

单词 freeze

US   UK  
freeze [sth] vtr: (turn [sth] solid)
SC 使凝固 shǐ níng gù
SC 使冻住 shǐ níng gù,shǐ dòng zhù
The scientist froze methane for an experiment.

freeze vi: (turn to ice) (冷却成冰)
SC 结冰,冻结 jié bīng,dòng jié
TC 凍結
The water froze in the ice cube tray.

freeze vi: (feel very cold)
SC 觉得很冷 jué de hěn lěng
TC 覺得很冷
SC 觉得要冻僵
Why is the air conditioning so strong? I'm freezing!

freeze, freeze to death vi: figurative (person: get very cold)
SC 冻得慌 dòng de huāng
TC 凍得慌
SC 觉得很冷 dòng de huāng,jué de hěn lěng
TC 覺得很冷
Kate's friend was taking ages to open the door. "Hurry up," Kate shouted. "Let me in before I freeze!"

freeze [sth] vtr: (preserve)
SC 冷冻储存
TC 冷凍儲存
SC 冷藏 lěng cáng
Susan froze the extra vegetables from her garden.

freeze [sth] vtr: figurative (prevent change)
SC 冻结 dòng jié
TC 凍結
SC 使不变
The government froze interest rates to prevent a market collapse.

Freeze! interj: figurative (halt, stop)
SC 停止 tíng zhǐ
TC 停止
SC 停滞 tíng zhǐ,tíng zhì
TC 停滯
SC 止住 tíng zhǐ,zhǐ zhù
The policeman pulled out his gun and shouted, "Freeze!"

freeze n: figurative (spending, hiring) (花费、招聘等)
SC 停止 tíng zhǐ
TC 停止
The company laid off a hundred workers and put a hiring freeze in place.

freeze vi: (computer) (计算机)
SC 死机 sǐ jī
SC 当机 sǐ jī,dàng jī(电脑(计算机),台湾)
Tom's computer froze while he was trying to finish his homework.

freeze vi: (turn solid) (变固体)
SC 凝固,冻结 níng gù,dòng jié
TC 凝固,凍結
The carbon dioxide froze into dry ice.

freeze vi: figurative (halt, stop moving)
SC 固定不动
SC 定住
The cops yelled at the fleeing bank robbers to freeze.

freeze [sth] vtr: (fix, keep [sth] in place)
SC 使…不动
TC 使...不動
SC 使…定住

freeze [sb] out, freeze out [sb] vtr phrasal sep: (poker: eliminate players) (一种扑克赛制)
SC Freezeout赛制

freeze [sb] out, freeze out [sb] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (exclude)
SC 排斥,排挤 pái chì,pái jǐ
TC 排斥,排擠
She wanted to be a member of that popular group, but they froze her out.

freeze over vi phrasal: (be frozen on the surface)
SC 封冻 fēng dòng
SC 冻结 fēng dòng,dòng jié
TC 凍結
SC 结冰 fēng dòng,jié bīng

freeze up vi phrasal: figurative (computer, engine: stop functioning) (电脑)
SC 停止运行, 死机
In the middle of the job, the computer froze up and I had to reboot; fortunately I had a back-up of my work.

freeze up vi phrasal: figurative (actor: have stage-fright) (人)
SC 因为害怕恐惧等而僵住, 因为怯场而呆住
When he first walked onto the stage, he froze up and couldn't say a word.

brain freeze n: informal (headache caused by ice cream)
SC 脑冻结

deep freeze, deepfreeze, deep freezer n: (cold storage unit)
SC 深冻冰箱 shēn dòng bīng xiāng
TC 冷凍櫃
She rummaged in the deep freeze and found the bag of peas.

deep-freeze [sth], deepfreeze [sth] vtr: (keep in cold storage)
SC 用深冻冰箱冷冻 yòng shēn dòng bīng xiāng lěng dòng
Did you know you can deep-freeze a loaf of bread and it will keep for ages?

flash-freeze [sth] vtr: (freeze rapidly)
SC 将...速冻

freeze frame n: (video: stop motion)
SC 定格画面 dìng gé huà miàn

freeze frame n: (button on video player)
SC 定格键

freeze to death v expr: (die of extreme cold)
SC 冻死 dòng sǐ
TC 凍死
It's so cold out here I think I'm going to freeze to death.

freeze-dried adj: (food: dried by freezing) (食物等)
SC 经过冷冻干燥的
Freeze-dried fruit is a good snack.

freeze-dry [sth] vtr: (freeze rapidly, then dry)
SC 冻干

freeze-drying n: (drying process for food, medicine, etc.)
SC 冷冻干燥法

freeze-out, freezeout n: (type of poker game)
SC 无追买扑克

freeze-out, freezeout n: figurative (exclusion)
SC 排斥 pái chì
TC 排斥
SC 孤立 pái chì,gū lì
TC 孤立
John was upset by his friends' freeze-out; he didn't know what he'd done to upset them.

freeze-up n: US, informal (lakes, ponds: freezing over) (湖泊、池塘)
SC 结冰,冻结 jié bīng,dòng jié
TC 凍結

freeze-up n: US, informal (period of freezing weather)
SC 寒冻季节
SC 冰冻期

price freeze n: (temporary fixing of prices)
SC 价格冻结 jià gé dòng jié
TC 價格凍結
The Department of Trade and Industry imposed a price freeze on basic commodities.

quick-freeze [sth] vtr: (food: freeze rapidly)
SC 速冻

wage freeze n: (earnings fixed at current amount)
SC 工资冻结 gōng zī dòng jié
TC 工資凍結
Management imposed a wage freeze for the year.




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