

单词 weight

US   UK  
weight n: countable (relative heaviness)
SC 重量 zhòng liàng
TC 重量
SC 轻重 zhòng liàng ,qīng zhòng
TC 輕重
Measure the weight of these two objects and tell me which one is heavier.

weight n: uncountable (heaviness)
SC 重量 zhòng liàng
TC 重量
SC 分量 zhòng liàng ,fèn liàng
TC 分量
Its weight was sufficient to hold the door open.

weight n: countable (how much a body weighs)
SC 体重 tǐ zhòng
I try to maintain a healthy weight.

weight n: uncountable (body mass) (身体减轻的)
SC 重量 zhòng liàng
TC 重量
How much weight did you lose after you cut out sugar from your diet?

weight n: uncountable (body: excess fat)
SC 肥肉 féi ròu
No matter how much I diet, I can't seem to shift this weight.

weight n: countable (measure of weight)
SC 衡量(制)
What system of weights and measures do they use in the UK?

weight n: countable (block used with scales)
SC 砝码 fǎ mǎ
TC 砝碼
SC 秤砣 fǎ mǎ,chèng tuó
SC 秤锤 fǎ mǎ,chèng chuí
Old scales used little weights to balance the goods purchased.

weight n: countable (weight training: dumbbell) (体育运动)
SC 杠铃片,哑铃 gàng líng piàn ,yǎ líng
He grabbed the thirty-kilogram weights for his chest exercises.

weight n: countable (heavy element in a mechanism)
SC (机械装置中的)重体 jī xiè zhuāng zhì zhōng de zhòng tǐ
SC 钟锤 jī xiè zhuāng zhì zhōng de zhòng tǐ,zhōng chuí
SC 压铁 jī xiè zhuāng zhì zhōng de zhòng tǐ,yā tiě
The weights in this grandfather clock need replacing.

weight n: countable (paperweight, etc.) (如镇纸等)
SC 重物 zhòng wù
TC 重物
The book was used as a weight to hold the door open.

weight n: figurative (burden)
SC 重担 zhòng dàn
TC 重擔
SC 负担 zhòng dàn ,fù dān
TC 負擔
Looking after both elderly parents was a heavy weight on her shoulders.

weight n: uncountable, figurative (significance)
SC 重要性 zhòng yào xìng
TC 重要性
I don't apply any weight to the age of the candidates. The best man will get the job.

weight n: uncountable, figurative (solemnity)
SC 肃静 sù jìng
SC 肃穆 sù jìng,sù mù
SC 庄重 sù jìng,zhuāng zhòng
The priest spoke at the funeral with great weight and respect.

weight n: uncountable, figurative (influence)
SC 影响 yǐng xiǎng
TC 影響
SC 影响力 yǐng xiǎng,yǐng xiǎng lì
TC 影響力
She holds considerable weight in his decision-making.

weight n: uncountable, figurative (majority)
SC 力量,影响力 lì liàng ,yǐng xiǎng lì
TC 力量,影響力
SC 优势,大部分 yōu shì,dà bù fèn
TC 優勢,大部分 / 大部份
The weight of the majority was so strong that there was no problem passing the legislation.

weight n: countable (athletics: shot) (体育运动)
SC 铅球, 铁饼
In the shot put, you have to throw the weight as far as possible.

weight n: (category in boxing) (拳击比赛)
SC 重量级别 zhòng liàng jí bié
TC 重量級別
Mohammad Ali boxed in the heavy weight division.

weight n: (statistics: coefficient) (统计学)
SC 加权,权,权重 jiā quán,quán,quán zhòng
The analysis shows that income has considerable weight in who buys expensive cars.

weight [sth] vtr: (apply weight to)
SC 加重 jiā zhòng
TC 加重
SC 使…重量增加 jiā zhòng ,shǐ zhòng liàng zēng jiā
We weighted the sacks before dumping them overboard.

