

单词 smeared

smear n: (dirty mark)
SC 污渍 wū zì
SC 污迹 wū zì,wū jì
SC 脏腻之物
Sarah said she'd cleaned the windows, but they were covered in smears.

smear [sth] vtr: (smudge)
SC 弄脏,把…弄模糊,把…弄花 nòng zāng
Don't touch the wet paint or you'll smear it.

smear [sth] on [sth], smear [sth] onto [sth], smear [sth] over [sth] vtr + prep: (apply, layer on [sth])
SC 将…涂抹在…上
My grandmother used to smear goose fat on my father's chest when he had a cough.

smear [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: (cover with [sth]) (在食物上涂抹酱料等)
SC 在…上涂抹…
Jeremy smeared the cake with whipped cream and decorated it with strawberries.

smear n: (laboratory sample) (一种显微镜观察的材料)
SC 涂片 tú piàn
The lab technician put the smear under the microscope.

smear n: figurative (words to harm reputation)
SC 诽谤 fěi bàng
TC 誹謗
SC 诬蔑 fěi bàng,wū miè
TC 污蔑 / 汙蔑 / 污衊 / 汙衊
The report was clearly intended as a smear to discredit the Prime Minister.

smear n: UK, informal (test for cervical cancer)
SC 宫颈涂片检查 gōng jǐng tú piàn jiǎn chá
It's important for women to have regular smears.

smear n as adj: (causing harm to reputation)
SC 诋毁的 dǐ huǐ de
TC 詆毀的
SC 污蔑的 dǐ huǐ de,wū miè de
SC 造谣中伤的 dǐ huǐ de,zào yáo zhòng shāng de
The politician was subjected to a smear attempt by a well-known tabloid newspaper.

smear vi: (become smudged)
SC 糊了
SC 糊成一团
Ursula tried to apply the nail polish evenly, but it smeared as soon as she put it on.

smear [sb] vtr: figurative (lie to harm reputation of)
SC 诽谤 fěi bàng
TC 誹謗
SC 诬蔑 fěi bàng,wū miè
TC 污蔑 / 汙蔑 / 污衊 / 汙衊
The opposition party was clearly trying to smear the Prime Minister.

blood smear n: (blood specimen on microscope slide)
SC 血涂片

blood smear n: (blood test)
SC 血涂片检查

pap smear, Pap smear, pap test, Pap test n: US (test for cervical cancer)
SC 巴氏涂片,刮片检查 bā shì tú piàn
TC 巴氏塗片

pap smear, Pap smear n: US (cell sample used in pap test) (指供检查用的样本)
SC 宫颈抹片,巴氏涂片 bā shì tú piàn
TC 巴氏塗片

smear campaign n: (propaganda against [sb])
SC 诽谤中伤的活动 fěi bàng zhòng shāng de huó dòng
His political opponents are waging a smear campaign against him.
The smear campaign accused the candidate of accepting money from criminals.

smear test n: (pap smear: cervical cancer check)
SC 子宫颈涂片检查 zǐ gōng jǐng tú piàn jiǎn chá
SC 巴氏涂片检查 zǐ gōng jǐng tú piàn jiǎn chá,bā shì tú piàn jiǎn chá




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