

单词 stains

stain n: (on clothing, etc.)
SC 污迹,污渍 wū jì,wū zì
SC 斑点 bān diǎn
TC 斑點
Philip scrubbed at his shirt, trying to get the stain out.

stain n: figurative (on reputation) (比喻名声上的)
SC 污点,耻辱,瑕疵 wū diǎn,chǐ rǔ,xiá cī
TC 恥辱
The affair was a stain on the politician's reputation.

stain n: (colouring agent)
SC 染色剂 rǎn sè jì
TC 染色劑
SC 染料 rǎn sè jì,rǎn liào
TC 染料
Karen used a stain to make the wood look darker.

stain [sth] vtr: (clothing, etc.)
SC 沾污 zhān wū
SC 弄脏 zhān wū,nòng zāng
The wine stained Catherine's new dress.

stain [sth] vtr: (add colour to wood, etc.)
SC 给…上色 gěi shàng sè
TC 給…上色
SC 给…着色 gěi shàng sè,gěi … zhuó sè
Fred stained the wood a darker colour.

stain vi: (cause stain)
SC 弄脏 nòng zāng
SC 留下污迹
Be careful not to spill that red wine as it will stain.

stain [sth] vtr: (cause disgrace to)
SC 玷污(名誉)
The scandal stained the minister's reputation.

blood stain n: (dried blood mark)
SC 血迹 xiě jì / xuè jì
TC 血跡 / 血迹
SC 血痕 xiě jì / xuè jì,xiě hén / xuè hén
Wash blood stains in cold water or you'll never get them out of fabric.

stain remover n: ([sth] that removes stains from fabric)
SC 去污剂 qù wū jì
TC 去污劑
SC 除渍剂

water stain n: (brown mark left by dried water)
SC 水渍
SC 水斑




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