weight [sth] vtr: (hold down with a weight) (用重物)
SC 压住,镇住 yā zhù
He weighted the papers with the book.

weight [sb] with [sth] vtr: (burden)
SC 给...施加...的压力
SC 使…有...的负担
Please don't weight me with all your problems.

weight [sth] vtr: (statistics: apply a coefficient to) (统计学)
SC 加权, 对…进行加权
The numbers were weighted to reflect population density.

weight [sth] down, weight down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (hold down with a weight)
SC 使…负重 shǐ fù zhòng

atomic weight n: (relative atomic mass)
SC 原子量,相对原子质量
TC 原子量

baby weight n: (extra weight after pregnancy)
SC 出生体重

body weight n: (amount a person weighs)
SC 体重 tǐ zhòng
SC 身体重量 tǐ zhòng ,shēn tǐ zhòng liàng
The body-mass index is a ratio of a person's body weight to his height.

curb weight: (total vehicle weight) (汽车)
SC 整备重量
SC 净重 jìng zhòng

dead weight, also US: deadweight n: ([sth] heavy, motionless)
SC 沉重的东西 chén zhòng de dōng xī
SC 沉重的静止物 chén zhòng de dōng xī,chén zhòng de jìng zhǐ wù

dead weight, also US: deadweight n: figurative (burden) (比喻)
SC 负担,重负,重担 fù dān ,zhòng fù,zhòng dàn
TC 負擔,重擔

dead weight n: (weight a ship can carry)
SC 总载重量

dead weight, also US: deadweight n: (weight of vehicle without a load)
SC (车辆等的)自重 chē liàng děng de zì zhòng
SC 净重 chē liàng děng de zì zhòng,jìng zhòng

dead weight, also US: deadweight n: (fixed weight on structure or equipment)
SC 静重 jìng zhòng
SC 结构自重 jìng zhòng,jié gòu zì zhòng

dead-weight, also US: deadweight adj: figurative (burdensome)
SC 沉重的 chén zhòng de
SC 累赘的 chén zhòng de ,léi zhuì de

feel the weight of [sth] v expr: figurative (be burdened by)
SC 感觉到…的重量 gǎn jué dào de zhòng liàng
SC 承担...重担
With all the problems facing him, Mark felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.

gain weight (US), put on weight (UK) vtr + n: (get fatter, heavier)
SC 增加体重 zēng jiā tǐ zhòng
TC 增加體重
SC 长胖 zēng jiā tǐ zhòng ,zhǎng pàng
Most college students gain weight during their first year of school. I've put on so much weight, my trousers won't do up!

gross weight n: (weight of goods and container)
SC 总重 zǒng zhòng
SC 毛重 zǒng zhòng,máo zhòng

lend weight to [sth], lend [sth] weight v expr: figurative (give [sth] credibility)
SC 使…更可信

lightweight, light-weight adj: (light in weight or texture, etc)
SC 轻的 qīng de
SC 不重的 qīng de ,bú zhòng de
Our lightweight jackets are perfect for travel.

lightweight, light-weight adj: (sport: of lightest weight division) (拳击)
SC 轻量级的 qīng liàng jí de
TC 輕量級的
The lightweight match will start at 8 pm.

lightweight, light-weight adj: (not serious, trivial)
SC 轻松的 qīng sōng de
TC 輕鬆的
SC 无足轻重的 qīng sōng de ,wú zú qīng zhòng de
It's just a lightweight romance novel, but I enjoyed reading it.

lightweight, light-weight, light weight n: (sport: lightweight contender) (体育运动)
SC 轻量级选手 qīng liàng jí xuǎn shǒu
The new lightweight looks like serious competition for the champion.

lightweight, light-weight, light weight n: informal, figurative (person who gets drunk quickly) (人)
SC 易醉的,酒量小的 yì zuì de ,jiǔ liàng xiǎo de
Stumbling after only two beers? You're such a lightweight!

