单词 | nut |
释义 | nut US ![]() ![]() nut n: (hard fruit) (植物) SC 坚果 jiān guǒ Jeff spent all day cracking nuts for his mom last Christmas. 去年圣诞节,杰夫花了一整天为母亲剥坚果。 nut n: (kernel) (食物,如榛子等) SC 干果,果仁 gān guǒ,guǒ rén Getting a nut out of its shell without breaking it can be tricky. 在不弄碎果壳的情况下取出果仁是需要一定技巧的。 nut n: (screw) SC 螺帽 luó mào TC 螺帽 SC 螺母 luó mào,luó mǔ TC 螺母 Joe tried to tighten a nut in his car and hurt his wrist. 乔试图拧紧车内的一颗螺母,结果弄伤了手腕。 nut n: figurative, slang (crazy person) (非正式用法) SC 疯子,怪物 fēng zi ,guài wù TC 瘋子 Don't listen to George - he's a nut. 别听乔治的话,他就是个疯子。 nut n: informal, as suffix (person: fan, enthusiast) (非正式用法) SC 入迷的人,为…而狂热的人,…迷 rù mí de rén,wèi … ér kuáng rè de rén,mí Brian is a coffee nut; he won't talk about anything else. 布莱恩是个咖啡迷,除了咖啡的话题,他什么都不会聊。 nuts adj: pejorative, slang (person: crazy) SC 疯狂的 fēng kuáng de TC 瘋狂的 SC 神经不正常的 fēng kuáng de ,shén jīng bú zhèng cháng de Aunt Marie is nuts; she spends all day cleaning her doll collection. 玛丽姑姑神经不太正常,她总是整日整日地清洁她收藏的娃娃。 nut, nuts npl: figurative, slang (testicles) SC 蛋蛋 SC 睾丸 gāo wán TC 睾丸 Jamie kicked Colby right in his nuts when he made a rude comment to her. 科尔比对洁咪恶语相向的时候,她踢出一脚,正中他的胯下。 nuts! interj: US, slang (frustration, disappointment) (俚语) SC 糟糕 zāo gāo SC 坏了 zāo gāo,huài le Nuts! I missed my bus. nut n: figurative, slang (head) SC 脑袋 nǎo dài TC 腦袋 Aaron hit his head, but didn't get a concussion because he has a hard nut. 亚伦撞到了头,不过因为脑袋硬,所以没有造成脑震荡。 nut n: UK (piece of coal) SC 煤块 méi kuài The worker swept the nuts of coal up and tossed them into the furnace. 工人将煤块儿扫起来,扔进熔炉里。 nut n: (violin: bow) (提琴) SC 琴弓 The teacher tried to show Kim how to hold the nut of the bow. 老师想要教金姆如何握住琴弓。 nut n: (violin: fingerboard) (提琴) SC 指板 zhǐ bǎn John took his violin to the repairman to have the nut replaced because it had cracked. 约翰的小提琴指板坏了,他把小提琴送去修理师傅那儿换指板了。 nut n: US, slang (business: operating cost) (商业) SC 运营成本,经营成本 jīng yíng chéng běn TC 經營成本 nut vi: vulgar, slang (ejaculate) SC 射精 shè jīng SC 射出 shè jīng,shè chū nut [sb] vtr: UK, slang (headbutt) SC 用脑袋撞 TC 用腦袋撞 The bloke nutted James and ran off as he lay on the ground with his head bleeding. 那个醉鬼用脑袋撞了詹姆斯,詹姆斯头破血流,躺在地上,而醉鬼却逃跑了。 NUT n: UK, initialism (National Union of Teachers) SC 全国教师联盟 betel nut, areca nut n: (substance chewed like tobacco) SC 槟榔 brazil nut, Brazil nut n: (edible nut) SC 巴西坚果 bā xī jiān guǒ TC 巴西堅果 In a bowl of mixed nuts the Brazil nuts are the largest ones. brazil nut, Brazil nut n: (nut tree) SC 巴西坚果树 bā xī jiān guǒ shù cashew nut n: (edible nut) (一种巴西坚果) SC 腰果 yāo guǒ I'm not really allergic to cashew nuts - I just don't like them. castle nut: (bolt) SC 槽顶螺母 SC 花螺母 do your nut v expr: slang (go crazy, be angry) SC 大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng TC 大發雷霆 SC 火冒三丈 dà fā léi tíng,huǒ mào sān zhàng My mum'll do her nut when she finds out I've dented her car. 我妈要是发现我把她的车撞瘪了一块,肯定会大发雷霆的。 ginger nut, ginger snap n: UK (cookie) SC 姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān TC 薑汁餅乾 SC 脆姜饼 jiāng zhī bǐng gān,cuì jiāng bǐng Kyle grabbed another ginger nut off the plate and ate it. 