

单词 feathers

feather n: (plumage of a bird)
SC 羽毛 yǔ máo
TC 羽毛
SC 翎毛 yǔ máo,líng máo
The bird lost a feather as it took off.

feather adj: (made using feathers)
SC 羽毛做的 yǔ máo zuò de
Paul lay down on the feather mattress.

feather n: (carpentry joint)
SC 榫牙 sǔn yá
The carpenter used a feather to join the two boards.

feather n: (on an arrow)
SC 箭翎
SC 箭羽
The arrow was missing one of the feathers and didn't fly straight.

feather [sth] vtr: (plane propeller: reduce drag) (飞机螺旋桨)
SC 平掠回桨
SC 使...顺流交距
The engineers feathered the propellers on the airplane to help reduce drag in case of an engine failing.

feather [sth] vtr: (hair: cut to look wispy) (头发)
SC 打薄,削薄 xuē báo
The stylist feathered Sarah's hair.

feather [sth] vtr: (rowing)
SC 与水面平行地划动(船桨)
The rower feathered the oar when it was above water to reduce drag.

a feather in your cap n: figurative (achievement)
SC 值得骄傲的事
SC 引以为傲的成就

birds of a feather npl: figurative (people who are alike)
SC 一丘之貉
SC 同类人
You and your sister are birds of a feather; you both like joking around.

Birds of a feather flock together expr: figurative (people who are similar form groups)
SC 物以类聚,人以群分

feather boa, boa n: (long feathery scarf)
SC 羽毛长围巾 yǔ máo cháng wéi jīn
The fancy dress party had a 1920s theme, so I wore a short black dress and a feather boa.

feather duster n: (cleaning stick with real feathers)
SC 羽毛掸帚 yǔ máo dǎn zhǒu
TC 羽毛撣帚
SC 鸡毛掸子 yǔ máo dǎn zhǒu,jī máo dǎn zi
The best tool for cleaning venetian blinds is a feather duster.

feather duster n: (cleaning stick with artificial feathers)
SC (人造羽毛做的)羽毛掸帚 rén zào yǔ máo zuò de yǔ máo dǎn zhǒu
SC 鸡毛掸子 rén zào yǔ máo zuò de yǔ máo dǎn zhǒu,jī máo dǎn zi

feather pillow n: (pillow stuffed with feathers)
SC 羽毛枕头
SC 羽绒枕头
My wife cannot sleep on a feather pillow due to her allergies.

featherbrain, featherhead (US), feather-brain (UK) n: informal, figurative, pejorative (foolish person)
SC 蠢材 chǔn cái
SC 蠢东西
SC 蠢货 chǔn cái,chǔn huò

featherbrain, featherbrained, featherheaded (US), feather-brained (UK) adj: informal, figurative, pejorative (foolish, forgetful)
SC 蠢的,愚蠢的 chǔn de ,yú chǔn de
SC 健忘的

soft as a feather adj: (very soft to the touch)
SC 羽毛般柔软的 yǔ máo bān róu ruǎn de
SC 超轻柔的




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