

单词 pepperer

pepper n: uncountable (spice plant) (香料)
SC 胡椒 hú jiāo
TC 胡椒
Pepper is cultivated in Southern India.

pepper n: uncountable (black, white: seasoning) (调味品)
SC 胡椒粉,辣椒粉 hú jiāo fěn,là jiāo fěn
I like lots of salt and pepper on my steak.

pepper n: (plant) (植物)
SC 辣椒,甜椒 là jiāo ,tián jiāo
TC 辣椒
A pepper can produce red, green, or yellow fruits.

pepper n: (fruit: capsicum)
SC 甜椒 tián jiāo
SC 灯笼椒 tián jiāo,dēng lóng jiāo
I added some thin slices of yellow pepper to the stir fry.

pepper [sth] vtr: (season with pepper)
SC 在...中撒黑胡椒
SC 用黑胡椒给...调味
The waiter peppered our steaks for us.

pepper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: figurative (shoot)
SC 用...扫射
SC 用...射击
He peppered the target with a round from his machine gun.

pepper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: figurative (speech, text: punctuate with [sth]) (文章,演讲: 修辞、引用、妙语等)
SC 使…充满…,在…中大量加入…
The teacher peppers his speech with Latin terms.

pepper n: figurative (liveliness, interest)
SC 活力 huó lì
TC 活力
SC 生机 huó lì,shēng jī
TC 生機
He made shocking statements to add pepper to the discussion.

pepper n: uncountable (pellets)
SC (装填在猎枪中的)细粒弹丸 zhuāng tián zài liè qiāng zhōng de xì lì dàn wán
Small pellets in shotgun cartridges are sometimes referred to as pepper.

bell pepper, also UK: sweet pepper n: (vegetable: mild pepper)
SC 青椒 qīng jiāo
SC 柿子椒 qīng jiāo,shì zi jiāo
Bell peppers are often used in a salad.

bell pepper, also UK: sweet pepper n: (plant: bears peppers) (植物)
SC 青椒,柿子椒 qīng jiāo,shì zi jiāo
I planted tomatoes, hot peppers, and bell peppers in my garden last year.

black pepper n: (plant) (植物)
SC 黑胡椒 hēi hú jiāo

black pepper n: (seasoning)
SC 黑胡椒粉 hēi hú jiāo fěn

cayenne, cayenne pepper n: (spicy pepper)
SC 红辣椒 hóng là jiāo
The chicken and rice soup is spiced with cayenne.

chili pepper, chile pepper (US), chilli pepper (UK) n: (spicy vegetable)
SC 辣椒 là jiāo
TC 辣椒
SC 红辣椒 là jiāo ,hóng là jiāo
Jalapeños and habaneros are types of chili pepper.

green pepper n: (green capsicum, green bell pepper)
SC 青椒 qīng jiāo

ground pepper n: (milled condiment)
SC 胡椒粉 hú jiāo fěn
There's nothing like a sprinkling of fresh ground pepper to add a little zing to a salad.

hot pepper n: (spicy chilli pepper)
SC 辣椒 là jiāo
TC 辣椒

jalapeno pepper, jalapeño pepper n: (hot Mexican chilli)
SC 墨西哥辣椒
Jalapeno pepper is by far the most common pepper used in Mexican cookery.

pepper mill, peppermill, pepper grinder n: (kitchen utensil for grinding pepper)
SC 胡椒手磨
Pepper ground fresh from a pepper mill is more flavorful than pre-ground pepper.

pepper sauce n: (sauce made with peppercorns)
SC 辣椒沙司 là jiāo shā sī
TC 辣椒醬
SC 调味辣椒酱 là jiāo shā sī,tiáo wèi là jiāo jiàng
Steak with pepper sauce was his favourite meal.

pepper shaker n: (container that dispenses pepper)
SC 胡椒罐,胡椒瓶

pepper spray n: (irritant used in aerosol weapon)
SC 防狼喷雾
SC 辣椒水
She always carries a pepper spray in her bag when she goes out alone at night.

pepper-crusted adj: (coated with ground pepper)
SC 涂有胡椒粉的

red pepper n: (vegetable: capsicum)
SC 红辣椒 hóng là jiāo
Technically speaking, red peppers are actually fruits, not vegetables.
My wife says I use too much red pepper when I make chili.

salt and pepper, salt-and-pepper adj: figurative (hair colour: grey and white) (发色)
SC 斑白的,灰白的 huī bái de
She was about fifty and had salt and pepper hair.

salt and pepper shakers npl: (seasoning dispensers)
SC 盐和胡椒瓶
SC 调味瓶 tiáo wèi píng
TC 調味瓶
SC 调料瓶

white pepper: (condiment)
SC 白胡椒
SC 白胡椒粉




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