凯尔又从盘子里拿了一块姜汁饼干吃了下去。 ginger nut n: potentially offensive, slang (auburn-haired person, redhead) SC 红头发的人, 姜黄头发的人 Everyone in the family's a ginger nut. 这家人都是红头发。 kola n: (edible nut) SC 可乐果 kě lè guǒ TC 可粒果 kola nut n: (edible fruit) (可乐树所结的果实) SC 可乐果 kě lè guǒ TC 可粒果 lug nut n: (mechanics) SC 车轮螺母 SC 带耳螺母 macadamia nut n: (edible seed) SC 澳洲坚果 ào zhōu jiān guǒ TC 澳洲堅果 Macadamia nuts are much more expensive than most other types of nut. nut and bolt n: (steel fastening) SC 螺母和螺栓,螺帽和螺栓 luó mào hé luó shuān nut bread n: (bread containing nuts) (含有坚果的面包) SC 坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo TC 堅果麵包 I love nut bread for breakfast. nut bread, nut loaf n: (vegetarian dish) (一道素食) SC 坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo TC 堅果麵包 It is easy to make a dish similar to a hamburger with nut bread. nut cutlet n: (vegetarian dish) (素食者吃的) SC 坚果饼 TC 堅果餅 nut driver n: (tool for screwing head onto a bolt) SC 套筒扳手 nut-brown, nut brown n: (medium brown color) SC 栗色, 深棕色 nut-brown, nut brown adj: (medium brown in color) SC 栗色的, 深棕色的 nutcase, nut case n: slang, pejorative (insane person) SC 疯子 fēng zi TC 瘋子 SC 古怪的人 fēng zi ,gǔ guài de rén My husband, the nutcase, wants to have a fifth child. nuthouse, nut house n: slang, dated, offensive (psychiatric hospital) (俚语,过时用语,无礼) SC 精神病院,疯人院 jīng shén bìng yuàn,fēng rén yuàn TC 瘋人院 nuthouse, nut house n: slang, figurative (chaotic place) (俚语,比喻) SC 乱糟糟的地方,混乱不堪的地方 luàn zāo zāo de dì fāng,hùn luàn bù kān de dì fāng nutpick, nut pick, nut-pick n: (tool for removing nutmeat from shell) SC 挑取坚果果肉的用具 tiāo qǔ jiān guǒ guǒ ròu de yòng jù pine nut n: (edible seed) SC 松子 sōng zǐ SC 松仁 sōng zǐ,sōng rén Pesto sauce is made from pine nuts, basil, olive oil and parmesan cheese. pistachio, pistachio nut n: (edible greenish nut) SC 开心果 kāi xīn guǒ TC 開心果 The fish was baked with a crust of ground pistachio. a tough nut, a hard nut n: figurative (difficult person) SC 难缠的人 nán chán de rén TC 難纏的人 SC 难对付的人 nán chán de rén,nán duì fù de rén a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n: figurative, informal ([sb] hard to persuade) SC 难以说服的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén SC 顽固的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén,wán gù de rén SC 顽冥不化者 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén,wán míng bú huà zhě Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack. 祝你好运,能让他同意——他可是相当的顽固。 a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n: figurative, informal ([sth] hard to solve) SC 难办的事 nán bàn de shì TC 難辦的事 SC 难解决的问题 nán bàn de shì,nán jiě jué de wèn tí This algebra equation is a tough nut to crack. 这个代数等式很难解。 wing nut n: (threaded nut with extensions for turning) SC 翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ TC 翼形螺母 To make the clamp easier to remove without tools, I installed wing nuts. wing nut n: ([sb] deranged, obsessed) SC 翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ TC 翼形螺母 He is a bit of a wing nut, isn't he? |
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