

单词 o

US   UK  
O, o n: (15th letter of alphabet)
SC [字母表中第15个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo zhōng dì shí wǔ gè zì mǔ ]
I can't tell if this is an O or a zero.

O interj: literary (exclamation: oh) (用于文学作品中,表示感叹)
SC 啊 ā
O Fate! Why hast thou abandoned me?

O n: (blood type)
SC O型血
The blood type O negative is quite rare.

O n: abbreviation (oxygen) (指代氧气)
The symbol for oxygen in chemical formulae is O.

O n: (zero)
SC 0
SC 零 líng
The area code for Idaho is 2-0-8.

zero, 0, also UK: nought n: (cardinal number: 0) (基数)
SC 零 líng
Five times zero is zero.

zero, 0, also UK: nought n: (symbol for 0)
SC 数字零
TC 數字零
The teacher wrote a zero on the board.

zero, 0, also UK: O, oh n: (in phone number: 0) (电话号码)
SC 零 líng
My number is five nine zero three eight two.

zero, 0 n: (Celsius: freezing) (摄氏度)
SC 零度,摄氏零度
Temperatures are due to hit zero this week.

zero n: figurative, informal (nothing: starting point)
SC 起点 qǐ diǎn
TC 起點
SC 初始
TC 初始
SC 伊始
When my parents arrived in this country, they had nothing; they started from zero.

zero adj: (not a single one)
SC 没有的 méi yǒu de
SC 无的 méi yǒu de ,wú de
Zero employees have been off sick this month.

zero adj: (not any of [sth])
SC 零的 líng de
The new trainee is hopeless; he puts in zero effort.

zero pron: (people, things: not one of them)
SC 零个人
TC 零個人
SC 零个东西
Of the thirty students who took the exam, zero managed to pass.

zero n: figurative, informal ([sb] unimportant)
SC 无足轻重的人 wú zú qīng zhòng de rén
SC 啥都不是的人
Ignore David; he's a zero.

zero [sth] vtr: (change to 0)
SC 使归零 shǐ guī líng
TC 使歸零
SC 使变为零 shǐ guī líng ,shǐ biàn wéi líng
Rose placed the bowl on the electronic scales, weighed out the butter, and then zeroed the scales before adding the sugar.

zero [sth] vtr: (gun: set sights)
SC 对…做归零校正
The marksman zeroed his rifle and took the shot.

d.o.b., DOB, D.O.B n: written, abbreviation (date of birth)
SC 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

DOA, D.O.A adj: initialism (patient: dead on arrival) (缩写,指病人)
SC 在到达时死亡的,送到时已死的 zài dào dá shí sǐ wáng de,sòng dào shí yǐ sǐ de
Unfortunately, the victim in the accident was DOA.

FOB, F.O.B. n: US, initialism (shipping: free on board) (free on board的缩写形式)
SC 船上交货价, 离岸价
FOB is a term used in shipping.

I/O n: initialism (input-output)
SC 输入输出

Jell-O, jello n: US, ® (jelly: gelatin dessert)
SC 果冻 guǒ dòng
SC 吉露 guǒ dòng,jí lù
I was still hungry and they only had Jell-O for dessert.

KO, K.O., k.o. n: initialism (knockout: boxing win) (缩写,拳击中的胜利判定)
SC 击倒,击昏 jī dǎo
A KO ended the match.

KO, K.O., k.o. n: initialism (knockout boxing punch)
SC 击倒 jī dǎo
The boxer is so good that he usually wins with a KO.

KO [sb], K.O. [sb], k.o. [sb] vtr: initialism (boxing: knock out) (缩写,拳击)
SC 击倒,击昏 jī dǎo

MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n: informal, initialism (modus operandi: criminal's methods)
SC 犯罪手法
SC 作案手法

MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n: informal, initialism (modus operandi: style)
SC 做法 zuò fǎ
TC 做法
SC 犯罪手法

MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n: initialism (money order)
SC 汇票 huì piào
SC 汇款单

MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n: initialism (mail order)
SC 邮购 yóu gòu
SC 邮购订单

O-Grade n: historical, obsolete (Scottish exam level) (历史用语,苏格兰考试成绩级别)
SC 中等 zhōng děng
TC 中等

O-Grade n as adj: historical, obsolete (of Scottish exam level) (历史用语,苏格兰考试成绩级别)
SC O级的
SC 中等的 zhōng děng de

O-grade n: historical, obsolete (pass in Scottish exam) (苏格兰)
SC 国家教育基础级别证书
Audrey listed her seven O-grades on her CV.

O-ring n: (thin ring-shaped seal)
SC O型密封圈
The Challenger shuttle disaster was found to be due to failure of the O-ring in the booster rocket.

OHMS, O.H.M.S. expr: written, initialism (On His/Her Majesty's Service) (书面首字母缩略语)
SC 为英王陛下效劳

OK, O.K., okay interj: informal (yes, agreed) (表示同意)
SC 好吧 hǎo bɑ
OK, I'll take out the trash.

