

单词 fleshing

flesh n: (meat)
SC 肉 ròu
SC 躯体 ròu,qū tǐ(人)
The butcher cut the flesh off the animal's bones.

flesh n: (body tissue)
SC 肉 ròu
SC 肌肉 ròu,jī ròu
TC 肌肉
The surgeon cut through the flesh of the patient's leg to reveal the bone beneath.

flesh n: (human skin)
SC 皮肤 pí fū
TC 皮膚
The rosy flesh of the child's cheeks suggested she was in good health.

the flesh n: (human body)
SC 肉体
TC 肉體
SC 身体 shēn tǐ
TC 身體
The preacher railed about the temptations of the flesh.

flesh n: (pulp: inside of fruit)
SC 果肉 guǒ ròu
TC 果肉
Kelsey spooned the flesh out of the avocado.

flesh adj: (peachy in colour)
SC 肉色的 ròu sè de
The painter used flesh tones for the skin of the people in his paintings.

flesh-colored, flesh colored (US), flesh-coloured, flesh coloured, flesh (UK) adj: (peachy in colour)
SC 肉色的 ròu sè de
Sarah bought a flesh-colored bag at the mall.

flesh n: informal, figurative (fat)
SC 肥肉 féi ròu
SC 肥胖 féi ròu,féi pàng
Brandon had a little bit of extra flesh around his waist.

flesh [sth] vtr: (animal hide: remove flesh)
SC 割掉...(兽皮上)的肉
The hunter fleshed the hide.

flesh out vi phrasal: (become plumper)
SC 使长肉,使变胖 shǐ zhǎng ròu,shǐ biàn pàng
Once she began receiving regular meals, her once-bony face fleshed out and softened her look.

flesh [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: figurative (make more detailed)
SC 详细说明,详述,增添细节 xiáng xì shuō míng,xiáng shù
TC 詳細說明
SC 充实 chōng shí
TC 充實
SC 让...有血有肉(比喻)
This report isn't convincing enough; can't you flesh it out with something from the internet?

desires of the flesh npl: literary (lust) (书面语)
SC 肉欲 ròu yù
The pastor preached against lust and sinning due to desires of the flesh.

flesh and blood n: (human body, human nature)
SC 血肉之躯
TC 血肉之軀
SC 人性 rén xìng
TC 人性

flesh and blood n: (relative, offspring)
SC 亲人
TC 親人
SC 亲骨肉

flesh color (US), flesh colour (UK), flesh tint n: dated, offensive (color of pale skin)
SC 肉色
This paint manufacturer has replaced the name "flesh color" with "peach".

flesh color (US), flesh colour (UK), flesh tint n: (any skin color)
SC 肤色 fū sè
This foundation is available in a wide range of flesh colors.

flesh color, flesh-color (US), flesh colour, flesh-colour (UK) adj: dated, offensive (color of pale skin)
SC 肉色的 ròu sè de
SC 皮肤色的

flesh color, flesh-color (US), flesh colour, flesh-colour (UK) adj: (any skin color)
SC 肤色的 fū sè de
TC 膚色的
I prefer flesh-color tights to brightly colored ones.

flesh of the fruit n: (pulp: soft inside part of fruit)
SC 果肉 guǒ ròu
TC 果肉
In this recipe, I discard the flesh of the fruit and only use the peel.

flesh tone n: (colour of human skin)
SC 肤色 fū sè
SC 人皮肤的颜色 fū sè,rén pí fū de yán sè
The girl's flesh tone was darker from the two weeks she'd spent sunbathing in Greece.

flesh wound n: (superficial injury, scratch)
SC 皮肉伤 pí ròu shāng
TC 皮肉傷
SC 表面伤 pí ròu shāng,biǎo miàn shāng
SC 轻伤 pí ròu shāng,qīng shāng
The injury looked serious but it was really just a flesh wound.

flesh-colored (US), flesh colored (US), flesh-coloured (UK), flesh coloured (UK) adj: (peachy)
SC 肉色的 ròu sè de

flesh-eating adj: (animal, plant: eats meat)
SC 食肉的 shí ròu de

flesh-eating adj: (disease: destroys flesh) (细菌)
SC 噬肉的

flesh-eating adj: (zombie: eats people) (僵尸)
SC 食人的

gooseflesh, goose flesh, goose skin n: (skin's response to cold, fear)
SC 鸡皮疙瘩 jī pí gē dɑ
TC 雞皮疙瘩

in the flesh adv: (in person)
SC 本人
TC 本人

neither fish nor fowl, neither fish nor flesh expr: (neither one or the other)
SC 非驴非马
SC 不伦不类

pound of flesh n: figurative (repayment of debt) (比喻,源出莎士比亚戏剧)
SC 严格要求偿还之债务 yán gé yāo qiú cháng huán zhī zhài wù
You've had your pound of flesh - now leave me in peace.

press the flesh v expr: informal, figurative (shake hands and mingle)
SC 握手致意
The senator gave a speech and then pressed the flesh for a few minutes.

thorn in the side, thorn in your side, thorn in the flesh, thorn in your flesh n: figurative (aggravating thing, person) (比喻)
SC 眼中钉,肉中刺,让人烦心的人或事 yǎn zhōng dīng ,ròu zhōng cì
That new trainee is so annoying; he's a thorn in my side.




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