

单词 stalking

stalking n: (person: following obsessively)
SC 跟踪 gēn zōng
TC 跟蹤 / 跟踪
SC 悄悄跟踪 gēn zōng,qiāo qiāo gēn zōng
The man was reported several times to the police for stalking.

stalking n: (animal: following to hunt) (对猎物)
SC 偷偷追踪, 悄悄跟踪, 潜行接近
Stalking is easiest in long grass, where the tiger is camouflaged.

stalk n: (plant: stem) (植物)
SC 茎,干,梗 jīng,gěng
TC 莖,乾,梗
The stalks of the flowers were long and slender.

stalk [sb/sth] vtr: (animal: follow stealthily) (指动物)
SC 悄悄跟踪 qiāo qiāo gēn zōng
SC 潜随 qiāo qiāo gēn zōng,qián suí
The cat stalked the mouse.

stalk [sb] vtr: (person: follow obsessively) (指人)
SC 悄悄跟踪 qiāo qiāo gēn zōng
SC 潜随 qiāo qiāo gēn zōng,qián suí
Kirsty went to the police as her ex-boyfriend was stalking her.

stalk vi: (walk haughtily)
SC 趾高气扬地走
SC 仰首阔步地走
When Lisa insulted him, John simply turned on his heel and stalked away.

stalk [sth] vtr: (spread menacingly)
SC 弥散
SC 弥漫 mí màn
TC 瀰漫
After the spate of murders, fear stalked the quiet town.

stalking-horse, stalking horse n: (hunting: screen) (打猎)
SC 掩护马

stalking-horse, stalking horse n: figurative ([sth] that hides intentions)
SC 用以掩人耳目的东西

stalking-horse, stalking horse n: figurative (election candidate)
SC 掩护性候选人

stalking-horse n as adj: (relating to a stalking-horse)
SC 用以掩护的




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