

单词 walls

wall n: (of a room)
SC 墙 qiáng
SC 墙壁 qiáng,qiáng bì
What do you want to put on this wall?

wall n: (continuous surface) (连续的)
SC 墙,墙壁 qiáng,qiáng bì
In New York City, many walls are covered with graffiti.

wall n: (around a city, property) (城市等周围的)
SC 城墙,围墙 chéng qiáng,wéi qiáng
TC 圍墻
Lugo is beautiful with its preserved walls around the old city.

wall n: (creating passages)
SC 分界物 fēn jiè wù
SC 隔墙 fēn jiè wù,gé qiáng
The walls of the maze were too high for the mouse to see over them.

wall n: (anatomy: abdominal covering) (解剖学)
SC 壁 bì
The walls of his small intestine were weak after his extended illness.

wall n: figurative (obstacle: logistical) (比喻,项目等)
SC 障碍 zhàng ài
TC 障礙
The project ran into a wall when an accident halted production lines.

wall n: (social media) (社交媒体)
SC 信息墙
SC 动态墙
87 of my friends left a birthday message on my wall.

wall [sth] vtr: (erect a wall)
SC 用墙围住 yòng qiáng wéi zhù
TC 用牆圍住
SC 用墙隔开 yòng qiáng wéi zhù,yòng qiáng gé kāi
The Soviets walled off West Berlin.

wall up [sth], wall [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (close off [sth])
SC 封住,封锁,封闭 fēng suǒ,fēng bì
TC 封鎖
The house's new owners walled up the old fireplace.

wall [sth/sb] in, wall in [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep: (enclose)
SC 筑墙围住 zhú qiáng wéi zhù
TC 築牆圍住
He used bricks to wall in the garden.

wall [sth/sb] in, wall in [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (surround)
SC 把...围住
The film star was walled in on all sides by his bodyguards.

wall [sth] off vtr phrasal sep: (separate with wall)
SC 用墙把…隔开
SC 用墙隔断

be like talking to a brick wall v expr: figurative, informal (not be listened to)
SC 对牛弹琴
TC 對牛彈琴
Talking to Esther is like talking to a brick wall; neither one will listen!

brick wall n: (wall made of bricks)
SC 砖墙 zhuān qiáng
Winston Churchill, who laid bricks as a hobby, built a tall brick wall around his house.

cash machine, cash dispenser, hole in the wall n: UK (money dispenser)
SC 提款机 tí kuǎn jī
TC 提款機
I'll have to get some money out of the cash machine before I can go shopping.

cell wall: (biology) (生物学)
SC 细胞壁
TC 細胞壁

chest wall n: (anatomy: covering heart and lungs) (人体)
SC 胸壁

city walls npl: (fortification around a town)
SC 城墙 chéng qiáng

climbing wall n: (sports equipment: wall with grips) (运动器材)
SC 攀岩墙

curtain wall n: (exterior wall) (建筑外墙)
SC 帷幕墙

curtain wall n: (castle: outer wall) (指城堡等)
SC 幕墙
SC 围墙 wéi qiáng
TC 圍墻

dividing wall n: (partition)
SC 分隔墙 fēn gé qiáng
TC 分隔牆
SC 间壁 fēn gé qiáng,jiàn bì
The neighbours are in dispute over the dividing wall between their properties.
The huge bookcase served as a dividing wall between the living room and the dining room.

drive [sb] up the wall v expr: informal, figurative (irritate [sb])
SC 使…大怒 shǐ dà nù

drywall, dry wall, dry-wall n: US (plasterboard)
SC 石膏板
The contractor finally finished putting up the drywall today.

drywall, dry-stone wall, drystone wall n: UK (stone wall built without mortar)
SC 干砌石墙 gān qì shí qiáng
TC 乾砌石牆
The property is surrounded by a drywall.

drywall, dry-wall n as adj: US (for use with drywall)
SC 石膏板的

drywall, dry-wall n as adj: UK (built without mortar)
SC 干砌石墙的 gān qì shí qiáng de

drywall [sth], dry-wall [sth], dry wall [sth] vtr: US (construct using drywall)
SC 用石膏板建
SC 用干砌石墙建
Today we are going to drywall the kitchen.

drywall, dry-wall, dry wall vi: US (construct or install drywall)
SC 装石膏板
SC 砌干砌石墙 qì gān qì shí qiáng
The workers have been drywalling for weeks now.

firewall, fire wall, fire-wall n: figurative (computing: security program) (计算机)
SC 防火墙 fáng huǒ qiáng
TC 防火牆
You may have to disable your firewall to install the program.

firewall, fire wall, fire-wall n: (fireproof wall)
SC 防火墙 fáng huǒ qiáng
TC 防火牆
There's a firewall between every other room in the hotel.

fourth wall: (theater, movies) (戏剧和电影)
SC 第四堵墙

garden wall n: (wall around a garden)
SC 花园围墙

go to the wall v expr: (business: fail) (指生意)
SC 失败 shī bài

go to the wall for [sth] v expr: (stand up for [sth] at all cost to yourself)
SC 为了...不计一切代价

the Great Wall of China, the Great Wall n: (defensive structure in China)
SC 长城 cháng chéng
TC 長城
A lot of people go to China just to see the Great Wall.

