架 yī wù jià
Place your raincoats on the stand by the door.

stand n: (raised platform)
SC 讲台 jiǎng tái
The speaker stepped onto the stand.

stand n: (act of standing)
SC 站 zhàn
SC 立 zhàn,lì
There were no seats on the bus, so it looked like she was in for a long stand.

stand n: (final defence)
SC 抵抗 dǐ kàng
TC 抵抗
SC 抵御 dǐ kàng,dǐ yù
TC 抵禦
The soldiers made their stand at the river.

stand n: (metallurgy: rolling unit in mill) (冶金)
SC 机座

stand n: (umbrella rack)
SC 雨伞架 yǔ sǎn jià
TC 雨傘架
Many stores have a stand for wet umbrellas.

stand n: (witness box)
SC 证人席 zhèng rén xí
TC 證人席
The stand seemed a lonely and intimidating place to Gavin.

stand n: (group: of trees) (树)

stands npl: (bleachers: spectators' seating)
SC 露天看台 lù tiān kàn tái
SC 观众席
TC 觀眾席
The fans were sitting on the stands.

stand to do [sth] v expr: (be in a position)
SC 有可能做某事
SC 处于...的情形
The investor stood to make a fortune on the deal.

stand vi: (be erect)
SC 直立 zhí lì
SC 站立 zhí lì,zhàn lì
The dog stood on its hind legs.

stand vi: (place yourself)
SC 站在 zhàn zài
SC 立在 zhàn zài,lì zài
The referee stood between the fighters.

stand vi: (remain in effect)
SC 继续有效 jì xù yǒu xiào
TC 繼續有效
SC 仍然生效 jì xù yǒu xiào,réng rán shēng xiào
The judge determined that the law stands.

stand vi: (measure)
SC 测得…(数量、度数等) cè dé shù liàng dù shù děng
Agnes stands five feet without her shoes.

stand vi: (be in a situation)
SC 处于…状态 chǔ yú … zhuàng tài
SC 出于...的情况
That business owner stands to make a good profit out of her new product.

stand vi: (be situated)
SC 位于 wèi yú
SC 坐落于 wèi yú,zuò luò yú
The bank stands at the corner of Main and Rush streets.

stand vi: (stagnate) (液体)
SC 滞留,停滞 zhì liú,tíng zhì
TC 停滯
The water has been standing in the puddle a long time.

stand vi: (be a candidate)
SC 做候选人 zuò hòu xuǎn rén
TC 做候選人
SC 参选 zuò hòu xuǎn rén,cān xuǎn
Lorraine is standing in the upcoming local elections.

stand vi: (be a certain way)
SC 对...感到
SC 处于...的状态
The spectators stood amazed at the dancer's skill.

stand vi: (reach a given level or value)
SC 达到...水平
SC 达到...标准
This week's jackpot stands at 2 million dollars.

stand on [sth] vi + prep: (tread upon)
SC 踩在…上面
SC 踏在…上
Don't stand on that chair; you'll fall.

stand [sth] vtr: (set upright)
SC 竖放 shù fàng
SC 立着放
The children stood the dominoes on end.

stand [sth] vtr: (undergo)
SC 接受 jiē shòu
TC 接受
SC 经受 jiē shòu,jīng shòu
TC 經受
Harry stood trial for murder.

stand [sth] vtr: (endure without yielding)
SC 经受住 jīng shòu zhù
TC 忍受著
SC 承受住
SC 忍耐住
Veronica stood the torture bravely.

stand [sth/sb] vtr: (tolerate)
SC 容忍 róng rěn
TC 容忍
SC 忍受 róng rěn,rěn shòu
TC 忍受
Tallinn is a beautiful city to visit, if you can stand the sub-zero temperatures.

stand [sb] [sth] vtr: informal (treat, pay for)
SC 请某人的客做某事
Will you stand me a drink?

stand against [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (resist, oppose)
SC 抵抗 dǐ kàng
TC 抵抗
SC 反对 dǐ kàng,fǎn duì
TC 反對

stand around, UK: stand about vi phrasal: (do nothing, remain idle)
SC 闲站着 xián zhàn zhe
TC 閒站著
SC 懒散地消磨时间
Jeremy stands around talking instead of doing his work.

stand aside vi phrasal: (move to let [sb] past)
SC 站到一边, 让开
I was told to stand aside to let the ambulance pass.

stand aside vi phrasal: figurative (allow [sb] else to take charge)
SC 靠边站, 退出竞争, 让位
I will stand aside if anyone else wants the job.

stand back vi phrasal: (retreat, stay at a distance)
SC 退后 tuì hòu
SC 靠后站 tuì hòu,kào hòu zhàn
It is important to stand back from a fire so you do not get burned.

stand behind [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (vouch for the trustworthiness of)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 做...的后盾

stand by vi phrasal: (be ready and waiting)
SC 在旁边,在场 zài páng biān,zài chǎng
TC 在旁邊,在場
SC 袖手旁观,无动于衷 xiù shǒu páng guān ,wú dòng yú zhōng
TC 袖手旁觀,無動於衷
SC 位于…的旁边 wèi yú … de páng biān
SC 支持,帮助 zhī chí,bāng zhù
TC 支持,幫助
I'll be standing by to catch you if you fall.

