

单词 sly

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sly adj: (person: deceiving)
SC 狡猾的 jiǎo huá de
SC 狡诈的 jiǎo huá de ,jiǎo zhà de
TC 狡詐的
Julia is so sly; she says one thing to my face and another behind my back.

sly adj: (mischievous, playful)
SC 淘气的 táo qì de
TC 淘氣的
SC 调皮的
SC 顽皮的 táo qì de ,wán pí de
TC 頑皮的
Patrick gave Martha a sly wink as he hid the boss's favourite pen.

sly adj: (smart)
SC 聪明的 cōng míng de
TC 聰明的
SC 灵巧的 cōng míng de ,líng qiǎo de
TC 靈巧的
That was a sly move; you got just what you wanted.

sly adj: (furtive)
SC 愉愉摸摸的
SC 秘密的 mì mì de
SC 暗中的 àn zhōng de
As Don prattled on, Ruby cast a sly glance at her watch.

as sly as a fox adj: (devious, cunning)
SC 如狐狸般狡猾 rú hú lí bān jiǎo huá
Reynard was as sly as a fox as he wheedled his way into the hen house.

on the sly adv: informal (secretly)
SC 背地里 bèi dì lǐ
TC 背地裡 / 暗地裡
SC 悄悄地 bèi dì lǐ,qiāo qiāo de
He spent a lot of his career playing computer games on the sly.

sly old fox n: (devious or secretive person) (比喻义)
SC 狡猾的老狐狸
I would never have guessed that about you, you sly old fox!




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