

单词 fallen

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fallen adj: euphemism (soldier: killed in battle) (战场上)
SC 倒毙的,阵亡的 dǎo bì de ,zhèn wáng de
SC 被攻克的,陷落的,沦陷的 bèi gōng kè de ,xiàn luò de ,lún xiàn de(领土)
The city built a memorial to its fallen soldiers.

fallen adj: (military: conquered) (军事)
SC 沦陷的,被攻下的 lún xiàn de
The army marched into the fallen city.

the fallen npl: euphemism (soldiers killed in battle)
SC 阵亡者 zhèn wáng zhě
TC 陣亡者
SC 烈士 zhèn wáng zhě,liè shì
TC 烈士
SC 英烈
The graveyard had gravestones for each of the fallen and missing.

fallen adj: (that has dropped) (掉下)
SC 落下,跌落 là xià,diē luò
SC 跌倒,摔倒 diē dǎo ,shuāi dǎo(摔)
SC 垂下,降落 chuí xià,jiàng luò
TC 降落(降)
SC 下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng
TC 下降(值)
The fallen fruit lay on the grass around the tree.

fallen adj: figurative (dishonoured)
SC 不光彩的 bù guāng cǎi de
SC 失去名誉的
The fallen nobles were stripped of their titles and imprisoned.

fall vi: (come down)
SC 掉下 diào xià
SC 落下 diào xià,là xià
SC 摔下 diào xià,shuāi xià
I fell from a ladder yesterday.
It's autumn and the leaves are falling.
昨天我从梯子上摔了下来。// 秋天到了,树叶落了。

fall vi: figurative (abate) (比喻)
SC 下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng
TC 下降
Demand for this product has fallen recently.

fall n: (act of falling)
SC 下掉 xià diào
SC 下落 xià diào,xià luò
TC 下落
The fall of nuts from the tree makes a loud sound.

fall, the fall n: US (autumn)
SC 秋 qiū
SC 秋天 qiū,qiū tiān
TC 秋天
SC 秋季 qiū,qiū jì
TC 秋季
Classes will resume in the fall.

fall n: (decline) (数量、质量等)
SC 下降,减少 xià jiàng ,jiǎn shǎo
TC 下降,減少
The fall in prices will harm our profits.

fall n: (slope)
SC (下降的)斜坡 xià jiàng de xié pō
SC 陡坡 xià jiàng de xié pō,dǒu pō
The field is flat except for a fall towards the river.

fall n: (ruin)
SC 倒台 dǎo tái
SC 下台 dǎo tái ,xià tái
TC 下台 / 下臺
This is the story of the decline and fall of Richard Nixon.

fall n: (defeat) (战争中某个城市或地方)
SC 失陷,沦陷 shī xiàn,lún xiàn
She wrote a book about the Fall of France in 1940.

fall n: (distance [sth] falls) (水流或者山脉等)
SC 落差 luò chā
The river has a fall of about fifty metres.

fall n: (falling down)
SC 跌落 diē luò
SC 坠落 diē luò ,zhuì luò
She suffered a bad fall, while horseriding.

fall n: uncountable ([sth] hanging down)
SC 下垂 xià chuí
TC 下垂
SC 垂落 xià chuí,chuí luò
SC 垂挂
He was enchanted by the fall of her hair on her shoulders.

fall n: (sinful lapse)
SC 堕落 duò luò
TC 墮落
A sinner must confess his fall.

fall n: (surrender, capture) (战争中)
SC 投降,失守 tóu xiáng ,shī shǒu
TC 投降,失守
Odysseus wandered for ten years after the fall of Troy.

the Fall, the Fall of Man n: (Bible) (基督教)
SC 人类的堕落
In the Bible, the serpent brought on the Fall.

falls npl: (waterfall)
SC 瀑布 pù bù
You can hear the falls from far off.

fall vi: (collapse)
SC 塌陷 tā xiàn
SC 坍塌 tā xiàn,tān tā
The roof fell under the weight of the snow.

fall vi: (die)
SC 死亡 sǐ wáng
TC 死亡
SC 阵亡 sǐ wáng ,zhèn wáng
He fell in battle, dying like a hero.

fall vi: (drop wounded)
SC 受伤倒下 shòu shāng dǎo xià
TC 受傷倒下
The soldier fell, and was treated by the medics.

