

单词 food

US   UK  
food n: (excluding drinks)
SC 食品,食物,吃的 shí pǐn,shí wù,chī de
TC 食品,食物
I'll bring the food if you bring the drink.
Kale is a very healthy food.
如果你带饮料,我就带食品。// 甘蓝是一种非常健康的食品。

food n: (including drinks, nourishment) (包括饮料与滋养品)
SC 食物 shí wù
TC 食物
Basic human needs include food and shelter.

food n: (sustenance for life)
SC 养料 yǎng liào
TC 養料
SC 养分 yǎng liào,yǎng fèn
TC 養分 / 養份
Plants make food in their leaves and send it to their roots.

food n: figurative (nourishment) (比喻)
SC 滋养,精神食粮 zī yǎng,jīng shén shí liáng
TC 精神食糧
Art is food for the soul.

food n: (type, classification)
SC (某一类)食物 mǒu yí lèi shí wù
I like Mexican food.

agri-food n: (industry: agriculture)
SC 农产品 nóng chǎn pǐn
TC 農產品

agri-food n as adj: (related to agriculture)
SC 农产品的

angel cake, angel food cake n: mainly US (light sponge cake)
SC 天使蛋糕 tiān shǐ dàn gāo
TC 天使蛋糕
SC 安琪儿蛋糕 tiān shǐ dàn gāo,ān qí er dàn gāo
Angel food cake contains only egg whites, no yolks, so it's fine on a low-cholesterol diet.

baby food: (mashed food)
SC 婴儿食物
SC 婴儿辅食

bird food n: (seed for birds to eat)
SC 鸟食 niǎo shí
Teresa filled the bird feeder with bird food and hung it from a tree.

breakfast food: (foodstuff)
SC 早餐食物

canned food n: (processed food in tins)
SC 罐头食品 guàn tóu shí pǐn
TC 罐頭食品
Please place plenty of bottled water and canned food in the cellar.

cat food n: (food intended for cats)
SC 猫粮 māo liáng
SC 猫吃的食物 māo liáng,māo chī de shí wù
The tinned cat food is more expensive but the cats prefer it.
Some cats prefer dry cat food while others prefer wet cat food from a can.

Chinese food n: esp US (Asian meal)
SC 中国菜
TC 中國菜
SC 中餐

comfort food n: (home cooking, treats)
SC 安慰食物
TC 慰藉食物
SC 安慰性食物
The comfort food at the restaurant was just like mom's home cooking.

complimentary food and drink n: (free refreshments)
SC 免费餐饮

convenience food n: (food: pre-packaged)
SC 方便食品 fāng biàn shí pǐn
TC 速食
He was a typical student in that he would always eat convenience food instead of cooking.

craving n: (desire for specific food)
SC 对…有食欲
SC 想吃…
When I was pregnant, I had a craving for watermelon.

deli food n: abbreviation (prepared food)
SC 熟食 shú shí
I didn't have time to cook, so I bought some deli food on the way home.

dog food n: (processed food product for dogs)
SC 狗粮 gǒu liáng
I'm going to try a different brand of dog food to see if he'll eat that.

fast food n: (junk food)
SC 快餐 kuài cān
We eat fast food occasionally when we don't have time to cook.

fast food, fast-food n as adj: (relating to fast food)
SC 快餐 kuài cān
Many fast-food items contain unhealthy amounts of sugar and fat.

fast-food restaurant, fast food restaurant n: (restaurant: rapid service)
SC 快餐店 kuài cān diàn
SC 小吃店 kuài cān diàn,xiǎo chī diàn
Fast-food restaurants tend to serve unhealthy food.

fatty food n: (food: high in fat)
SC 高脂食物,脂肪含量高的食物
Fatty food is not healthy.

FDA n: US, initialism (Food and Drug Administration) (缩写,美式英语)
SC 食品和药物管理局

fine food n: (gourmet meals)
SC 优质美食,高端美食
The hotel served fine food.

finger food n: (food you can pick up and eat)
SC 零食 líng shí
SC 用手指拿着吃的食品 líng shí,yòng shǒu zhǐ ná zhe chī de shí pǐn
I'm going to provide finger food at the party to save washing up.

food additive n: (food preservative, coloring, etc.)
SC 食品添加剂
The food additive gives cola its brown colour.

food and drink n: (food industry, sector)
SC 饮食业 yǐn shí yè
TC 飲食業
Food and drink is big business in the United States.

food and drink npl: (refreshments)
SC 食物和饮料 shí wù hé yǐn liào
There will be food and drink at the reception following the concert.

Food and Drug Administration n: US (government health agency)
SC 美国食品药品管理局

food bank n: (food-donating organization)
SC 食物赈济处

food cart n: (cart where food is sold from)
SC 街边美食车
SC 排档推车

food chain n: (hierarchy of organisms)
SC 食物链 shí wù liàn
TC 食物鏈
Plankton are at the bottom of the marine food chain.

food coloring (US), food colouring (UK) n: (edible dye)
SC 食用色素 shí yòng sè sù
TC 食用色素
Cookies often get their colours from food colouring.
Beet juice is a natural red food coloring.

food court n: US (dining area)
SC 美食广场
TC 美食廣場
SC 餐饮区

food craving n: often plural (desire to eat specific food)
SC 馋瘾

food critic n: (restaurant reviewer)
SC 美食评论家

food drive n: (charity event)
SC 食品捐赠活动
The church is holding a food drive this weekend to help needy families.

food for thought n: figurative ([sth] worth thinking about) (比喻)
SC 发人深省的事,值得人思考的事,耐人寻味的事 fā rén shēn xǐng de shì,zhí dé rén sī kǎo de shì,nài rén xún wèi de shì
Yes, your ideas have certainly given me food for thought!

