

单词 eyelash

US   UK  
eyelash n: usually plural (small hair on eyelid)
SC 睫毛 jié máo
SC 眼睫毛 jié máo,yǎn jié máo
There's an eyelash in my eye and it's really irritating me.

lash n: (whip)
SC 鞭子 biān zi
TC 鞭子
Charles used a lash on the cattle to get them moving.

lash n: (stroke of whip)
SC 鞭打 biān dǎ
SC 抽打 biān dǎ ,chōu dǎ
The criminal was sentenced to five lashes.

lash n: usually plural (eyelash)
SC 眼睫毛 yǎn jié máo
Amy bought some mascara for her lashes.

lash [sb/sth] vtr: (strike with whip)
SC 鞭打 biān dǎ
The guard lashed the criminal in front of a crowd.

lash [sth/sb] vtr: (bind, fasten)
SC 捆住
SC 捆紧
Odysseus asked his crew to lash him to the mast of his ship.

lash n: (impact against [sth]) (风雨)
SC 猛烈击打,猛烈拍击
The lash of the wind against the sails damaged them.

lash vi: figurative (move like whip) (比喻像抽鞭子般)
SC 猛烈冲击,猛打 měng liè chōng jī,měng dǎ
The cat lashed its tail irritably.

lash vi: (impact against) (风雨、波浪)
SC 猛烈击打,猛烈拍击
The waves lashed against the side of the boat.

lash vtr: (strike forcefully)
SC 拍打, 猛击
Waves lashed the cliffs.

lash down vi phrasal: (rain: fall heavily, forcefully)
SC 瓢泼而下
TC 猛然落下
SC 倾盆而下 qīng pén ér xià
TC 傾盆而下

lash out vi phrasal: (try to strike)
SC 猛烈攻击 měng liè gōng jī
TC 猛烈攻擊
Joyce was stroking the cat when it suddenly lashed out.

lash out vi phrasal: figurative (attack verbally)
SC 严责 yán zé
SC 痛斥 yán zé ,tòng chì
TC 痛斥
Ian has a tendency to lash out if he thinks that he is being personally criticized.

lash out vi phrasal: UK, informal (extravagantly spend money)
SC 在…上花很多钱
For our last holiday, we lashed out and booked a posh hotel.

lash out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep: UK, informal (extravagantly spend money on)
SC 大手大脚地在…上花很多钱
For his 50th, James lashed out on a sports car.

lash out against [sb] vi phrasal + prep: (attack verbally)
SC 猛然怒斥 měng rán nù chì
SC 严厉斥责 měng rán nù chì,yán lì chì zé
TC 嚴厲斥責
She bottles up her anger towards her mother and then lashes out against her husband for no reason.

lash out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep: (try to strike)
SC 猛烈攻击 měng liè gōng jī
TC 猛烈攻擊
SC 猛击 měng liè gōng jī,měng jī
Davies suddenly lashed out at his victim, punching Mr. Jackson to the ground.

lash out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (attack verbally)
SC 严责 yán zé
SC 痛斥 yán zé ,tòng chì
TC 痛斥
Adam's always lashing out at everyone.

eyelash yarn n: (fuzzy novelty wool)
SC 睫毛纱线
TC 睫毛紗線
Knitting with eyelash yarn creates a fuzzy or furry fabric.

not bat an eyelash (US), not bat an eyelid (UK) v expr: figurative, informal (be impassive, not react) (比喻,非正式用语)
SC 眼睛都不眨一下
SC 完全没有反应
The defendant didn't bat an eyelid when the prosecutor suggested she had intended to commit murder.




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