fall vi: figurative (temperature: decline) (温度)
SC 下降,下跌、 xià jiàng
TC 下降
Temperatures will fall below freezing tomorrow.

fall vi: figurative (government: lose ability) (政府)
SC 垮台 kuǎ tái
TC 垮台 / 垮臺
The government fell, following a scandal.

fall vi: figurative (become)
SC 变得 biàn de
SC 成为 biàn de ,chéng wéi
TC 成為
She fell ill.

fall vi: figurative, archaic (commit a sin) (古语)
SC 堕落 duò luò
TC 墮落
SC 沦落 duò luò ,lún luò
Humanity was created perfect, but then fell.

fall vi: figurative (be included)
SC 属于 shǔ yú
TC 屬於
SC 包括在 shǔ yú ,bāo kuò zài
Their request falls within the scope of our project.

fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep: (come to rest on) (目光)
SC 落下, 垂下
Her gaze fell upon the letter I was writing.

fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep: figurative (occur on) (日期)
SC 适逢,正好轮到,恰好是 shì féng,zhèng hǎo lún dào
My birthday falls on a Saturday this year.
The election falls on my birthday.
今年我的生日是在星期六。// 选举那天恰好是我的生日。

fall on [sth/sb], fall upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep: (attack, assault)
SC 袭击 xí jī
TC 襲擊
The group of men fell on Pete, punching and kicking him.

fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (eat hungrily)
SC 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn
TC 狼吞虎嚥
I could tell by the way the homeless man fell upon the burger that he hadn't eaten all day.

fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (opportunity: grab enthusiastically) (机会)
SC 激动地抓住
Being a huge fan of the band, Stella fell upon the chance to see them in concert.

fall across [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (find [sth] by chance) (指物)
SC 偶然找到 ǒu rán zhǎo dào
TC 偶然找到
SC 碰巧找到

fall across [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (meet [sb] by chance) (指人)
SC 偶遇 ǒu yù
SC 邂逅 ǒu yù,xiè hòu

fall away vi phrasal: (diminish)
SC 减少 jiǎn shǎo
TC 減少
SC 减小 jiǎn shǎo ,jiǎn xiǎo
Attendance at the church fell away as more and more people moved to the suburbs.

fall away vi phrasal: figurative (worries, etc.: disappear) (麻烦、烦恼)
SC 自动消失 zì dòng xiāo shī
TC 自動消失
Eventually her emotional burdens simply fell away, and she was her old self again.

fall away from [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (abandon)
SC 抛弃 pāo qì
TC 拋棄
SC 背弃 pāo qì,bèi qì
SC 离弃 pāo qì,lí qì
As he got older he fell away from the church.

fall back vi phrasal: (withdraw, retreat)
SC 后退 hòu tuì
TC 後退
SC 撤退 hòu tuì,chè tuì
TC 撤退
The general ordered his troops to fall back.

fall back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal, figurative (resort to, rely on)
SC 转而依靠 zhuǎn ér yī kào
TC 轉而依靠
SC 求助于 zhuǎn ér yī kào,qiú zhù yú
TC 求助於
SC 向…求助
Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always fall back on my friends and family.

fall behind vi phrasal: figurative (fail to keep up)
SC 落后 luò hòu
TC 落後
If I don't study for two hours every night, I risk falling behind with my class work.

fall behind vi phrasal: (fail to maintain pace)
SC 落后 luò hòu
TC 落後
The runner started falling behind when he twisted his ankle two miles into the race.

fall down vi phrasal: (structure: collapse)
SC 垮塌 kuǎ tā
The brick wall fell down.

fall down vi phrasal: (person: trip, slip)
SC 摔倒 shuāi dǎo
SC 滑倒 shuāi dǎo ,huá dǎo
Mike fell down and injured his back.

fall down vi phrasal: figurative (person: fail) (人)
SC 失败 shī bài
SC 没通过,不及格,挂科 bù jí gé ,guà kē
Many students fall down on this test task.

fall down vi phrasal: figurative ([sth]: not succeed) (事)
SC 失败 shī bài
Negotiations for broadcasting the game fell down over the issue of international TV rights.

fall in vi phrasal: (military: take ranks)
SC 列队 liè duì
The soldiers fell in when the whistle blew.

fall in vi phrasal: (collapse)
SC 坍塌 tān tā
SC 倒塌 tān tā,dǎo tā
The snow was so heavy last year, the roof of the old house fell in.