food group n: (nutritional category)
SC 食物群,食物组
The ideal meal includes all of the food groups.

food industry n: (food production business sector)
SC 食品行业

food intake n: (quantity of solids consumed)
SC 食物摄入量,食物摄取量

food miles npl: (distance food travels before eaten)
SC 食物里程

food poisoning n: (illness from contaminated food)
SC 食物中毒 shí wù zhòng dú
TC 食物中毒
By the look of that cafe, we'll all have food poisoning by the end of the night. She wondered if the vomiting was from food poisioning or from the flu.

food processing n: (creation of food products)
SC 食品加工

food processor n: (kitchen appliance: mixer) (厨房用具)
SC 食品加工器,食物搅拌器 shí pǐn jiā gōng qì,shí wù jiǎo bàn qì
Using a food processor, blend the flour and butter. Food processors are great for making baby food.

food pyramid n: (ecology)
SC 食物金字塔

food pyramid n: (nutrition)
SC 饮食金字塔
SC 金字塔型膳食

food safety n: (hygienic food handling)
SC 食品安全

food science: (study of foods)
SC 食品科学

food scientist n: ([sb]: studies food production)
SC 食品科学家
Food scientists claim that genetically modified foodstuffs presents minimal risk to human health.

food service: (provision of meals)
SC 餐饮服务
SC 饮食服务 yǐn shí fú wù
TC 飲食服務

food stamp n: usually plural (welfare coupon for free food)
SC 食品券 shí pǐn quàn
SC 食物兑换券 shí pǐn quàn,shí wù duì huàn quàn
Low-income families are eligible for food stamps.

food store n: (grocery store)
SC 食品店 shí pǐn diàn
SC 杂货店 shí pǐn diàn,zá huò diàn
TC 雜貨店

food supply n: (provisions or stores of food)
SC 食品供应,食品供给
After ten days lost in the wilderness, our food supplies were running low.

food to go n: US (take-away food)
SC 外带食品

food waste n: (discarded uneaten food) (丢弃的未食用食物)
SC 厨余废弃物,厨余
Scottish households throw away 630,000 tonnes of food waste every year.

food web: (ecology) (生态学)
SC 食物网
TC 食物網

food-borne, foodborne adj: (transmitted by contaminated food)
SC 食物传染的

fresh food n: (unprocessed food produce)
SC 新鲜食品 xīn xiān shí pǐn
TC 新鮮食品
SC 生鲜食品 xīn xiān shí pǐn,shēng xiān shí pǐn

fried food n: (food pan-cooked in butter or oil)
SC 油炸食物
To lose weight, avoid eating fried food.

frozen food n: usually plural (food product stored in a freezer)
SC 冷冻食品 lěng dòng shí pǐn
TC 冷凍食品
Frozen foods don't last forever; they should be used within a certain period of time.

frozen food section n: (freezer aisle in supermarket) (超市里的)
SC 冷冻食品区 lěng dòng shí pǐn qū
If you can't find fresh turnips in the produce section, try the frozen food section.

get takeout, get takeout food (US), get a take-away, get a takeout, get a take-out (UK) v expr: informal (order food to go)
SC 买外卖

good food n: (healthy or top-quality food)
SC 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn
SC 优质食品
Athletes eat only good food.

health food n: (highly nutritious food)
SC 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn
Health food is a commercialized term for healthful food.
My mother avoids salty snacks; she only eats health food.

health food store n: (shop selling organic and whole foods)
SC 有机天然食品店
SC 健康食品店 jiàn kāng shí pǐn diàn
SC 保健食品店 bǎo jiàn shí pǐn diàn
You can buy tofu in the health food store.

healthy food n: (food with nutritional value)
SC 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn
SC 健康食物 jiàn kāng shí pǐn,jiàn kāng shí wù
SC 保健食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn,bǎo jiàn shí pǐn
I have been trying to eat more healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, and cut down on sweets.

junk food n: (food that is unhealthy) (高热量但低营养或对健康有害的食物)
SC 垃圾食物 lā jī shí wù
People who eat too much junk food suffer from many serious health problems.

nonfood, UK: non-food n: ([sth] not edible)
SC 非食物 fēi shí wù
SC 非食用品 fēi shí wù,fēi shí yòng pǐn

nonfood, UK: non-food adj: (relating to what is not edible)
SC 非食物的 fēi shí wù de
SC 非食用的 fēi shí wù de,fēi shí yòng de

nutraceutical, functional food n: (food with added nutrients)
SC 保健食品 bǎo jiàn shí pǐn

organic food n: (food produced by natural methods)
SC 有机食品
Jeremy decided to start eating only organic food.

pet food n: (feed for domestic animals)
SC 宠物食品 chǒng wù shí pǐn
TC 寵物食品
Susan has three dogs and five cats, so she spends a lot of money on pet food.

plant food n: (nourishment for plants)
SC 肥料 féi liào
TC 肥料
SC 植物养分

prepare food vtr + n: (make [sth] to eat)
SC 准备食物 zhǔn bèi shí wù
TC 準備食物
SC 做东西吃 zhǔn bèi shí wù,zuò dōng xī chī
Why don't you take out the garbage while I prepare the food.

processed food n: (edible items in tins or packaging)
SC 加工食品
SC 包装食品
Susie doesn't like the taste of processed food; she prefers to buy fresh food from the market.

snack food n: ([sth] to be eaten between meals)
SC 零食 líng shí

soul food n: informal (Southern American cooking) (非正式用语)
SC 美国南方黑人的传统食物 měi guó nán fāng hēi rén de chuán tǒng shí wù
Black-eyed peas and cornbread are soul food staples.

street food n: (food sold by outdoor vendors)
SC 街头食品
SC 街边小吃




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