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (not a problem, acceptable)
SC 没问题的 méi wèn tí de
TC 沒問題的
SC 行的 méi wèn tí de ,xíng de
SC 可以的 méi wèn tí de ,kě yǐ de
That's OK. I'll be able to fix the problem tomorrow.

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (not injured)
SC 没有受伤的 méi yǒu shòu shāng de
SC 没事的 méi yǒu shòu shāng de ,méi shì de
Are you OK? You fell pretty hard.

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (healthy, not unwell)
SC 健康的 jiàn kāng de
SC 健壮的 jiàn kāng de ,jiàn zhuàng de
TC 健壯的
SC 好了 jiàn kāng de ,hǎo le(指身体状况)
You were sick yesterday. Are you OK today?

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (emotionally fine) (感情上)
SC 没事的,还好的 méi shì de ,hái hǎo de
Are you feeling OK? You seem to be stressed today.

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (just satisfactory, mediocre)
SC 勉强令人满意的,凑合 còu hé
SC 可以接受的 kě yǐ jiē shòu de
SC 过得去的 guò dé qù de
TC 過得去的
He did an OK job on the project. It was nothing great.

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (proceeding well)
SC 进展顺利的 jìn zhǎn shùn lì de
Everything is OK with the construction.

OK, O.K., okay interj: informal (asking approval) (表示询问)
SC 是否可以,行不行,可以吗 shì fǒu kě yǐ,xíng bù xíng
I'm going to the store. OK?

OK [sth], O.K., okay vtr: informal (approve, agree to)
SC 批准 pī zhǔn
TC 批准
SC 许可 pī zhǔn,xǔ kě
TC 許可
Has the boss OK'd the proposal yet?

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (sufficiently likeable)
SC 还不错的 hái bú cuò de
TC 還不錯的
SC 还可以的 hái bú cuò de,hái kě yǐ de
She's OK. Her sister is much more friendly, though.

OK, O.K., okay adv: informal (successfully, satisfactorily)
SC 不错 bú cuò
TC 不錯
SC 挺成功 bú cuò,tǐng chéng gōng
He did OK for himself. He is a doctor now.

OK, O.K., okay n: informal (approval, go-ahead)
SC 批准 pī zhǔn
TC 批准
SC 许可 pī zhǔn,xǔ kě
TC 許可
The OK from the boss still hasn't arrived.

OK, O.K., okay adv: informal (correctly, alright) (口语)
SC 正常地 zhèng cháng de
He can walk OK now.

OK, O.K., okay adj: informal (person: decent) (指人)
SC 还不错的,正派的 hái bú cuò de,zhèng pài de
TC 還不錯的
Yes, he's an OK guy. You can trust him.

OK, O.K., okay interj: informal (calling attention, indicating transition) (用于吸引注意或表示转折)
SC 好吧 hǎo bɑ
OK, what can I do to help now?

OK with [sb], O.K. with [sb], okay with [sb] adj + prep: informal (acceptable to)
SC 可以的, 行的, 好的
Is it OK with you if I open the window? Tuesday is OK with me; see you then!

OTC, O.T.C. n: UK, initialism (Officers' Training Corps)
SC 军官训练团

PO, P.O. n: written, initialism (Post Office) (缩写)
SC 邮局 yóu jú

PO Box, P.O. Box n: abbreviation (Post Office Box)
SC 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng
TC 郵政信箱
I would prefer if you sent it to my PO Box instead of my house.

POS, P.O.S. n: acronym (business: point of sale)
SC 销售点
TC 銷售點
SC 售货点
The market near my house just changed to POS.

POS, P.O.S. n as adj: acronym (point-of-sale: computerized checkout) (缩写)
SC 销售点的
TC 銷售點的
SC 售货点的
We have replaced our old cash registers with a new POS system.

POW, P.O.W. n: initialism (prisoner of war) (缩写)
SC 战俘 zhàn fú
My grandfather was held as a POW in World War II.

SO, S.O. n: initialism, informal (significant other)
SC 另一半 lìng yí bàn
SC 配偶 lìng yí bàn,pèi ǒu

SOS, S.O.S. expr: (used to call for help)
SC 船只或飞机遇险时发出的紧急求救信号
"SOS!" the stage manager cried into the walkie-talkie.

SOS, S.O.S. n: (distress call or signal)
SC 紧急求助电话,紧急求助信号 jǐn jí qiú zhù diàn huà,jǐn jí qiú zhù xìn hào
The telegraph operator sent an SOS just before the ship sank.

SOS, S.O.S. n: informal (request for help)
SC 紧急求助
When we saw that we couldn't prepare dinner by ourselves, we sent out an SOS for help.

SOS, S.O.S. n as adj: (relating to an SOS)
SC 紧急呼救的

type O n: (blood group O) (血型)
One third of the population has blood type O+.

type O adj: (blood: of group O) (血型)
SC O型的




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