

单词 sistering

sister n: (female sibling) (亲姐妹)
SC 姐姐,妹妹,姐妹,姊妹 jiě jie ,mèi mei ,jiě mèi ,zǐ mèi
TC 姐姐,妹妹,姐妹,姊妹
SC 嫂子,弟妹 sǎo zi,dì mèi
TC 嫂子
My sister lives in the city.
我姐姐(or: 妹妹)住在城里。

sister n: (nun)
SC 修女 xiū nǚ
She is a sister in a Catholic order.

sister interj: (form of address for nun) (称谓)
SC 修女 xiū nǚ
Thank you for the bread, Sister. Can I have a word with you, Sister Mary Clarence?

sister n: figurative (kinswoman)
SC 姐妹 jiě mèi
TC 姐妹
We're all sisters in this community.

sister n: figurative (term of address for female friend)
SC 姐妹 jiě mèi
TC 姐妹
SC 亲如姐妹的女子 jiě mèi ,qīn rú jiě mèi de nǚ zǐ
SC 女子的女性朋友 jiě mèi ,nǚ zǐ de nǚ xìng péng yǒu
Come here and let me hug you, sister.

sister n: (member of a women's group)
SC 同一个团体的成员 tóng yí gè tuán tǐ de chéng yuán
SC 姐妹 tóng yí gè tuán tǐ de chéng yuán,jiě mèi
TC 姐妹
Our organization has seventy sisters so far.

sister n: UK (nurse)
SC 护士 hù shì
TC 護士
SC 护士长 hù shì,hù shì zhǎng
TC 護士長
The sister said I should be able to go home tomorrow.

sister n: US, slang, figurative (term of address for a woman) (对女性的称呼)
SC 大姐,小妹 dà jiě,xiǎo mèi
TC 大姐
You got that right, sister.

baby sister n: (youngest female sibling)
SC 小妹妹 xiǎo mèi mèi
I was ten when my baby sister was born.

big sister n: informal (older female sibling) (有血缘关系)
SC 姐姐,大姐 jiě jie ,dà jiě
TC 姐姐,大姐
My big sister is two years older than me.

big sister n: US, figurative (female mentor) (为低年纪女生提供心理辅导的高年级女生)
SC 大姐姐 dà jiě jie
Freshmen at high school are assigned a big sister to mentor them during their first year.

brother and sister npl: (male and female siblings)
SC 兄弟姐妹
You can tell they're brother and sister; in fact, they both look just like their mother.

elder sister n: (older female sibling)
SC 姐姐 jiě jie
TC 姐姐

foster sister n: (temporarily adopted female sibling)
SC 养姐
SC 养妹
Julie is my foster sister; she's been living with us for six months now.

half sister (mainly US), half-sister (mainly UK) n: (female sibling by one parent)
SC 同父异母的妹妹
SC 同父异母的姐姐
SC 同母异父的妹妹
SC 同母异父的姐姐
My half-sister's 15 years younger than me.

kid sister n: informal (younger female sibling) (俚语)
SC 小妹妹 xiǎo mèi mèi
Whenever we go out anywhere his kid sister comes along too.

little sister n: (younger female sibling)
SC 小妹 xiǎo mèi
SC 小妹妹 xiǎo mèi,xiǎo mèi mèi
My little sister was born three years after me.
I have a big brother and a little sister.

sister city (US), twin town (UK) n: (town twinned with another)
SC 姊妹城市
SC 姐妹城市
SC 友好城市
Our sister city is in Germany.

sister company n: (associated business)
SC 关联企业

sister company n: (business with same owner as another)
SC 姐妹公司

sister ship n: (vessel of same design)
SC 姐妹船 jiě mèi chuán
SC 同型船 jiě mèi chuán,tóng xíng chuán

sister-in-law n: (spouse's female sibling)
SC 姑子 gū zǐ
SC 姨妹 gū zǐ,yí mèi
My sister-in-law is coming to visit us next week.

sister-in-law n: (sibling's wife)
SC 嫂子 sǎo zi
TC 嫂子
SC 弟妹 sǎo zi,dì mèi
SC 弟媳 sǎo zi,dì xí
My sister-in-law treats my brother as if he was a child.

soul sister n: US, slang (black woman)
SC 黑人女子

soul sister n: slang (close female friend)
SC 亲密的女性朋友
SC 灵魂姐妹

stepsister, step-sister n: (daughter of parent's spouse)
SC 继姐 jì jiě
SC 继妹 jì jiě,jì mèi
Cinderella was belittled by her stepsisters.

twin sister n: (female sibling from same pregnancy)
SC 孪生姐妹 luán shēng jiě mèi
TC 孿生姐妹
SC 双胞胎姐妹 luán shēng jiě mèi,shuāng bāo tāi jiě mèi
She had a twin sister but sadly she died at birth.

younger sister n: (female sibling born after you)
SC 妹妹 mèi mei
TC 妹妹
I'm going to university next year, but my younger sister is still at primary school.




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