lightweight, light-weight, light weight n: figurative ([sb] of little influence)
SC 无足轻重的人 wú zú qīng zhòng de rén
SC 无关紧要的人 wú zú qīng zhòng de rén,wú guān jǐn yào de rén
Don't be concerned about his outburst: he's a lightweight.

lockdown weight n: (weight gain during confinement)
SC 隔离增重

lose weight vtr + n: (slim, become slimmer)
SC 减肥 jiǎn féi
If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more.

net weight n: (goods minus packaging)
SC 净重 jìng zhòng
The ship carried a net weight of ten thousand tons.

pull your weight, pull your own weight v expr: (do your share of work)
SC 做份内的事
Stuart needs to start pulling his weight on this project if he wants to keep his job.

punch above your weight v expr: informal, figurative (do more than you are capable of)
SC 超出能力范围
Really? You've been promoted to head of department? Are you sure you aren't punching above your weight?

punch above your weight v expr: informal, figurative (date [sb] more attractive)
SC 约会自己配不上的对象
Have you seen Jim's new girlfriend? She's gorgeous and she has a PhD; I reckon he's punching above his weight there!

take off weight, take weight off v expr: (reduce, lose weight)
SC 移去重量 yí qù zhòng liàng
Fred's doctor told him he needed to take off weight.

tare, tare weight n: (empty weight of vehicle)
SC 车身重量 chē shēn zhòng liàng
TC 車身重量
SC 空车重量 chē shēn zhòng liàng,kōng chē zhòng liàng
First calculate the tare, and then check the weight of the filled vehicle.

throw your weight around v expr: figurative, informal (be bossy, self-important)
SC 颐指气使 yí zhǐ qì shǐ
TC 頤指氣使
Charles is a bossy guy who likes throwing his weight around.

watch your weight v expr: figurative, informal (try not to get fatter)
SC 注意你的体重 zhù yì nǐ de tǐ zhòng
She loves rich food, so she has to be careful and watch her weight.

weight control n: (dieting)
SC 体重控制 tǐ zhòng kòng zhì
TC 體重控制
Weight control is a multi-million pound industry these days.

weight gain n: (increase in body weight)
SC 体重增加,增重 tǐ zhòng zēng jiā

weight loss n: (slimming)
SC 体重减轻 tǐ zhòng jiǎn qīng
TC 體重減輕
SC 减肥 tǐ zhòng jiǎn qīng,jiǎn féi
Her sudden weight loss worried her friends.

weight room, weights room n: (weight-training gym)
SC 重量训练室,健身房,负重训练室 jiàn shēn fáng

weight training n: (lifting barbells for fitness)
SC 举重训练 jǔ zhòng xùn liàn
TC 舉重訓練
He stays in shape by running and doing weight training.

weight-bearing adj: (designed to support a load)
SC 用于承重的

weight-bearing adj: (part: that support a weight or load)
SC 支撑重量的
SC 承重的

weight-loss n as adj: (diet, etc.: slimming)
SC 减肥 jiǎn féi
SC 瘦身

weight-watching n: (dieting)
SC 节食减肥

weightlifter, weight-lifter, weight lifter n: (athlete who lifts weights)
SC 举重运动员 jǔ zhòng yùn dòng yuán
The weightlifter is training for the Olympic Games.

weightlifting, weight lifting n: (sport: lifting weights) (体育)
SC 举重 jǔ zhòng
She's taken two medals in weightlifting.

weightlifting, weight lifting n: (exercise: weight training) (运动)
SC 举重,负重 jǔ zhòng ,fù zhòng
TC 負重
Weightlifting's excellent for improving the strength of your upper body.

worsted, worsted weight n: (yarn weight)
SC 精纺重量
SC 精纺毛重

worsted, worsted weight, worsted-weight adj: (relating to yarn of this weight)
SC 精纺重量的

worth its weight in gold adj: figurative (very useful)
SC 极有价值 jí yǒu jià zhí
TC 極有價值
If you use the internet much, a broadband connection is worth its weight in gold.




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