

单词 ohss

Oh! interj: (surprise) (表示惊讶)
SC 啊,哎哟,哟 ā ,āi yō ,yō
TC 啊,哎喲,喲
Oh! I didn't hear you coming. You startled me.

Oh! interj: (just remembered) (表示领悟,想起来)
SC 哦,噢,唔 ò ,ō,wú
Oh! That's right; it was Jane who told me.

Oh! interj: (calling attention) (唤起他人注意)
SC 喂,嘿,嗨 wèi,hēi ,hāi
TC 餵,嘿
Oh! Waiter, could I have some more water please?

oh interj: (hesitation) (表示犹豫、停顿)
SC 嗯,哦 ńg ,ò
It must have been, oh, five years ago that I last saw Sam.

Oh boy! interj: US, slang (expressing excitement)
SC 哦!,啊!
The child said, "Oh boy! I can't wait for summer vacation".

Oh dear! interj: (expressing dismay) (表示沮丧的情绪)
SC 天哪!老天爷!

Oh God! interj: (expressing horror or dismay) (表惊慌)
SC 天哪!
SC 上帝啊!

Oh jeez!, Oh geez! interj: US, slang, euphemism (dismay)
SC 天哪!哎呀!
Oh jeez, I left my pen at home; can I borrow yours?

Oh my God! interj: (expressing horror or astonishment)
SC 天哪!
SC 我的上帝啊!

Oh my goodness! interj: (astonishment)
SC 老天爷!
SC 天哪!
Oh my goodness! There's a huge spider in the bathroom!

Oh my gosh! interj: (expressing astonishment)
SC 哦,天哪! ò

Oh my! interj: (expression of surprise, etc.)
SC 天呐!
SC 我的老天!

Oh no! interj: (expressing dismay) (感叹词)
SC 哦不,不好 bù hǎo

oh well interj: (expressing resignation)
SC 好吧 hǎo bɑ

oh yes! interj: (expressing sudden recall) (表示忽然想起来)
SC 是的,没错 shì de ,méi cuò
TC 是的
Oh yes! Now I remember who you're talking about.

oh yes! interj: (expressing confirmation) (表示确认)
SC 是这样,没错,千真万确 shì zhè yàng,méi cuò,qiān zhēn wàn què
Oh yes! That will do nicely! Do I love chocolate? Oh yes, I certainly do!

uh-oh, uh oh interj: (expressing mild dread)
SC 哎哟 āi yō
TC 哎喲
SC 哎呀 āi yō ,āi yā
TC 哎呀
Uh-oh! Lucy's going to be furious when she finds out that you've broken that vase.

absolute zero n: (lowest possible temperature)
SC 绝对零度 jué duì líng dù
TC 絕對零度
SC 绝对零点 jué duì líng dù,jué duì líng diǎn
Absolute zero, zero degrees Kelvin, is -473 Fahrenheit or -273.15 Celsius.

below zero adj: (colder than freezing)
SC 寒冷的,很冷的 hán lěng de ,hěn lěng de
Christ, it's below zero out there!

below zero adv: (colder than freezing)
SC 零度以下
Temperatures in Moscow regularly drop below zero.

Ground Zero n: (World Trade Center site)
SC 纽约世界贸易中心废墟 niǔ yuē shì jiè mào yì zhōng xīn fèi xū
The US president visited Ground Zero in New York in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

ground zero n: (explosion: impact area)
SC 爆炸后的废墟 bào zhà hòu de fèi xū

patient zero n: (pandemic, etc.: first person infected) (第一个受感染的流行病患者)
SC 零号病人

sub-zero, also US: subzero adj: (temperature: below freezing)
SC 零度以下的 líng dù yǐ xià de

zero in vi: informal (focus)
SC 使(枪炮等)瞄准 shǐ ( qiāng pào děng ) miáo zhǔn
The pilot zeroed in and launched his attack.

zero in on [sth] vtr: informal (focus)
SC 集中火力于 jí zhōng huǒ lì yú
SC 集中注意力于 jí zhōng huǒ lì yú ,jí zhōng zhù yì lì yú
An auditor knows how to zero in on the problems lurking in a financial report.

zero-emission, zero-emissions n as adj: (vehicle: no exhaust gas)
SC 零排放的

zero-sum game n: (win-lose situation)
SC 零和游戏
SC 零和博弈




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