have your back to the wall v expr: figurative (be in a difficult situation)
SC 被逼到墙角
SC 陷入绝境

hit a brick wall, hit a wall v expr: figurative, informal (meet an obstacle)
SC 遇到障碍
TC 遇到障礙
SC 遭遇瓶颈
If I hit a brick wall while writing, I find a thirty-minute run helps me to refocus.

hit the wall v expr: figurative (reach a mental or physical limit)
SC 达到极限
The marathon runner's endurance hit the wall around the 20th mile.

hole in the wall n: UK, informal (ATM, cashpoint)
SC 自动取款机,自动柜员机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī,zì dòng guì yuán jī
I need to go to the hole in the wall to get some cash.

hole in the wall n: US, figurative, informal (small unprepossessing place)
SC 小店铺

hole-in-the-wall n as adj: (shop, etc.: small, hard to notice)
SC 狭小的(门店)

off the wall, off-the-wall adj: figurative, informal (unusual, bizarre)
SC 奇怪的 qí guài de
SC 奇异的 qí guài de ,qí yì de
TC 奇異的
SC 诡异的

retaining wall n: (wall preventing landslide)
SC 挡土墙 dǎng tǔ qiáng
TC 擋土牆
SC 挡墙 dǎng tǔ qiáng,dǎng qiáng

rock wall: (wall of stones)
SC 石壁
SC 岩石墙

screw anchor (US), wall plug (UK), Rawlplug ® (UK) n: (small reinforcing rod)
SC 锚定螺栓
TC 錨定螺栓

seawall, sea wall, sea-wall n: (groyne: wave barrier)
SC (海岸)防波堤 hǎi àn fáng bō dī
SC 护岸堤防 hǎi àn fáng bō dī,hù àn dī fáng
SC 海堤 hǎi àn fáng bō dī,hǎi dī

shear wall n: (construction: reinforced wall) (建筑:加筋墙)
SC 剪力墙

stone wall n: (barrier made from stone slabs or blocks)
SC 石墙 shí qiáng
Throughout the ages, people have made stone walls to protect themselves from enemies.

the Wailing Wall, the Western Wall n: (Judaism: sacred wall in Jerusalem) (耶路撒冷的犹太教圣地)
SC 哭墙 kū qiáng
The Wailing Wall is a very holy place for observant Jews.

wall bracket n: (support fitted to a wall)
SC 墙上托架 qiáng shàng tuō jià
TC 牆上托架
During the earthquake the wall brackets failed, dumping a shelf of books on my head.

wall clock n: (timepiece mounted on a wall)
SC 挂钟 guà zhōng
This classroom needs a wall clock so that the teacher can stay on schedule.

wall hanging n: (decorative fabric piece hung on a wall)
SC 墙帷 qiáng wéi
We bought several beautiful wall hangings on our trip to Peru.

wall lamp n: (wall-mounted light)
SC 壁灯 bì dēng
The Victorian home has beautiful wall lamps made of bronze.

wall light n: (lamp set into or hung from a wall)
SC 壁灯 bì dēng

wall painting n: (mural)
SC 壁画 bì huà
The CEO commissioned a wall painting for the reception area.

wall plate n: (construction) (建筑)
SC 壁板,墙板 bì bǎn,qiáng bǎn
The builder fixed the wall plate to the top of the wall.

wall plate n: (cover for electrical outlet)
SC 壁装插座板
These wall plates provide an easy connection for telephones.

wall plug n: (electrical outlet)
SC 墙上插座

wall plug n: (screw fixing) (建筑材料)
SC 墙塞

wall socket n: (electrical power outlet)
SC 壁式插座 bì shì chā zuò
If you have an infant or toddler, it's a good idea to put covers on all the wall sockets.

Wall Street n: (New York financial district)
SC 华尔街 huā ěr jiē
TC 華爾街
He works on Wall Street in New York.

Wall Street n: figurative (New York stock exchange)
SC 华尔街股票交易所 huá ěr jiē gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ
Wall Street greeted the news as evidence that inflation is under control.

wall tile n: (square or slab for covering walls)
SC 墙板 qiáng bǎn
SC 壁面瓷砖

wall-mounted, wall mounted adj: (hung on a wall)
SC 固定在墙上的

wall-to-wall adj: (filling space between walls)
SC 铺满整个地板的
We have wall-to-wall carpeting in our flat.

wall-to-wall adj: figurative (ubiquitous, extensive)
SC 无孔不入的
SC 无处不在的 wú chù bú zài de

wall-to-wall carpet n: (fitted woven floor covering)
SC 铺满整个地板的地毯 pū mǎn zhěng gè dì bǎn de dì tǎn
Every day she vacuumed the wall-to-wall carpet in the foyer.

whitewall, white-wall adj: (tyre: having white sidewalls) (轮胎)
SC 白色胎壁的 bái sè tāi bì de

window wall n: (side of a room that is glass panelled)
SC 窗式幕墙
SC 窗墙




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