stand by [sb] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (help or support)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
The politician's wife stood by him when he was accused of misusing public funds.

stand by [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (remain firm about [sth] said)
SC 坚持 jiān chí
TC 堅持
I stand by my decision to sack Richard; it was the right thing to do.

stand down vi phrasal: (resign) (从高位上)
SC 退下
SC 下台 xià tái
TC 下台 / 下臺
I'd like to announce that I'm standing down as director of the company.

stand down vi phrasal: (witness: leave stand) (证人)
SC 退出证人席 tuì chū zhèng rén xí
Once I finished giving my testimony, the judge told me I could stand down.

stand down vi phrasal: (troops: go off duty) (部队)
SC 被撤下岗位
After the military exercise, the soldiers were ordered to stand down.

stand for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be short for) (字母缩写)
SC 代表,表示,是…的缩写 dài biǎo,biǎo shì
TC 代表,表示
The "U" in USA stands for "united".

stand for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (represent)
SC 代表 dài biǎo
TC 代表
This party stands for fair pay and workers' rights.

stand for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (tolerate, accept)
SC 容忍 róng rěn
TC 容忍
SC 忍耐 róng rěn,rěn nài
TC 忍耐
I won't stand for any more of Richard's racist comments.

stand for [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep: US (advocate)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 主张 zhī chí,zhǔ zhāng
TC 主張
I will stand for you whatever happens, you can rely on me.

stand for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: UK (run for: election)
SC 参加...的选举
My uncle wants to stand for office.

stand in vi phrasal: (replace [sb] temporarily)
SC 代替, 替代
SC 作替身, 当替身演员
Linda is standing in while the usual secretary is ill.

stand in for [sb] vi phrasal + prep: (replace [sb] temporarily)
SC 代替 dài tì
TC 代替
SC 替代 dài tì,tì dài
TC 替代
Your teacher had an emergency so I will stand in for her for this class.

stand in for [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (be a substitute for [sth])
SC 代表 dài biǎo
TC 代表
Trying to explain the accident to his friends in the bar, Gavin used the beer glass to stand in for the car and the mat to stand in for the pedestrian.

stand off vi phrasal: (keep at a distance)
SC 保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí
The girls stood off to the side.

stand out vi phrasal: (be noticeable)
SC 突出 tū chū
TC 突出
SC 醒目 tū chū,xǐng mù
Wow, those bright colors really stand out.

stand out vi phrasal: (be remarkable)
SC 出色 chū sè
TC 出色
SC 脱颖而出 chū sè ,tuō yǐng ér chū
TC 脫穎而出
Of all the applicants for the job, there was one who really stood out.

stand over [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep: (oversee)
SC 监督 jiān dū
TC 監督
SC 监管 jiān dū ,jiān guǎn
SC 监视 jiān dū ,jiān shì
TC 監視

stand to vi phrasal: (military: be ready for attack) (军队)
SC 做好...准备
SC 准备战斗

stand [sb] up vtr phrasal sep: informal (fail to meet for date)
SC 失约,爽约 shī yuē
SC 放鸽子 fàng gē zi(指失约)
We were supposed to meet outside the restaurant but he stood me up.

stand up against [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (oppose actively)
SC 站出来反对 zhàn chū lái fǎn duì
We must stand up against racism.

stand up against [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (withstand: wear, stress)
SC 经得住
TC 經得住
SC 耐得住
Concrete construction is used in the tropics because it will stand up against hurricanes and insects.

stand up to [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: (confront)
SC 对抗 duì kàng
TC 對抗
SC 抵抗 duì kàng,dǐ kàng
TC 抵抗
SC 反抗 duì kàng,fǎn kàng
TC 反抗
Kate stood up to the bully by telling her loudly to stop.

stand up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (withstand: wear, stress)
SC 经久耐用 jīng jiǔ nài yòng
TC 經久耐用
SC 经得起 jīng jiǔ nài yòng,jīng de qǐ
They ran many trials to ensure the fabric would stand up to the extreme weather conditions.

stand with [sb] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (show solidarity with)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 与...一致
TC 與…一致
SC 和...站在一起

give [sb] a leg to stand on expr: figurative (support [sb]'s claim)
SC 帮某人佐证
SC 帮某人证明
SC 为某人从旁佐证

not have a leg to stand on v expr: figurative (have no support for a claim, etc.)
SC 没有立足依据
SC 没有扎实根据

make [sb]'s hair stand on end v expr: (frighten [sb])
SC 让…毛骨悚然
SC 把…吓得汗毛倒立
That guy was so creepy, he made my hair stand on end.

stand on ceremony v expr: figurative (behave formally)
SC 拘泥于礼节,讲究礼节

stand on end vi + adv: (hair: bristle with shock, fear, etc.)
SC 令人害怕
SC 让人惊悚
The boy's hair stood on end at the sight of the ghostly figure.

stand on your own two feet v expr: (be independent)
SC 独立 dú lì
TC 獨立
SC 自主 dú lì,zì zhǔ
TC 自主




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