fall in with [sb] vi phrasal + prep: (start to associate with)
SC 偶然碰到,偶遇 ǒu rán pèng dào,ǒu yù
TC 偶然碰到
SC 赞同… zàn tóng …
His grades dropped when he fell in with the wrong crowd.

fall in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal (accept: plan, idea)
SC 同意 tóng yì
TC 同意
SC 赞成 tóng yì,zàn chéng
TC 贊成
She is convinced that everyone will fall in with her plan once they understand it.

fall into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be categorized as)
SC 被归类为
SC 属于 shǔ yú
TC 屬於
The reform bill falls into the category of well-intentioned but ultimately misguided projects.

fall off vi phrasal: figurative (decrease)
SC 减少 jiǎn shǎo
TC 減少
SC 降低 jiǎn shǎo ,jiàng dī
TC 降低
Car sales have fallen off during the recession.

fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: (attack)
SC 袭击…
TC 襲擊...
SC 攻击… gōng jī …
The two men fell on their victim as he was walking down the street.

fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (food: eat eagerly) (食物)
SC 扑向… pū xiàng …
TC 撲向...
The man fell on the crust of bread as though he had not eaten for days.

fall on [sb], fall upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (person: greet, embrace)
SC 迎接…
SC 拥抱…
Derek fell upon his brother and they wept with joy at being reunited.

fall on [sb], fall to [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (be the obligation of)
SC 落在…肩上
Responsibility for the project's success or failure ultimately falls on the manager.

fall out vi phrasal: informal (friends: quarrel) (朋友)
SC 争吵,闹翻 zhēng chǎo ,nào fān
They have fallen out and are no longer speaking to each other.

fall out over [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (quarrel because of)
SC 为了…争吵
SC 因为…争吵
Ian and Gavin fell out over a girl and haven't spoken to each other for a month.

fall out vi phrasal: (become detached or lost)
SC 分离出来 fēn lí chū lái
TC 分離出來
SC 掉出来 fēn lí chū lái,diào chū lái
I didn't realise my bag was open; my cell phone fell out and smashed.

fall out vi phrasal: (military: leave ranks) (军队)
SC 解散, 掉队
After the inspection, the soldiers were ordered to fall out.

fall out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep: informal (quarrel with: a friend) (非正式用语)
SC 与…争吵,与…起纠纷 yǔ … zhēng chǎo ,yǔ qǐ jiū fēn
TC 與…爭吵
SC 闹翻 nào fān
If you do not stop gossiping, all your friends are going to fall out with you.

fall over vi phrasal: (person: trip, slip)
SC 滑倒, 绊倒
When the elderly woman fell over in the street, several passers-by rushed to help her.

fall through vi phrasal: informal, figurative (be unsuccessful, come to nothing) (非正式用语)
SC 失败,落空,成为泡影 shī bài,luò kōng,chéng wéi pào yǐng
I thought that the deal would be very profitable for my business, but it fell through at the last minute.

fall to vi phrasal: (begin to eat)
SC 开始吃
TC 開始吃

fall under [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be categorized within)
SC 属于… shǔ yú
TC 屬於...
SC 归入…类

fall under [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (come within control, jurisdiction of)
SC 属于…的管辖范围
SC 归…负责
The crime of desertion falls under the jurisdiction of the military justice system.

fall within [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be classified under)
SC 归为…
TC 歸為...

fall within [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be included in)
SC 在…内 zài … nèi
All of your vital sign readings fall within the normal range for your age.

fallen arches npl: (medicine: foot condition)
SC 足弓下陷,足弓塌陷
Donald is suffering from fallen arches.

fallen angel n: (Christianity) (基督教)
SC 堕落天使 duò luò tiān shǐ
TC 墮落天使
Lucifer is a fallen angel.

fallen angel n: figurative, dated (woman who is no longer virtuous) (指堕落的女人、失去贞洁的女人)
SC 堕落天使 duò luò tiān shǐ
TC 墮落天使
Almost as soon as she got to college she became a fallen angel.

fallen angel n: figurative (finance: failed company) (金融)
SC 不景气的公司
Fallen angels are companies whose stock price has declined to a level below their true value.

fallen woman n: dated, figurative (prostitute)
SC 娼妓,妓女 chāng jì,jì nǚ




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