

单词 sputterer

sputter vi: (spray saliva, etc.) (唾沫等)
SC 飞溅,喷溅 fēi jiàn,pēn jiàn
The speaker sputtered during his speech, spraying some audience members with saliva.

sputter [sth] vtr: (food: spit, spray) (食物等)
SC 喷出, 喷溅
The toddler sputtered mashed potatoes all over the table.

sputter vi: (fire: hiss, spit) (火)
SC 发出噼啪声 fā chū pī pā shēng
The fire crackled and sputtered.

sputter [sth] vtr: (stutter, say inarticulately)
SC 语无伦次地说 yǔ mó lún cì de shuō
SC 结结巴巴地说 yǔ mó lún cì de shuō,jiē jie bā bā de shuō
"You-you can't!" the mayor sputtered.

sputter [sth] vtr: (coat with metal particles) (镀膜工艺)
SC 溅射
The company developed a system to sputter glass more efficiently.

sputter n: (spitting sound)
SC 食物或唾液喷溅声
Do you hear that sputter coming from the engine?

sputter n: (stuttering or indignant speech)
SC 结结巴巴的说
SC 气急败坏的说
"Wh-what do you think you're doing?" she demanded with a sputter.




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