

单词 only

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only adv: (simply)
SC 仅仅 jǐn jǐn
TC 僅僅
I only want a sandwich for lunch.

only adv: (exclusively, solely)
SC 仅仅 jǐn jǐn
TC 僅僅
SC 唯有
SC 只有 jǐn jǐn ,zhǐ yǒu
TC 只有
Only family members attended the funeral. Only we are allowed in this room.

only adv: (merely)
SC 只会 zhǐ huì
SC 只不过 zhǐ huì,zhǐ bù guò
TC 只不過
It'll only make things more complicated.

only adv: (as recently as)
SC 最近 zuì jìn
TC 最近
SC 刚刚 zuì jìn,gāng gāng
TC 剛剛
But I saw him only yesterday!

only adv: (very)
SC 很 hěn
SC 非常 hěn,fēi cháng
TC 非常
SC 十分 hěn,shí fēn
TC 十分
She loves him only too well.

only adj: (one or one of few)
SC 唯一的 wéi yī de
SC 仅有的 wéi yī de ,jǐn yǒu de
TC 僅有的
She was the only girl in the class with red hair.

only adj: (best)
SC 最好的 zuì hǎo de
SC 最佳的 zuì hǎo de ,zuì jiā de
Low-cut jeans are the only kind to wear these days.

only conj: (but)
SC 只是 zhǐ shì
TC 只是
SC 不过 zhǐ shì,bú guò
TC 不過
I'd give him a lift; only my car's being repaired.

only adj: (without siblings)
SC 独生的 dú shēng de
TC 獨生的
She was an only child.

adults only, adults-only adj: (not for under-18s)
SC 仅限成人
TC 僅限成人

all too, only too adv: disapproving (overly)
SC 实在太
SC 只是太
She is all too eager to help.

boys only, boys-only adj: (restricted to young males)
SC 仅限男生
SC 仅适用于男生

For Demonstration Purposes Only adj: (model, sample) (模型、样品)
SC 仅供展示的
This model is for demonstration purposes only.

girls only, girls-only adj: (restricted to young females)
SC 仅限女生
SC 仅适用于女生

if and only if conj: (on the strict condition that) (强调用语)
SC 在…情况下而且只有在此种情况下 zài … qíng kuàng xià ér qiě zhǐ yǒu zài cǐ zhǒng qíng kuàng xià
I'll help you, if and only if, you promise to do your part.

if only interj: (expressing a wish) (表示对将来的假设)
SC 要是…(多好),但愿… yào shì …( duō hǎo ),dàn yuàn …
SC 当时要是…(就好了) dāng shí yào shì …( jiù hǎo le )(表示对过去的假设)
If only I had a million dollars!

if only conj: (on the single condition that) (表示条件)
SC 只有,只要 zhǐ yǒu,zhǐ yào
TC 只有,只要
This plan will work if only we get enough funding for it.

in name only adv: (not in fact or in practice)
SC 挂名的,名义上的 guà míng de ,míng yì shàng de
TC 名義上的
SC 表面上的 biǎo miàn shàng de
Some products promoted as green are green in name only.

men only, men-only adj: (restricted to adult males)
SC 仅限男士
SC 仅适用于男士

not only adv: (not being restricted to)
SC 不仅
TC 不僅
SC 不只
TC 不只
Stargazing is not only educational, it's fun.

not only... but also, not only ..., also expr: (not just [sth], but [sth] else too)
SC 不仅...也是
SC 既是...也是
Not only is Jack good at soccer, but he is also good at basketball and running.

only child n: ([sb] without siblings)
SC 独生子女 dú shēng zǐ nǚ
TC 獨生子女
My mother's an only child, but my father has five siblings.

only choice n: (only available option)
SC 唯一的选择 wéi yī de xuǎn zé
SC 别无选择 wéi yī de xuǎn zé,bié wú xuǎn zé
TC 別無選擇
There is no public transport round here so my only choice is to go by car.

only have eyes for [sb], have eyes only for [sb] v expr: informal (find attractive)
SC 只中意
SC 只喜欢
Edward only has eyes for Julia.

only if conj: (not unless)
SC 只有…才… zhī yǒu cái
I'll go, but only if you go with me.

only just adv: (by slight margin)
SC 刚才 gāng cái
TC 剛才
SC 刚刚 gāng cái,gāng gāng
TC 剛剛
She won the race, but only just.

only just adv: (very recently)
SC 才刚刚
TC 才剛剛
SC 最近才
I have only just begun to learn French; I'm on lesson three.

only once adv: (on one occasion only)
SC 只有一次 zhǐ yǒu yí cì
I've been to Paris only once but would like to return some day.

only once adv: (a single time without repetition)
SC 只一次 zhǐ yí cì
SC 仅一次 zhǐ yí cì,jǐn yí cì
Press the "enter key" only once.

only time will tell expr: (will know in the future)
SC 只有等待时间检验,只有时间能证明一切
Whether or not the football player recovers from his injury—only time will tell.

only too ... to do [sth] adv: (especially)
SC 非常…做某事
He is only too keen to leave school.

only when necessary adv: (strictly as required)
SC 只在必要时 zhī zài bì yào shí
You must take the pain killers only when necessary.

only-begotten Son of the Father n: Bible (Christianity: Jesus Christ) (指耶稣基督)
SC 圣父的唯一儿子 shèng fù de wéi yī ér zi

the one and only adj: (incomparable and unique)
SC 世间仅有的
SC 独一无二的 dú yī wú èr de

women only, women-only adj: (restricted to adult females)
SC 仅限女性的, 女性专用的




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